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【#英语资源# 导语】在生活、工作和学习中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  This book was written in the 1930s. The war and chaos of the times still continued in China. Under foreign aggression, ancient China was forced to undergo a change from feudal system to capitalist form, and the traditional moral model was forced to the verge of collapse. Although dross has been criticized, its inheritable parts are also falling apart, and the boundary between justice and evil begins to blur.

  In such a turbulent era, the existence of individuals is almost meaningless, and all wills are ruthlessly crushed. Shen Congwen was born in the fierce folk custom of Western Hunan, but his character is fragile and sensitive.

  He is clearly aware of the hidden worries behind the revolutionary fanaticism, and reveals the feeling of confusion and difficulty in adapting in his works.

  Therefore, he replaced painting with pen, "with his unique ideological understanding and artistic expression, he drew a magnificent picture of Chinese social life in the second decade of this century".

  The kind of "beautiful, healthy, natural and not contrary to human nature" in the works urges the author to take the special border of Western Hunan as the foundation for building a "Temple" of goodness and beauty. As Shen Congwen's masterpiece, border town has a bumpy fate. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, Shen Congwen has been criticized by the left-wing cultural circles. The important evidence is that he took "border city" as the representative work. However, after his death, "border city" as Shen Congwen's representative work has re established its position in modern Chinese literature.

  In the lamentable tragedy, the fate is capricious.


  I like the name Shen Congwen and the border town written by Shen Congwen.

  In Shen Congwen's works, this is a magnificent and warm world described by human nature. Human nature here is true, good and beautiful. The beauty of human nature and human feelings radiated by everyone create this world. There is no sin, fraud and greed here; There are differences between the rich and the poor and social status, but they all love each other and help each other; There are contradictions here, but it is by no means a conflict between good and evil. The ending of the novel is sad, but it is not done by evil. In a clear, beautiful but somewhat sad pastoral song, it makes an appropriate explanation for human love. In such a beautiful text, we can feel a natural, beautiful and healthy human nature that seems strange to us, and a life form that is as dignified and true as nature itself.

  When reading it, the heart is quiet, the soul is clear, the moved heart is real pain, but it is full of the deepest longing. In this era of rapid pace of life and violent collision of ideas, the relationship between people is becoming more and more tense and fragile, and love is lack of tact; Love each other with purpose and ideas. Suddenly very sad. Are modern people really smart and happy? No. Isn't it another kind of sadness that technology can speed up our communication, but fade our mutual cherished feelings?


  "Cuicui", the heroine of "border town", is a pure and beautiful incarnation of the beautiful soul here in "border town"; "Grandpa" old boatman is a simple and kind but stubborn old man. He is proud of Cuicui's beauty. In order for Cuicui to marry a good family, he ignores his poverty and lowliness, and his heart is sad, worried and confident. "Shun Shun", a former anti armour and exile officer in the Qing Dynasty, rented some savings to operate wooden boats, which was prosperous and free and easy because of his generosity.

  His two sons, the "elder" and the "second elder", were educated by his father's Jianghu style, rowed in the waves, wrestled and tempered, and became smart and handsome young people like "yueyun" in the Jianghu.

  After the competition of crossing the river or "catching ducks", the old man lost. The old man was unwilling and would never give up the competition with the second old man. The old man took people's money and killed the second old man. From then on, the second old man died.

  The old man is greedy and kills his own brother. Remember that there is a saying: "greedy people come to no good end."


  Finish reading "border town" in one breath. In such a quiet and snowy afternoon, guided by a gentle and gentle hand of the South and a look as faint as the stars, through 70 years of time and space, we walked into the ancient "tea cave" in Western Hunan, approached a river and white tower, approached an old man on a ferry, approached a girl born with crystal purity, and approached a clever, loyal and humane yellow dog

  I know that it is Shen Congwen's world and a piece of local land that he dreams of. One year on a trip, I also went to the small town in Western Hunan with misty water. I skimmed over the green mountains, green water, black tiles, yellow walls and stilted buildings there like a dragonfly, and tasted the long lost peace and humidity. However, it is not profound, which is far from what this thin book gives me!

  Closing the book, an inexplicable emotion wrapped me quickly like snow and fog, but I couldn't tell what it was. It seemed that it was the "thin desolation" that appeared repeatedly in the book, and it didn't seem to be, but it hit me very accurately. As a vulgar person armed with "modern civilization" to the teeth, I had to be sad and think: the lowliness of life, simple love, the brilliance of human nature, plain years, mysterious fate God's will, pain and joy, pursuit and loss... Kind people, in fact, they don't want much! People always have to stick to something! Whether it's suffering or happiness, whether it's water or dry, whether it's weight-bearing or easy, you have to taste the ups and downs one by one. Be calm and calm, and quietly take away the life assigned to you by the creation. There is no need to complain whether it is bitter or sweet. In the ordinary world, no matter what has happened or is happening, the dusk is still gentle, beautiful and calm.


  After reading "border town", I can't calm down for a long time. Those plain, simple and beautiful words, the pure and beautiful love that has to end in tragedy.

  In the bustling town, everyone is happy. They get along with each other in a simple and kind way. They are willing to help others but don't ask for anything in return. Even in the face of love, they should be humble. The three Dragon Boat Festival stories, beautiful and simple Cuicui, have strengthened her determination to love with actions and words. Poor grandfather was always worried that she would follow her mother's old path and would not tell her the truth. Things are changeable. There are too many accidental factors. We can neither predict beauty nor change the facts. Every chance and coincidence will often change our lives and make us fall into unpredictable events unknowingly.

  While lamenting the beauty of human nature of people in border cities, I also feel the turbidity of modern life. The old boatman of the ferry doesn't charge money for the transition. Cuicui's simplicity and cleverness, Nuo's kindness and simplicity, and shunshun's generosity are rare in modern society. However, there is also a despicable and selfish side of human nature. Shunshun and the second elder don't want Cuicui, who indirectly killed the eldest, to marry the second elder and make the old boatman die on a rainy night. Cuicui, who doesn't know the cause and effect, watches the ferry alone!

  By the white tower in the border city, the beautiful sunshine guards the lonely girl. Life may be full of unknowns, and all we can do is wait


  "Border town" tells a sad and moving story. It has no soul stirring plot or heart rending moving scene, but it is delicate and true. It describes a simple human past, but reveals the yearning simple folk customs, like a soft silk thread that affects a corner of your heart.

  The human feelings in the border town are also like water, flowing in thin water, but they are not as colorless and tasteless as water, but as clear and pure as the rivers in Western Hunan. While reading, I felt the fragrance of human nature. Cuicui and her grandfather guard the ferry together, depend on each other and care for each other. Grandpa, a strong old man, also has the kindness that every old man has. He worries about Cuicui's future, but never tells her his troubles. He just locks his brow and undertakes it alone.

  I can't help feeling that the moon is full and clear, people have joys and sorrows, and the outcome may not be satisfactory, but I can't help being moved by the love between grandparents and grandchildren, the friendship between brothers, and the feelings between men and women. One side of soil and water nourishes one side of people, and such a group of people with simple and beautiful hearts are bred in this leisurely land.


  After reading the border town, only a piece of green is left in my mind. That kind of green is different from the steady and thick dark green written by oil painters and the light brushwork in ink painting. It is a pure and transparent green, which is shiny and glittering. It seems that it can breathe out fragrant water vapor out of thin air, and it seems that the aura of heaven and earth contained in plants and trees are rushing to my face.

  It must be that Mr. Shen can't forget the lushness of his hometown, so he gave the heroine the same beautiful name - Cuicui. Cuicui is like a dexterous embroidered silk in front of baijuan. Her dark and shiny braids reveal the breath of youth. As soon as she jumped, a lush forest appeared on baijuan. As soon as she smiled, an exquisite stilted building appeared on baijuan. The farther she went, the more scenes on baijuan. When she picked up the ancient 'paddle', the panorama of a border city in Western Hunan jumped in front of readers.

  It starts with emotion and ends with ceremony. Cuicui's love seems to come to an abrupt end. When will the figure of that elegant young man reappear on the ferry year after year? Death builds an invisible bridge. Can lovers separated by the bridge reunite? Year after year, Cuicui, who has been waiting for her, doesn't know the smoothness of the marriage. If you come back, love conquers death. If you don't, then sin is higher than emotion after all. No matter what the outcome is, the people in Chadong live sincerely. They are worthy of heaven and earth and have no regrets for themselves. They are simple and noble.


  "Border town" is like an indifferent flute song, rolling through my mind, leaving a touch of desolation and sadness. I was not an emotional person, but in this gloomy and rainy day, because of this simple story, I had the impulse to cry.

  I remember a saying that the beauty of tragedy lies in its deformity. That's what border town is like.

  "This person may never come back, maybe 'tomorrow'", the end of the model seems to give some hope, but it is also like a comfort to Cuicui. It reads a little sad and helpless.

  Closing the page, I couldn't help thinking that if there was no storm, if Grandpa wasn't so dull, if the old man didn't die, if Cuicui took the initiative, even if the story happened in this era, then she should be happy now. Or, with those ifs, Cuicui is not the original Cuicui, and the border city is not this border city.

  At the end of the article, the white tower that fell in the storm was rebuilt again, which seems to tell readers that although many things lost in the storm can no longer come back, the living people still have to continue to live after the storm.


  After reading "border town", I was shocked by those simple but no lack of earthly human nature. The beautiful scenery and water life are not what a small village should have. In this, there are many social shadows, which is not important.

  The place where I live is similar to this, but a little different. In this article, Cuicui's grandfather found that his granddaughter had grown up when he was 70 years old. I don't know whether there are granddaughters or grandchildren with him in my village. In this small village, there are more old people than young people, and children go to school in the city. Whenever the morning sun shines into the low old house, the old people come out and leave in front of me. Wang Wei's "lonely smoke in the desert" is bleak, but whenever the smoke curls up in the village, it is better than the sadness of the desert scene, because here, there are only silent days, no passion and no future. The old people count the days with each other as soon as they meet. Those who have no wife still laugh and will accompany her (him) in a few days, and the scenery of dusk is also stained with dusk. The old people's pipes rose with the cooking smoke. One day, the old man was ill and hospitalized, and the children came back from the city. The old man who had endless words could only sigh at that time. What's the use of talking too much? Don't be a burden to children.

  This small village sometimes talks and laughs, but it's just like a silent drop of spring water falling in the valley. It's like drinking a bowl of muddy and strong wine and blocking my throat. When I can't speak, I touch the endless but merciless life.


  When Mr. Shen Congwen's masterpiece border town was selected into the middle school textbook, I had some feelings in the process of reading and teaching.

  Is "border town" writing "Peach Blossom Land"? The author said no, some said no, others said yes. First of all, the characters in "border town" have existed in that place, which is not a paradise of peach blossoms; In addition, the tragic ending of "border town" is not what Taohuayuan should have. So, I don't think it's Taohuayuan.

  What is border town writing? story? Character? environment The author said that he was writing a simple and valuable human nature, which was not limited to the environment, stories and characters. In fact, no matter what kind of environment, stories and characters are changed, this simple and valuable life is what we need. This is the value of border town.

  Why did the author write "border town"? The author said that due to the contrast of the metropolis, the border city is the life corresponding to the metropolis. In fact, we know that people in border cities also have joys and sorrows, which is the same as that in metropolises. The author does not write border cities as perfect. However, we would rather bear the pain of nature than live a distorted happiness. This is also the attraction of border town.

