
时间:2022-09-09 23:48:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】我国有五千年的悠久历史,自然有很多古老的传统节日,中秋节就是其中一个。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. Our family went to grandma's house for the festival and bought moon cakes, Baijiu, fruits and snacks. When we walked into the village, we saw from a distance that Grandma had already stood at the door of our house and waved to us. Grandma was very happy to see our family. After a while, the aunt and uncle's family also came. Grandpa was busy cooking, grandma, mom and aunt were helping with ordering, serving and cleaning the table, and my sister and I were playing games at the same time. We were very happy.

  After a period of time, dad called us to eat. Before we got close to the room, we smelled the fragrance. We could not help drooling. When we got closer, we found a table full of delicious food: pomegranates like rubies; There are big purple black grapes; There are red and yellow crystal apples; There are mouth watering egg yolk lotus seed moon cakes; There are also chickens, ducks and soft drinks. We are so excited that we can hardly describe it in words. I can't wait to pick up chopsticks to pick up vegetables. I tasted them. They were delicious.

  After dinner, we ate round moon cakes, went to the courtyard to enjoy the moon, looked up in the distance, the moon was big and round, and I couldn't help thinking of the story of Chang'e. Dad said, "this year, our distance from the moon is the closest in 18 years." Mother also told us the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival: the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival. This is the middle of autumn, so it is called the Mid Autumn Festival. In the Chinese lunar calendar, a year is divided into four seasons, and each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon on August 15th is rounder and brighter than the full moon in other months, so it is also called "lunar evening" and "August Festival". On this night, people look up at the bright moon like a jade plate in the sky and naturally look forward to family reunion. Wanderers far away from home also take this opportunity to place their yearning for their hometown and relatives. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival is also called "reunion day".

  Grandpa and grandma said that they were looking forward to having a family reunion together. It was really good to have a family reunion!

  Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon is full and people are more round!


  This year's Mid Autumn Festival is coming again. We can only see a sea of people on the street. Some of us are in a hurry to purchase, and some are rushing to our homes from other places. Similarly, I am also shopping in the market with my mother. In order to celebrate this beautiful festival, look, we are preparing to go home and have a family reunion dinner with bags and bags of shopping! Although everyone's actions are different, their goals are the same, that is, to reunite with their families, to enjoy the moon under the moonlight, to eat moon cakes, to enjoy the warm time of reunion, to recall every storm, day and night they have gone through with their families, to talk and laugh with their families. The moon is round, the family is round, the moon cakes are round, and the festival is round, The cultural customs and habits of the past Chinese dynasties have completed the whole of China in the bath of love and the light of reunion.

  On this warm and happy evening, our family is no exception. When my father came back from a business trip, my uncle, my second aunt, my second uncle, my aunt, my great uncle and I all gathered together at my grandfather's house to enjoy delicious food. I ate a moon cake, which gave me a cool feeling. It was delicious. I looked at it carefully, smelled it gently, and bit it slowly. The coolness of the moon flowed into my heart. At the same time, there was a warm current of happiness, It flows into my heart. This kind of beautiful feeling can only be enjoyed by a family. My uncle poured a glass of wine and said, "come on, let's celebrate this reunion festival. Let's drink to it. The adults drink to it, and our children drink to it. We eat moon cakes and look at the moon. We talk and laugh about our childhood and family. Everyone laughs so sweet, warm and happy.

  This is my family, the warm home, and its power makes me happy and happy. Its reunion made me laugh brightly and sweetly. I really want to echo in this time forever. Let me always remember this unforgettable, happy and sweet Mid Autumn Festival!


  August 15th of the lunar calendar is the annual Mid Autumn Festival in China. Every family will sit in their yard and enjoy the moon, and my family is no exception!

  On the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival, my long-awaited moon appreciation segment finally arrived. I saw that every household was decorated with lanterns, and there were various lanterns hanging at the door, including square, heart-shaped and boat shaped lanterns. I smelled a fragrance coming from the kitchen, and quickly helped my parents to take out all the delicious food in the house. I slowed down the table. There were all kinds of moon cakes, sweet and sour fruits, and a large plate of fragrant snails and taros. Our family sat around the table by the fish pond, enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes.

  I looked up at the sky and saw a bright moon embedded in the dark night sky. It seemed that there was a little white rabbit and sister Chang'e in the bright moon. At this time, they seemed to wave to us. This reminds me of an ancient story: Chang'e running to the moon.

  At this time, I felt that the quiet atmosphere in this environment made me uncomfortable, and I thought of my favorite crossword puzzle. I suggested that everyone give a riddle and let the next person guess. If the next person didn't guess it, he would be punished and be punished for performing a program he was best at. Because grandpa was old, he was the first to ask the question. After thinking, Grandpa said, "a small boat is anchored on the bank." Grandma remembered after listening to it, but she couldn't guess the answer, so she had to sing her own Cantonese Opera!

  After grandma finished singing her favorite song, Grandpa smiled and said, "the answer is Bo!" Grandma suddenly realized! Then grandma asked Dad, "a family is on fire." Dad said without thinking: "is it the word furnace?" "Right!"

  Suddenly, we heard the sound of "bang ―". Looking up, we saw colorful and various beautiful fireworks blooming in the sky. It was almost ten o'clock when we watched. After we cleaned up together, we went to sleep. But my heart had not calmed down, and I still had a happy picture in my mind.


  The new moon is like a bud, the half moon is like a ladle, and the full moon is like the bright eyes of the West son.

  In the middle of August, the Mid Autumn Festival is beckoning to us. She is slowly coming.

  Night view. When the God of the night sky came, I don't know which clever woman spent a long time to send a black sweater to the night sky, which covered him warmly. The woman didn't forget to decorate it with a full moon. Look, the golden moon is shy. She picks up a thin layer of gauze to cover her face, just like a delicate and green girl, which looks more enchanting and charming. I like the night scene, like his silence, like his depth. Today, there is a new moon that emits a little light, which adds a little liveliness to the night and makes me feel more mysterious.

  Mid month. When I was a child, I liked to collect all kinds of interesting folk myths. What's in the moon? Mother said, "there is nothing in the moon." I puffed up my cheeks and retorted, "Mom, I'm not. There's Chang'e and jade rabbit in the moon. Mom, haven't you heard from Grandpa?" "You child, know what you mean! When you grow up, learn more." Mother caressed my head with a gentle and kind look on her face. I firmly believe that my idea is right.

  Reunion. The festival is over. Every time I celebrate the festival, I feel happy not because I can have a holiday, but because the adults can stop their work and get together to talk and laugh in the warm home. The older generation did not forget to tell the stories of the Mid Autumn Festival to the younger generation in this mid autumn festival. Chang'e and the jade rabbit were the protagonists in their mouths, and they could tell them beautifully without adding more details. Children, hehe, lantern moon cakes are indispensable. Carrying lanterns and tasting moon cakes make children feel more happy. The "old child" with a childlike innocence seems to have fun playing with children.

  May you have more joy and enjoy more beautiful scenery in this festival with a long artistic conception.


  The Mid Autumn Festival is one of my favorite traditional festivals. It is a day for family reunion. How wonderful it is to think of a family enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes!

  The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival is coming, for which I am excited all day! I looked left and right until evening. Our family walked hand in hand to the Garden opposite the community. Today's night sky is very clear. The moon is hanging in the night sky like a jade plate. The whole city is covered by the faint light of the moon. Everything seems to be covered with a white veil. We sat down on a bench in the garden and looked up at the dark night sky. The stars hid in the clouds. Only a bright moon was left to "stand guard" in the night sky. The stars probably went to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival! How lonely the moon is! It reminds me of those who can't go home to reunite with their families for some reason. Are they missing their loved ones on this day? Then take more time to get together with your relatives!

  Smelling the faint fragrance of osmanthus, eating moon cakes, looking at the big, round and bright moon, enjoying the beautiful scenery, it is quiet around. Suddenly, a loud noise broke the silence, and I was scared. Finally, I recovered. It was the fireworks party in Century Park! A firework streaked across the sky like a meteor shower. "How beautiful!" We can't help exclaiming. "Look! Another 'meteor' is coming! Let's each make a wish!" I shouted to my parents. I closed my eyes, folded my hands, and made a good wish. "Pa --" beautiful fireworks bloom in the night sky, red, yellow, blue, purple... Colorful; Fireworks can be said to be in a variety of forms! Some are like chrysanthemums blooming in the autumn wind, some are like a bright smiling face smiling at us, and some are like a red flag fluttering in the wind... When the fireworks evening is over, we should go home, but every moment of the night is deeply reflected in my mind... How wonderful it would be if we could spend the Mid Autumn Festival with our parents every year!

  Mid Autumn Festival! You are a holiday for family reunion; Mid Autumn Festival! You are a source of happiness; Mid Autumn Festival! You are my favorite traditional festival!


  August 15 is the Mid Autumn Festival when thousands of families are celebrating. My parents, my sister and I all went back to my father-in-law's home for the festival. My father-in-law's home is very lively. There are cousins, cousins, cousins, uncles, aunts, and my father-in-law and mother-in-law. We are together to enjoy family happiness.

  That evening, we all sat together. My aunt took out all the festive food. We enjoyed the moon and tasted delicious food. However, the moon has not yet been seen, so we have to wait patiently. Suddenly, my uncle took out bowls of steaming porridge with perfect color, flavor and taste. It was a feast for both eyes and mouth, so I ate it in big gulps. Before long, the moon appeared from the clouds like a shy little girl. After a while, she came out completely. The bright moonlight seemed especially bright in the deep night sky.

  After eating the moon cakes, my cousin and I played with traditional lanterns. We stick to lanterns and tell jokes while walking. When we talked about a big fat pig, suddenly I didn't know what I stumbled over. I fell into a big ditch, stained my whole body, and the lanterns burned, which scared me. Cousins and cousins both held their stomachs and laughed. At this time, I really wanted to find a hole to go in.

  After returning home, I changed my dirty clothes and said in my heart: I must save face. I thought of an idea. I said to everyone: tonight is the night of the full moon. My uncle will call three people to come. Each of them will say a seven character sentence, and each sentence must have the word "month". Everyone agreed. My uncle called four people, namely: father, big cousin, cousin, and me. The game began. My father nodded and said: the moon is round and round. The big cousin thought for a moment and said: the family enjoyed the Mid Autumn Festival. My cousin took a breath and said: how happy it is to enjoy the moon and taste cakes. I said calmly: a happy family is better than a full moon. Good! Everyone praised me. I thought to myself: of course it's good, because I saw it in the book.

  When I went to bed the next night, I thought: how happy this year's Mid Autumn Festival night is! I hope the Mid Autumn Festival will be happier and more lively in the future!


  August 15th is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. It's a day for families to get together, eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon together. It's very happy!!

  It's my turn to "host" this year's Mid Autumn Festival. I'm very happy! In the evening, grandma finished her dinner early, and we sat around the round table!! Grandpa's eyes narrowed into a crack with a smile. The little niece grinned as she looked at Grandpa and said indistinctly: "we are called four generations in one hall." We all laughed at this sentence. I smiled and said, "Xiaohui, you're right! That's great!" This is what my brother said: "let's not just sit around and have a game!" I said while clapping my hands: "OK, let me talk about the rules of the game! Listen carefully! Because today is the Mid Autumn Festival, let's talk about the customs of various places on the Mid Autumn Festival!" It doesn't matter. The coke broke my sister. The old sister said confidently: "it's not difficult for me. I'm a history student! Hey! I'll come first!" I immediately said, "that's not good. We have to draw lots! As a result, I am the first, my sister is the second, my brother is the third, my grandfather is the judge, and my grandmother is the timekeeper."

  The moon came out and the game began.

  Let me first say, "on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival in Wuxi County, Jiangsu Province, we will burn incense." My sister said again, "Shanghainese eat sweet scented osmanthus and honey wine at the Mid Autumn Festival banquet." My brother thought for a moment and then said, "on the evening of the Mid Autumn Festival in Ji'an County, Jiangxi Province, every village uses straw to burn earthen pots. We kept talking. At Grandpa's command, the first round of the game was over. We were tied.

  The second round began. This time, I recited the poems about the moon to see who recited more. I was the first to say that. I said a melodrama: when will the moon come? I asked Qingtian about the wine. I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night. I want to take advantage of the wind to go back, but I am afraid that the jade buildings will be too high to be cold. Dancing to clear the shadows, what is it like in the world? The moon rounds the red mansion Stoops to silk-pad doors, Shines upon the sleepless Bearing no grudge. Why does the moon tend to be full when people are apart? People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, the moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time. May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.. My sister said, "he is not good at this, so I give up!!" My brother said that he wanted to look at the moon and cherish the distant future: the moon is born on the sea, and the horizon is at this time. Lovers complain about the distant night, but they are lovesick in the evening! When the candle is extinguished, the light is full, and the clothes are full of dew. It's a good time to sleep and dream. Then we recited a lot, but I recited one wrong, so I was the second.

  The moon gradually disappeared, and we gradually lost interest, so we went home.


  Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. In the morning, the teacher assigned us a "love homework". We are required to come to our parents when we go home, look them in the eyes and say seriously, "I love you!" He also said that if he was really embarrassed, he would write this on paper for his parents to see. We should also pay attention to observing parents' reactions to this, and record this process and the feelings arising therefrom.

  When I got home, I finished other homework as fast as I could, and then took a sneak look at what was working Dad, I want to say to him, "I love you!", But I still can't open my mouth. This is something I haven't said since I was a child. It's so meaty. Alas, I'd better wait until evening.

  I packed my schoolbag and looked at the book. Although I was reading with a book on the surface, my heart was still thinking about it all the time. I didn't see a word in the book.

  In the evening, the whole family gathered around the table to have dinner. Dad saw that I was upset, not as lively and sad as before. He asked, "son, what's wrong with you today? It seems that you have something on your mind?" "Oh, no... nothing." I acted as if nothing had happened.

  But time is passing by. My parents are already eating moon cakes and watching the moon in the yard. "If I don't go now, when will I stay?" I secretly made up my mind, hurried to them, and said earnestly in their eyes, "Mom and Dad, thank you for your care and care for me at ordinary times. I want to say 'I love you!' in this traditional festival today." but after listening to my words, mom and Dad were dumbfounded! They look at me and I look at you. They forget to swallow the moon cakes in their mouths. After a while, my mother put me in her arms and said excitedly, "son, we love you too!" Dad then said, "yes, we all love you. But I hope that if you love us, you should not only say it bravely, but also express it with actions! That is, you should study hard and be a promising person in the future!" I said loudly: "OK, my son will live up to your expectations!" Mom and dad laughed with satisfaction.

  I looked up at the moon and felt that the moon tonight seemed particularly round and the moonlight was more beautiful than before. Our family is more harmonious under the moon. I'm really glad that I finally bravely said this "sarcastic remark". Let me have a unique and unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival!


  When will the bright moon come? I asked Qingtian about the wine. I don't know what year this evening is in the palace in the sky... "Listen to a song of Su Shi's water melody. On this wonderful Mid Autumn Festival, our whole family is enjoying the joy of family.

  In the evening, everyone sat together, and mom took out the carefully prepared food. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food while enjoying the moon. However, the moon has not been seen yet, so we have to wait patiently. A moment later, I saw the moon peeping out of the clouds like a shy little girl. Soon, she gradually came out of the clouds. The moon looks particularly bright and moving in this dark night.

  On the Mid Autumn Festival in Xiamen, there is also a special game, that is, the whole family bobbing around a round table. According to folk custom, whoever wins the top prize means that he will have good luck in the coming year. It's time for the Bo cake. Everyone arranged their things and surrounded the table. It was up to the elderly grandmother to decide who was the first to open the Bo.

  It was my turn. Holding the dice in both hands, I silently recited: "one two three four five six, right Tang." "Bang!" The six dice were spinning happily like a little girl. "Right, don!" Mom yelled and everyone stared at the dice. Grandma moved a big grapefruit and a red envelope to me with a smile on my face. I looked at the grapefruit and the red envelope excitedly. This was the first time that I won the right hall. I couldn't contain my excitement and giggled. Round after round, I won a pair of tangs, a three red, three two lifts, and five one show. Hey! That's great.

  What a pleasant mid autumn night this year! I hope the Mid Autumn Festival will be happier and more lively in the future!


  The Mid Autumn Festival is called "the moon's Eve" and "August Festival", also known as "reunion festival". In ancient times, the Chinese people held a ceremony to welcome the cold and sacrifice the moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. People put moon cakes, watermelons, apples, red dates, plums, grapes and other sacrifices to sacrifice.

  On the night before this year's Mid Autumn Festival, the moon was spotless, and the clouds brought by the typhoon set off the moon. It is really the so-called colorful clouds chasing the moon! My mother and I bought back a roast duck, and on the dinner table, we continued to put moon cakes with different tastes, which were delicious. At 7 o'clock sharp, we had a dinner. We watched the full moon like a jade plate emerge in the sky, dotted with the dark sky.

  While watching the round moon intently, I picked a moon cake with swans on it to taste. When I chewed the moon cake slowly, I felt the sweet and delicious taste of bean paste. At this time, my father talked about the story of Chang'e running to the moon: "it is said that in ancient times, a man named Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind-hearted wife named Chang'e. Hou Yi obtained a package of immortality from the queen mother, and was informed by an evil minded Peng Meng. He held a sword and threatened Chang'e to hand over the immortality. Chang'e took out the immortality, swallowed it, and flew to the nearest moon to become an immortal." I listened with interest to their eloquent speeches.

  On this mid autumn festival, I not only tasted the crisp taste of moon cakes, but also learned the legend of Chang'e running to the moon and felt the atmosphere of family reunion. What an unforgettable and Happy Mid Autumn Festival!
