
时间:2022-11-14 23:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】冬天是美丽的季节,像春天一样美,只是颜色和温度不一样。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  My favorite season is winter, because I like the cold weather in winter and I like dress warm clothes. Winter is the fourth season in the year. It begins around December. In the northern part of China, it usually snows in winter, so it’s a white season. There are many snow games to have fun in the winter. But in the south, it hardly snows. When it rains, it becomes very cold. People barely go to the outdoors.


  You know what? I like the winter with ice and snow very much. In winter, the sun seems tired and powerless. The sun is no longer so strong. People wear thick clothes in winter.

  The heads of the trees are bare. Only the pine and cypress trees stand like strong soldiers in the cold wind, still green. Small animals hide in their holes for the winter. Frogs and snakes hibernate, waiting for the next spring to catch pests and voles. The wild geese are gone. They have gone to the south for winter.

  The river also has a thick layer of ice, just like a long mirror, beautiful and strong! The children went skating happily on the river. In the morning, many grandparents are not afraid to go outside to exercise. Some of them run, some practice sword, and some practice Taijiquan.

  It's snowing. How beautiful the snowflakes are! The snowflakes are floating and white. The snowflakes fall from the sky and fall on the children. The children become bald. The children are having snowball fights and making snowmen on the playground. The playground is so lively! The children are really happy!

  I love this beautiful winter.


  The handover ceremony of autumn and winter took place in a mist. There is no magnificent ritual music. Today, Grandma Feng seems to be very lenient. She can't bear to blow the fog away, which makes me feel like in a dream. There is an illusion and confusion everywhere. The enchanting clouds seem to dance in the mid air. Looking from a distance, everything flickers, making the handover ceremony between autumn and winter seem particularly mysterious.

  At noon, the sky was seething with snow. The snow slowly falls like carefully made silver flowers, gently, softly and silently.

  After the snow, a wonderful scene appeared immediately. Thick white frost condensed on the needles of the pine trees, like white chrysanthemums. The bare branches were covered with snow, like white jade trees. The weeping willows floated like silver, and the bushes became white coral. There are a lot of different ways, which makes people confused. They are in a world of fairy tales wrapped in white clothes.

  Winter fog and snow make you completely admire the magic of nature. It is always so pure and seems to never disappear. Only nature has such power!


  Winter is very beautiful, and the charming scene can make people praise it endlessly.

  In winter, the leaves fall, and the branches are covered with thick snow, like delicious, white and bright cotton candy, which is very interesting. The earth is also full of white snow, as if the earth is covered with silver.

  The children played happily here. They picked up the snow on the ground and made it into a ball. Then they made a big snowball and put the small snowballs on it... After a while, they made strange snowmen. The snowmen wore buckets on their heads, small tree branches and brooms in their hands, yellow beans in their eyes, carrots and beans in their nose and mouth. These snowmen were very funny, as if they were clowns, Do interesting actions and jump happily.

  The big trees were dressed in white clothes and stood on the ground like old people with white beards. But the pine trees are still covered with green clothes, standing upright there, just like a brave soldier guarding the border seriously.

  Winter is really unique and wonderful. I love winter, the spectacular and beautiful winter.


  Winter is a beautiful season, with snow everywhere. Winter is a season with personality. It is not as proud as spring, summer and autumn when it travels around the country. She just shows her temporary beauty modestly in our north. She brings fun to the children and hopes for a bumper harvest to the farmer.

  Winter is beautiful, and she also has beautiful stories. In the winter after the snow, when I walked out of the room, the world was white. At this time, I would ask my friends in the community to take small buckets and shovels to make snowmen. At first, we were very excited, but we couldn't make a good snowman. It was neither round nor like a snowman at all, but it broke in the middle. After several repeated attempts, we found that the snowman would not break as long as the snow in the bucket was compacted. One by one beautiful snowman appeared beside us. At this time, all the friends were happy. In winter, we can also play snowball fights and skates. It's very happy!

  oh I love you in winter. You have brought us endless joy. You are so beautiful, so touching, and so selfless to bring us joy!


  The golden autumn has passed quietly, and the cold winter has come quietly with heavy footsteps. In this cold winter, many trees are still growing vigorously.

  Entering the school gate, several potted flowers on the flower bed have gradually withered, not like the spirit of spring. Further inside, several wutong trees are not as energetic as spring, as lush as summer, and as robust as autumn. Although its clothes trembled with the wind, it still stood up to fight with the wind. Even Grandpa Xue was moved by its tenacious vitality. Grandpa Xue hurriedly sent it silver clothes one after another. wutong tree seemed to feel comforted and slept sweetly, waiting for the arrival of spring.

  I like the white in winter, and I admire the tenacity of wutong trees. These scenes deeply moved me. I love the campus in winter.


  I like the spring when everything recovers, the colorful summer and the cool autumn, but I prefer the campus with white snow.

  It was snowing. The students wore thick cotton padded jackets to school. The road turned into a white carpet. Many small white mushrooms grew on the bare trees. The mountains in the distance were covered with thick snow, like white humps. On the campus, after class, the students rushed out of the classroom immediately. Some made snowmen, some had snowball fights, and some were skating on the snow, making the cold winter lively. The snow covered teaching building was shiny, like a castle made of ice in a fairy tale. On the playground, although the students' faces were red with cold, they had a very happy time. As soon as the bell rang, the campus immediately became calm.

  I like the campus in winter. I feel extremely happy here.


  The beautiful winter is coming, the grass is slowly turning yellow, the river is also frozen, and the cold snow seems to put a white coat on the earth.

  Grandpa Winter sent us a gift - cold snow. The snow is getting heavier and heavier. Its shape is hexagonal. They are like crystal clear pearls, like fairies flying, like beautiful fairies falling from the sky, and the sky is beautiful like a picture. The little snowflake fell on the branch, on the roof, and on the earth. Like a magician, the snow soon turned into a white carpet. The branch was covered with a white dress, and the roof was covered with a white hat.

  Although it was very cold in winter, we could not stop our steps. We made a big snowman, first rolled a big snowball as the snowman's body, then rolled a small snowball as the snowman's head, used carrots as the nose, and small stones as the eyes. I also put my scarf around the snowman's neck.

  Winter brings me a lot of happiness. How can I not like you? I love you in winter.


  When winter comes, snowflakes slowly fall down, just like little elves, flying and flying, turning into winter laughter. The north wind is like a trumpet that can't see the wind. It blows and blows and brings warm cotton padded jacket.

  The children ran out of the house and came to the white square. They made snowmen and had snowball fights. They began to make a snowman. First they rolled out a big snowball, which served as the body of the snowman. Then they rolled out a small snowball, which served as the head of the snowman. Then they made two smaller snowballs, which were the hands of the snowman. Then they brought two big black buttons, a carrot, a pepper and several small beans.

  They embedded buttons, carrots and peppers on the head of the snowman. The buttons became the big eyes of the snowman, the carrots became the sharp nose of the snowman, the peppers became the smiling mouth of the snowman, and the beans became the buttons of the snowman. A lovely snowman would be ready.

  This winter is really beautiful.


  When winter came, the piercing cold wind crept on people's faces and necks. People were helpless and had to bury their faces in thick sweaters.

  However, winter is also so beautiful, look! The land just covered with goose feather snow seems to be wearing a white coat, which is particularly enchanting. Take a look at the frozen river. It is as transparent as a mirror, reflecting people's shadows. The frost hanging on the grass is so thick that it seems that a little shiver can drop it.

  In such a beautiful season, of course, some children made snowmen and had snowball fights in the snow. They kneaded a ball of white snow with their hands, and then ran to the back of the other side, slamming the ball behind the other side with a "bang" sound... They played and played repeatedly, and were very happy!

  The flying snowflakes bring endless happiness to children. I love this beautiful winter!
