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【#英语资源# 导语】生活中总有那么多让你感动的点点滴滴,如果你懂得感恩,你就是幸福的人!©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  One Sunday, I went to Thanksgiving activities, made Thanksgiving cookies and gave them to my mother.

  The teacher gave us a piece of noodles. Let's make cookies and look like we want to do. Don't be too thick, or we won't be cooked. As soon as I got it, I was silly and thought: it's easy to do what I want to do, but don't be too thick and troublesome! I sat and thought, thinking and doing it. I made a round cookie, but it was not round at all. It looked very strange. Another five pointed star was made. After pinching it, it was more than a five pointed star. It became hexagonal and hexagonal. Another shape was made casually. It looked too high and thick, not cooked, and pinched... In short, I came up with countless shapes, pinched many shapes, and denied many shapes. I want to see other people's and get some inspiration from them. At first glance, there are five pointed stars, smiling faces, windmills, villains and... There are all kinds of looks, but I am not inspired at all. Suddenly, an idea came into my mind: how about making cookies volcanic? It's easy to do and blessed. It's easy to do because you pull out a round head on a surface with a round bottom and poke a hole in the round head. The blessing is: I wish my mother as much happiness as a volcanic eruption. Well, now that I've thought about it, I'll start doing it. I did it in the way I wanted. It's not flat, but it doesn't matter, because Yamamoto is not flat; I made a few like this, gave them to the teacher and put them in the oven

  Finally, I gave my mother the biscuits I made to repay my mother's kindness in raising me for nearly ten years. My mother tasted it and said, "well, it's done well!"


  Thanksgiving, also known as Turkey Day, is an ancient festival created by the American people. It is also a festival for families to get together in the United States. In the United States, Thanksgiving is like China's Spring Festival. Thanksgiving dinner is a very important meal for Americans in a year, just like China's big meal. Turkey and pumpkin pie are essential dishes at dinner. In addition, there are many celebrations, and people will help the poor.

  My parents often tell me to be a grateful person. Be grateful for what you have and for what others give. Gratitude is the great wisdom in life. I want to be a wise man.

  Today, I want to thank my mother. Thank you for taking care of me for so long. You worked hard!

  I want to thank my grandpa, thank you for always accompanying me, I love you!

  I want to thank my grandmother. Thank you for cooking delicious food for me every week. Your food is really delicious!

  I want to thank my father. Thank you for taking me into the world of badminton and taking me to training every week! Also gave me a pair of beautiful football shoes, thank you!

  I would also like to thank all teachers and students for your tireless teaching and considerate care. I would also like to thank the students who have brought me fun!


  Thanksgiving is an American holiday. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November every year. Thanksgiving is to thank God for the harvest and thank others for their help.      At Thanksgiving, I want to thank my parents, because they raised me hard, gave me a lot of delicious food, and sent me to primary school. I want to do something for my parents at the weekend. It's a Thanksgiving gift to make them relaxed.

  After breakfast on a sunny Sunday morning, I said to my mother, "you've worked hard, let me wash the dishes." I washed the dishes, bowls, spoons and chopsticks. Although the water was cold and my sleeves were wet, I was very happy. Mom praised me, too. In order to surprise my mother on Thanksgiving, I also made a beautiful greeting card for my mother with colored cardboard. The card says: I wish my mother a long life and more than every year. Thank mom for raising me so big and healthy. I will repay you. Wish mom a happy Thanksgiving. I gave the card to my mother, and her smile floated on her cheek. Although my mother was very tired, when she saw the greeting card made by my baby, she happily picked me up, kissed me and said, "thank you for making greeting cards for me and helping me with housework. My mother is also very grateful to have a lovely and sensible son like you."

  Thanksgiving let me know that I should have a grateful heart, thank my elders for raising me, thank my teachers for teaching me knowledge, and thank my friends for playing with me.


  Today, I went to school with my schoolbag on my back. As soon as I entered the classroom, I saw some greeting cards on the teacher's desk. Suddenly, Xu Zhaowen in front of me said, "did you bring a greeting card to the teacher?" I said, "what holiday is today?" Xu Zhaowen said, "today is Thanksgiving." I said, "Oh, I don't know." Xu Zhaowen said, "remember later!" I said, "well." although I didn't send a greeting card to the teacher, But I silently thank the teacher in my heart: thank the teacher for cultivating me and letting me learn a lot of knowledge; Thank the teacher for loving me, let me know how to be a man, let me know what is mutual love and respect.

  As soon as I came home from school in the afternoon, I hugged my mother and father and said, "happy holidays, mom and Dad!" my mother said, "what holiday is today?" I said, "today is Thanksgiving. Thank my parents for raising me. I want to love my parents as much as my parents love me." my mother said excitedly: "Oh, today is Thanksgiving. My son has really grown up and knows how to be grateful." his mother said, "we should thank a lot of people." Yes, I thank nature for giving us a living environment, the great motherland for giving us a warm everyone, the hard teachers for educating us to grow up, and my dear classmates for growing up with me


  Teacher, everyone says that you are cultivating the pillars of the motherland; But I want to say, you are the pillar of the motherland. It is you who support the backbone of our generation!

  I remember when I was in the third grade, I was very familiar with the classroom environment, teachers and students. However, in class, knowing the answer, I always hesitated, my heart beat like a drum, and didn't dare to raise my hand. Aware of you, you gave me an encouraging look and seemed to say to me, "Zhan Yi, don't be afraid. Raise your hand and try. It doesn't matter if you answer wrong!"

  It was your loving eyes that gave me calm courage. I immediately raised my hand to answer the question. Although my answer was incomplete, you still smiled at me and encouraged me. It is you who have trained me again and again, making me a part of actively raising my hands and competing for speeches with my classmates!

  That day, I was listless and sleepy in class. You asked me if I was ill? Is it hard? Do you want to see a doctor... When I get well, will you ask if I'm better? It is your meticulous care for me, moistening my young heart like spring rain, making me feel another family affection. Looking at you, I really want to say: "thank you, teacher, mother!"

  In the future, whether I become a towering tree or a low shrub, I will bless you with the green of life - my teacher and mother!


  "Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself." this song sounded from my ear again, reminding me of my mother.

  My mother is an ordinary person, but as a child, I am still very grateful to her, because only I know her pain. My mother is short and thin, which can be said to be as thin as a firewood. So, of course, she is not in good health, not to mention that in such a family, for the sake of children and this family, she has to do those difficult things, go out early and return late. Every week when I get home, I just cook dinner and wait for my mother's return. As soon as she comes back, she does her best to work hard, and doesn't forget to give me a smile and ask me about my school situation, I never hide anything from her. For good things, she will laugh more happily. For bad things, she won't do anything. She just wants me to make persistent efforts and don't give up. Some nights, I will quarrel and insist on sleeping with her, and she reluctantly accepts it, because my mother likes to sleep alone. When I sleep with her, she tells me some general principles of life and how to be a man, Sometimes, I sing some songs, hum some songs, or tell her stories when she was a child. When I listen to them, I will also cry. My mother never tells others about her pain, but hides it in her heart and "enjoys" alone. In a word, whose children don't think their parents are great and don't like their parents. After all, they raise us, Should we think about the love that gives us life and asks for nothing in return at all costs? Thank you! I am very grateful to my parents, especially my mother.


  As the saying goes: "the kindness of a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring." my parents are not good to me overnight, because only my parents will understand me, understand me and teach me. I will never forget the kindness of my parents' upbringing.

  Once I was naughty. Jumping up and down injuries are inevitable. Every time I get hurt, my mother will take good care of me. In order to take care of me, my mother was so tired and sweaty that she had no complaints. Since I was born and babbled, I heard what my mother said when she cared about me every day.

  Once I was ignorant. It was my mother who taught me to write the first word. It was my mother who taught me to take the first step. It was my mother who told me to say "father, mother" for the first time. In order to teach me well, the angel like mother added a few annoying white hair and a few eye-catching wrinkles. However, every time, the kind mother would still laugh.

  Once I was capricious. In order not to let me indulge in the Internet and rely on my parents, my mother racked her brains to think of many ways to enlighten my thoughts, guide me to self-reliance, and let me regain my confidence and learn well. It is because of my mother that I can have today. It is because of my mother that I can have today's achievements.

  Poor parents all over the world! My mother sheltered me from the wind and rain with her tired body. And I want to reach out to my mother, let the big hand hold the small hand, step through happiness and feel maternal love!


  Thanksgiving is coming. First of all, I want to thank my parents who gave birth to me and raised me, and then I want to thank the teachers who taught me to train me.

  Today, I would like to thank my extracurricular go teacher. When I was eight years old, I was encouraged in the "June 1" children's go competition for the first time. Since then, I have established my determination to play chess and made me fall in love with go. I took Mr. Bailey as my teacher. Under his careful teaching, I gradually learned to eat, layout and finish... From a blind "layman" to a strong amateur 4-stage small chess player, and won many awards in many competitions. I remember that I won the city's promotion competition and the sixth and eighth champions, the second place in the province's "Linchuan evening news Cup" and the sixth place in the International Shanghai Invitational Competition. These hard won achievements are the credit of the go teacher's hard education. How can I forget your education?

  In the future, I want to thank you for your training with practical actions. The ancients said well: one day as a teacher, one life as a father, and the kindness of dripping water should be rewarded by the brave spring. *** Never let your mentor down.


  People's life is short and beautiful. We should be grateful and learn to be grateful. I am grateful to many people, including my parents, grandparents and my dear teachers.

  I want to thank my parents, who are awesome for me and earn money for me to go to school. You accompany me when I am sick. Although sometimes scold me, I know it's for my good. I know you love me most in the world, so I must study hard and don't let you down.

  I also want to thank my grandparents for taking care of me when my parents go out to work. You pick me up at school, cook for me, and find me a cram school for my study. One winter it snowed and you slipped twice. Since then, your waist has become worse and worse. Your body is getting worse year by year. Thank you for taking care of me for many years.

  Finally, I would also like to thank my teacher. You teach us knowledge, encourage us to study hard and teach us how to be a man. If someone of us is ill, the teacher is the first person who cares about us. We see the teacher's love for us. I also know that every time the teacher beats and scolds us, there is a reason. That is because we have made mistakes for our good. Sometimes teachers leave us to give us lectures and comments, tell us where we are wrong and why we are wrong, and then remember the correct ones. Teachers often correct our homework overnight. Teachers devote your precious time to us. I will study well and live up to the expectations of teachers.

  Thanksgiving is a virtue, thanksgiving let me know how to cherish, thanksgiving let me feel happy, thank you for always being by my side.


  I want to thank my parents for giving me life and nurturing my growth. Although my parents are sometimes fierce to me, and even pull down their face and hit me, I know that my parents are all for my good.

  I remember once, when I was concentrating on watching TV, my mother came over and scolded loudly, "I know to watch TV all day and do my homework well?" I stared at my mother and said, "you don't care about my affairs." my mother was so angry that she immediately picked up a thin and long bamboo pole and beat it down at me. Suddenly, I felt a burning pain, so I cried loudly and rushed into my room. I looked at the blood red scars, and tears kept rolling from my face to the back of my hands.

  At night, I was sleeping. I heard someone walking into the room and squinted. My mother was looking down at the back of my hand hurt by a bamboo pole and helped me tidy up the quilt. After my mother left, my tears came out of my eyes. Thinking in my heart: my mother is for my good, I still treat her like that

  Since then, I stopped contradicting my mother and took the initiative to help my parents do some small things within my ability, such as washing dishes, sweeping the floor, cleaning the table and so on. And tell them something interesting happened in our school. I think this should be called gratitude. Let's treat life with a grateful heart and treat everyone who loves us.

