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【#英语资源# 导语】中秋节以月之圆兆人之团圆,为寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,成为丰富多彩、弥足珍贵的文化遗产。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Do you know what festival we eat moon cakes? Yes, it's the Mid Autumn Festival.

  Before the Mid Autumn Festival, there was a legend: a long time ago, there were 10 suns. Because the weather was too hot, the river was dry, and the vegetables planted by the farmers were exhausted. People prayed every day that it would be nice if one person could shoot down 10 suns. One day, a man with a bow and arrow stood there and shot down nine suns. Because the last one was too far away, he missed.

  Later, people heard that the man who shot the sun was called Hou Yi, so the story of Hou Yi shooting the sun was spread all over the world, and everyone went to visit him. Later, he also had a wife named Chang'e. Chang'e is a kind, hardworking and gentle woman, and I love her very much later. Once, the emperor sent someone to invite Hou Yi to fight, but he could only go alone. Later, he was also worried about Chang'e, so he went up to the mountain to ask the queen mother for help. The queen mother gave Hou Yi a pill and told him that Chang'e could eat it when there was a crisis.

  Hou Yi gave the ball to Chang'e and explained the whole story clearly, but his disciples heard it. The next day, Hou Yi left, and the disciple forced Chang'e to hand over the pills. Chang'e was so afraid that she ate the pills and flew to the moon. Hou Yi came back and found Chang'e had left. He was very sad. In order to commemorate Chang'e, Hou Yi put Chang'e's favorite grapes and biscuits on the table, one of which was moon cake. Therefore, on the mid autumn festival every year, people will enjoy the moon and eat cakes, which means that people who pray and miss are reunited.

  Listening to my mother's story, I think today is a very meaningful Mid Autumn Festival. This mid autumn festival let me know some knowledge about the Mid Autumn Festival.

  It's late at night, and the moon is gradually rising. My mother took my hand and walked home happily


  When I was a child, I looked forward to the Mid Autumn Festival, because in the Mid Autumn Festival, I looked forward to sharing my lanterns with the children in the whole street and eating moon cakes. But now I want to eat with my family and sit down and talk about everything.

  The moon came up quietly, like a silver plate, inlaid in the deep blue night sky. The moonlight was quietly scattered, and the whole world seemed to be immersed in a silver ocean. The colorful life of people under the moonlight is like an elegant and graceful moonlight sonata. The moonlight was quietly scattered on the ground, and the whole world was covered with a layer of silver light, which felt like a thin yarn. The moon passed through the clouds and scattered the moonlight on the road, which seemed to be paved with silver. He also reflected the moonlight on the water, and when the wind blew at night, the river was sparkling.

  At this time, the whole family sat around on the roof of the building to worship the moon god, indicating that the whole family was reunited, and everyone sat together and talked about everything happily. After offering the moon god, you can eat moon cakes.

  Looking at the story of Chang'e on the moon, I can't help wandering in my mind. In ancient times, there was a beautiful legend of Chang'e and Chang'e running to the moon. Today, there is a human feat of landing on the moon. The moon is still the object of people's homesickness. How many times did ancient poets mention the moon in their poems, such as "looking up at the bright moon and looking down at their hometown". I don't know how many people lament the beauty of the moon! The moon is always bright and high.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is romantic. He tactfully conveys the colors of the whole autumn. Even a small stone seems to become particularly exquisite and lovely under the moonlight, because the moonlight comes from the Mid Autumn Festival.

  "The bright moon in front of my bed is suspected to be the frost on the ground. I look up at the bright moon and look down at my hometown." thinking of this poem has accompanied me into a sweet dream.


  When I was a child, I read a poem "water melody songs". What I remember most is the last few sentences: "I hope people can live long and share the beautiful scenery." Because I think these poems have a deep memory! He expressed his sincere wishes for his family members and revealed Su Shi's open-minded and optimistic feelings.

  In our eyes, the Mid Autumn Festival symbolizes reunion, happiness and joy.

  Every Mid Autumn Festival, the wandering children who are busy will return to their warm little home, go to enjoy the beautiful moonlight of the Mid Autumn Festival with their brothers, parents and friends, taste the thick wine and food, and talk about the topic of home. What a pleasant thing!

  The Mid Autumn Festival is the season of harvest. Miss Qiu walks with her fruitful steps, which fills people with the joy of harvest.

  As usual, my mother would go to the supermarket to buy many kinds of moon cakes for us to eat, but I think even the most delicious and expensive moon cakes would have no taste. A family of three people sitting around a round table eating round moon cakes, and occasionally looking at each other and smiling, may be extremely happy! This kind of happiness, I believe, will never be forgotten even if we are in a different place, or if we are separated from each other!

  This year's Mid Autumn Festival, my friends and I did a very meaningful thing to accompany those lonely old people to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival! Because I think that it is not only necessary to be with your closest relatives during the Mid Autumn Festival, but also a pleasure to help others. I bought moon cakes and apples with them. We were all very happy to see those old grandparents and old ladies. It seems that he treats us as his children. Kiss and be warm!

  This is the Mid Autumn Festival in my eyes!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival.

  As soon as I woke up in the morning, I heard two people talking outside. One of them seemed to belong to our old yuan. I opened the door and saw that dad was back. I happily threw myself into his arms and patted his stomach. Dad's stomach is still as big as last time, and it hasn't changed at all.

  At noon, we went to grandma's house for dinner, and dad cooked. My father is worthy of being a cook. The food he cooked is really delicious. There are Coke chicken wings, beer duck, steamed bass, steamed hairy crab, braised ribs, and shredded potatoes. Everything is delicious and makes people salivate.

  Although Coke chicken wings look black, they are very delicious. This black sauce is the embodiment of coke. I ate four Coke chicken wings alone. The meat of steamed crab is very tender. If you stick the crab meat with ginger and vinegar, the taste will be more delicious. Don't mention sweet and sour spareribs. This dish has always been my favorite. The meat is sweet, tender, and some are a little chewy. It's so delicious.

  At nine o'clock in the evening, our family took moon cakes and some fruits and sat on the bench in the community to enjoy the moon. A bright moon rose in the dark sky. Beside the moon, there are several bright stars. Because of the small stars, the moon looks brighter and more beautiful. The whole night sky is beautiful.

  Our family enjoyed the moon and ate delicious moon cakes at the same time.


  Seeing the round moon, I thought of a saying: "the mid autumn moon is full, and people are reunited." I think I am very, very happy, at least my home is still reunited.

  When I think of reunion, I think of my grandmother's situation when they were children. It's really terrible -- Mom and dad should protect them from the enemy. However, in some areas, such as Iraq, their children have been seriously attacked. On this full moon Mid Autumn Festival, those innocent children who were attacked by the enemy can't be reunited with their families. They can only starve and suffer in dangerous places. As the saying goes, "people have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs." Since today's moon is round, today's people are also united. However, the war threatens those children, leaving them without food and clothing. Every day, they escape from the gunfire and the darkness. In the light of the full moon, members of every happy family are wearing bright smiles, while those children struggling in the dark are wearing panic and fear. Compared with them, I am a hundred times happier, but I don't cherish this happy time.

  Today's society needs peace, peace and peace. As long as there is peace and as long as the world coexists peacefully, I firmly believe that the future will be warm.

  Tonight, the moon is shining and the family is reunited. The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again! In the evening, we gathered at Grandpa's house to enjoy the moon. After eating grandma's delicious meal of delicacies, flavors and flavors, we chatted and watched TV together in the living room. While our children are playing happily or playing video games. I can do whatever I want. I'm so happy.


  I always look forward to festivals like the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival... But what I most hope for is the Mid Autumn Festival, which always reminds me of a warm memory

  Early on the morning of August 15, grandma felt that the supermarket had bought a large box of moon cakes, and my sister stared at me greedily, eager to grab them and swallow them. Unfortunately, I can only watch grandma put it on the top of the cabinet, and I really experienced the painful feeling of "seeing but not touching".

  The waiting is always so long. After several hours, we finally saw that the curtain of darkness shrouded the sky. Our family sat on the balcony and waited for the most important moment today - watching the moon. The mischievous stars twinkled and twinkled, and a group of hazy light came out from behind the clouds, which was so charming. "The moon is coming out!" My mother smiled and pointed to the sky. Everyone's eyes stared at the sky without blinking. The hazy light was bright bit by bit, revealing a jade like face, and a faint cloud shrouded the moon. The earth is bathed in a piece of bright moonlight, which tells its praise to the moon in the language of purple Tianlan sunflower. The night is quiet and warm, and the gentle wind seems to worship the moon. What a beautiful moon! Everyone was stunned. No one spoke, and no one broke the quiet atmosphere.

  "Eat moon cakes!" Grandma called, and my sister and I "grabbed" a piece and tasted it beautifully. Grandma hugged us and told us ancient folk stories such as Chang'e running to the moon and Wu Gang cutting osmanthus. Eating moon cakes while listening to stories was the sweetest taste of happiness in childhood.

  These memories always warm me. Often in my dreams, I dream of the beautiful moon, that magical legend, and it seems that my mouth is still filled with the strong fragrance of moon cakes. For a long time, I don't want to disperse


  On the Mid Autumn Festival, no matter where people are, they will come home to have a family reunion on this day.

  In the golden autumn, the cool wind was blowing and it was getting dark early. After dinner, our family went for a walk in Beihai. Because it's the Mid Autumn Festival, you can enjoy the moon by boat in the park. The palace lights on the bank shine particularly bright on the water. There are many boats. Without the excitement of the day, they all stop on the water. It seems that they can't bear to break the silence. When I sit on the boat, I can see the moon when I look up. It seems to be very close to us. The big, round moon is hidden in the clouds and flickers. The soft moonlight is sprinkled on the water, and a hazy moon is reflected in the water. With the ups and downs of the water, the moon in the water is also gently shaking, as smooth as silk. I gently rowed the boat to get to the middle of the moon, but when I got to it, the moon scattered, which made me think of monkeys fishing for the moon. Ha ha, how interesting!

  After getting off the boat and walking on the path, tourists came and went. At night, the air is humid, the grass emits fragrance, and the nine dragon wall is brightly lit. On the dark bank at night, it looks resplendent. The white tower opposite is also lit. The dazzling light sets off the white tower. The tower body is surrounded by an aperture and emits mysterious colors. Viewed from a distance, it is crystal clear and spotless, like a night pearl inlaid in the night sky. How beautiful!

  The Mid Autumn Festival is also a reunion festival. It's really a beautiful thing to eat round moon cakes, watch the round moon, and have a family reunion!

  Here I wish everyone a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


  Do you know what festival it is today? Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. It's very lively here today. Except for the heavy rain in the morning, when we went out today, the streets were full of people celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival. Do you know how my mid autumn festival is celebrated? Our family left early this morning, and I haven't slept enough? We drove to my grandmother's house early in the morning. We bought the moon cakes and rushed to my grandmother's house. As soon as we arrived, my grandmother took good care of me and my parents.

  In the evening, our grandmother would tell me and my sister stories. Our grandmother said: "it is said that there was a man named Wu Gang in the Moon Palace. He was from Xihe in the Han Dynasty. He followed the immortal to practice Taoism. When he reached the celestial world, he made a mistake. The immortal demoted him to the Moon Palace. Every day, in front of the Moon Palace, he cut down laurel trees to show punishment. They grow luxuriantly. They are more than 500 feet high. Every time they cut down, they will close up immediately. Do you still want to hear that?" My sister and I said we wanted to hear it, and grandma came down and told us about it. Grandma said that in ancient times, there was a man named Hou Yi, who used to have ten suns, which made people too hot, so he shot down nine suns. One man gave Hou Yi a package of immortality medicine, and Hou Yi gave it to his wife Chang'e, but his servants knew it and took advantage of his descendants to go hunting. She came in with a knife and said to Chang'e, give him the immortality. Chang'e ate the immortality herself in an emergency. After taking the elixir, Chang'e's body became lighter and ran to the moon. Since then, the descendants can only look at Chang'e on the earth.

  We ate moon cakes at the end.


  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. My parents bought me new clothes and shoes, as well as a lot of moon cakes and food.

  That night, we sat on the balcony, enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes, because we heard my brother say that the moon today is the roundest.

  After a while, my brothers and sisters all came and bought a lot of food. We sat down and ate. We had fun while eating. We ate a lot of moon cakes, and when our stomachs were full, we didn't eat any.

  Then our younger brothers and sisters also came. They brought fireworks and fruit in their hands. We rushed to pick up the fireworks. The fruit was snatched by our younger brothers and sisters, so we had to play with fireworks instead of eating fruit. We play with fireworks, which are skyrocketing. Only my brother and sister can play. My brother lights the lead. We are all looking forward to the fireworks soaring into the sky. When we hear the sound of "sending", the fireworks shoot from the ground to the sky and explode from the sky. They are very beautiful and colorful.

  After we finished shooting all the fireworks, we played a game of hide and seek. We punched and caught whoever lost. Later, my brother caught me. I hid behind my father's car. My brother began to count. "Three," "two," and "one." I looked left and right. My brother jumped out and caught me. We played for a while and then stopped playing.

  Later, my brothers and sisters all went back, and I also slept. In bed, I recalled this day. I was very happy, very happy!


  Today is a new August 15th, commonly known as "Mid Autumn Festival." "we can eat moon cakes. "But what are the fillings of moon cakes?" "There are: Wuren stuffing, egg yolk stuffing, mung bean stuffing, pumpkin stuffing, and sweet corn stuffing! Even if you talk about moon cake stuffing for three days and three nights, you can't finish talking about jaw dislocation, tongue cramping, dry mouth and noisy tongue." If you want to reunite with people who don't like you very much today, it's really a piece of cake for Zhang Fei to eat bean sprouts. A plate of moon cakes can do it. Don't mistakenly think I'm selling moon cakes, actually I am! Just kidding. Don't get angry.

  Having finished the filling of the moon cake, let's talk about the patterns on the moon cake. "There are osmanthus on it. Chang'e (Chang'e, also known as meng'e, is the wife of Hou Yi in ancient Chinese mythology. In order not to let the" Immortality medicine "fall into the hands of bad people, she took the" Immortality medicine "and went up to heaven to become a fairy). Hou Yi. Wu Gang cut down laurel trees and so on. "

  After finishing the patterns on the moon cakes, let me talk about Chang'e's pet, the jade rabbit. I believe everyone knows that the jade rabbit is Chang'e's favorite. But Marshal Tianpeng was "beaten" to heaven because he liked Chang'e. The jade rabbit is not much different from the rabbit, only a God and a mortal; One can only become a person, the other can't. But the jade rabbit has a unique skill, that is, making medicine. The jade rabbit uses a jade pestle, which can not be damaged even if you hit your head and bleed.

  Well, I want to reunite with my family. I eat moon cakes. admire the full moon. Watch the Mid Autumn Festival party. See you later, moon spirit.
