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【#英语资源# 导语】暑假生活真是丰富多彩呀!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  At the end of the summer vacation, my father, uncle Hu and uncle Ren Hui took me, Wen Wen and Ke'er to Changlong tourism in Panyu, Guangzhou. Three fathers and three daughters are about to embark on a wonderful and unknown journey.

  It was already dark when we arrived at Guangzhou airport, but we obviously felt the weather here was wet and hot, and soon we felt sticky. Fortunately, after sitting in Uncle Wu's car, this feeling soon disappeared. We arrived at Chimelong Hotel smoothly.

  After a night's rest and breakfast the next morning, we couldn't wait to come to Chimelong water park. I, Ke'er and Wen Wen dressed in buoyancy clothes and rushed towards the artificial wave pool. The waves came to us wave by wave. On the central stage, a group of foreign actors were performing wonderful song and dance performances. From time to time, there were thick water columns spraying at us on both sides. We had a good time in the water. Then we went to the super loudspeaker to play. Because Wen Wen and Ke'er were not tall enough 140cm, they couldn't play. Dad, I and two other uncles sat in a four leaf clover shaped floating ring. Starting from a very high platform, it seemed to be sucked into a huge horn. They glided quickly in it. After several large swings, they rushed through a water curtain hole, and the floating ring stopped by the pool. We all feel very exciting.

  Just after lunch, suddenly the sky flashed and thundered, and it began to rain. The staff quickly let all the people in the water hide under the shed. The heavy rain slowly decreased, and the three of us came to the baby water city again, constantly enjoying the happiness of each slide on the parent-child slide. Then we went to play the monster bowl. Because they were not tall enough and their father was not around, my father decided not to play. I'm in a bad mood, too. Dad bought us ice cream on the way back, and then returned to the hotel. This happy day is over. In the evening, we have to go to the big circus!


  Looking forward to the stars and the moon is finally looking forward to my long-awaited summer vacation. Out of school, I just like a bird out of its cage. I feel everything is so beautiful.

  On the first day, I used to wake up very early. I always hoped that as long as I could see the bright sunshine every morning, I would feel happy. Every morning when I get up together, I can't wait to open the curtains, go into the balcony, breathe the fresh air, listen to the chirping of birds, smell the fragrance of grass, feel the cool wind, and look at the pedestrians on the road, my heart is full of happiness. But every day when I patronize and rush to school, I am not in the mood to enjoy the fresh air.

  Open the curtain, the birds on the branches say hello to me, and the grass nods to me. At this time, I found a fireball on the eastern horizon at some time. The fireball is dazzling red. A beautiful day also kicked off.

  In the first few days, I was really happy and free. There is no restriction on the homework that must be handed in every day, nor the trouble of being called to the office to be criticized every day, nor getting up before dawn every day in order not to be late. That feels really good.

  Every day when I wake up, I watch TV and play with the computer. It's like this every day, but just after the summer vacation, I begin to look forward to the beginning of school. This is just the opposite of looking forward to the holiday before, but now I feel that life in school is more interesting. You know, my summer vacation is peaceful and light, so dull that it is like a glass of boiled water in a glass. Through the glass, you can see at a glance that it is only boiled water inside, without the imagination of a goblet full of red wine.

  It took me three days and two nights to finally eliminate my four homework. What should I do next?

  I am looking forward to the beginning of school, looking forward to returning to the classroom and our collective. But then I have to start going to school before dawn every day, living a life of two frontlines: school and home; I have to be hungry all morning in order to get to school without having time for breakfast. Summer vacation is really enjoyable and worrying.


  In the long summer vacation, there is infinite happiness. Now, let me tell you an interesting summer vacation story.

  One day, I stayed at home and felt puzzled. Suddenly, a good idea occurred to me. Is to play the game of sticking your nose with your sister. I told my sister what I thought, and she readily agreed.

  I first drew a clown without a nose on the blackboard. My sister found a magnet to replace her nose. It began to stick to the nose. My sister first covered my eyes with a cloth. I slowly walked to the blackboard, left and right, and found a position to fix my nose. At this time, my sister laughed. I tore off the cloth and saw that the clown not only had no nose, but also had a mole on the corner of his mouth. My sister said proudly, "look at me." I saw my sister quickly walk to the blackboard and fix her nose anywhere. I couldn't help laughing when I saw it. The elder sister quickly took off the cloth and laughed. It turned out that the clown not only didn't put on his nose, but also became a Cyclops. The clown seemed to be very angry.

  At this time, Dad heard laughter, came over and asked, "what is so funny? Tell me." My sister and I blinked, walked up to my father, covered my father's eyes, and stuffed my "nose" into my father's hand. Dad understood our meaning, slowly approached the blackboard, found the right position and installed his nose. "The clown has a nose!" We cheered.


  During the summer vacation, my mother took me to the countryside to visit my grandparents. It is a good place with mountains and water. Some interesting things happened there let me have endless memories.

  Catch a cicada monkey

  Midsummer is the time when cicadas have the most monkeys. After dinner, my cousin and I rushed out of the house with a flashlight and a bucket made of mineral water bottles. We didn't dare to catch snakes in the woods by the river. Grandma said there were poisonous snakes there, so we had to try our luck in the woods beside the village.

  I took a flashlight and looked carefully on the tree trunk. My eyes were too big for fear of leaving any regrets, eh! There are two on this tree, I said to myself. At first, I was a little afraid and didn't dare to touch it with my hands, so I had to call my cousin to help. Suddenly, I felt the instep of my feet itch, like something crawling. It can't be a poisonous snake. I quickly flashed it with a flashlight, huh! It turned out that it was a cicada monkey who didn't know the height of the earth and the earth. I carefully pinched it and threw it into the bucket. I saw it waving four legs, as if in protest. In less than half an hour, my cousin and I caught more than 20.

  Touch crabs

  There is a big river next to grandma's village. The river is crystal clear, and you can see the sand and stones at the bottom. That day, my uncle took me to touch crabs in the river.

  Uncle is the best at touching crabs. My uncle told me that as long as I lift a stone, there must be crabs hidden under it. Try it. Sure enough, when I lift a boulder, there really is a big crab running around in a panic! It was too late. It was too fast at that time. I hurriedly reached out and grabbed it. Unexpectedly, this big crab waved a pair of pliers and severely clamped my hand. I shook it hard, but I couldn't shake it off. I had to drag it down and stuff it into the washbasin with great pain, which made me stand in the water straight ouch.

  Kung Fu pays off. We soon touched a washbasin, and my uncle and I returned home happily with crabs.


  Summer vacation is like a fairy. She has a magic wand that can make herself colorful: golden, snow-white, purple... All kinds of colors, which are extremely beautiful.

  She sometimes turns golden, which makes me calm down and enjoy other people's beautiful articles to improve my composition level. Let me read from the ancient "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to the modern "stupid wolf story series", and then read the future "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", which makes me change from "ah Xie" to "the other side of the sky blue". Let me enter the book, get close to the book, fight three kingdoms with "Zhang Fei", explore with "stupid wolf", visit the chocolate factory with "Charlie", enter the kingdom of heaven with "Arthur", and have fun, play and sing with all the books. Because of books, my summer vacation was golden and childlike.

  Sometimes she turns blue again, which makes me concentrate on listening to the online math Olympiad. The online teacher speaks vividly and interestingly, and I understand it once. Mathematical Olympiad can also develop my brain, which makes me concentrate and form a good habit of being careful, good at observing and doing problems seriously. Now I love Mathematical Olympiad!

  Sometimes, she put on green clothes early in the morning and woke me up. Let me put on my sports clothes and go out of the house. "Ah" breathe a breath of fresh air. The morning air is sweet and cool, which makes me more energetic and energetic. Then I walked around the river, chatted with my parents, and ran. It was very comfortable. It's really a pleasure to do your homework after blowing the fan at home.

  Sometimes, she is playful and playful. She packs up and pulls me on the bus to Wenjiang, where the country is beautiful. Let me go and sit in the torrent. We rushed to the pool with a "coax" sound, and "crackled", and we splashed a huge splash. Pull me on the ferris wheel and let me watch the whole city of Wenjiang. Take me to play a lot of amusement projects, let me practice dolphin sound. Just after Wenjiang, we took me to Emei. We climbed Mount Emei and watched the Golden Summit and sunrise, but it was so cold that we were shivering in our coats. She is as dreamy as purple.

  My summer fairy is a changeable, smart and lively fairy. What is your fairy like?


  Ah, finally the summer vacation is coming, and all the students are excited. I am also a little happy and sad, because next semester is the last grade, which also shows that there is less and less time to leave this school.

  But be happy. After all, this is summer vacation. This summer vacation, I will go to make movies, play in Qiandao Lake, and go to grandma's house. Oh, by the way, do you remember Xiao Xi? I haven't seen it for a semester. Maybe I'll bring it back this summer vacation. But this is what my mother told me, and I don't know if it's true.

  Although there are many joys, there are still sad things. My grandfather found out that there was a heart problem. He has been in the hospital for maintenance after surgery recently. I hope he can leave the hospital early. After that, I will write an album for Grandpa. Wait.

  Of course, this summer vacation, I also have a new dream, a new plan, that is to be an inventor: ready to make my own new bed - mine bed. Although it is not a real mine, it is a three-dimensional round bed made of carbon fiber material, with glass on the top, which can be adjusted with a pull rod. I hope I can succeed. I also get inspiration from the God stealing father. I have drawn the design drawing. My parents also support me, and my second mother also supports me. Now that I get support, I have to do it. Come on, your dream will come true!

  Summer vacation has come, there are good things and bad things, and even some things I don't know. Have fun and learn. I have classes every day in my summer vacation. Besides classes, of course, I have homework. This summer's homework is interesting. Math is arranged on mobile phones every day. Chinese has happy Chinese, which stimulates our minds.

  Summer vacation is coming, give us a holiday to play and study, and have a meaningful holiday. I wish you a happy summer vacation!


  Time flies, days and months fly, in a blink of an eye, we sent off a tense and long semester, ushered in the hot summer vacation.

  It feels good to have a holiday. I didn't open my bleary eyes until more than ten o'clock in the morning, "ah! It's good to sleep late!" I yawned and dressed casually. Don't worry about your mother's urging; Don't worry about being late for school anymore. You can savor the sweet and delicious breakfast every morning.

  It feels good to have a holiday. You can play computer and watch TV every day, and you are no longer afraid that the homework assigned by the teacher has not been completed. During the summer vacation, I can throw away the homework that I can't breathe every day, and pick up those comics and novels that I'm not allowed to read at school.

  It feels good to have a holiday!

  Pain chapter

  Happy time is always short. My mother attaches great importance to my promotion to the sixth grade next year. Because my English score was not ideal last year, my mother must ask me to improve my English score this year.

  My mother borrowed an English book in the first volume of grade 6 from somewhere and asked me to recite a lesson every four days before I could play with the computer. She also turned out a copybook that I hadn't finished writing for a long time and asked me to write it once a day and in a summer vacation. My mother also helped me sign up for a painting training class. Although it was very interesting, it was not only a long way from home to the central square, but also less than ⑨ o'clock every day. I feel like going to school.

  Nostalgia article

  Unconsciously, I actually miss my school days. Although there are more regulations and homework in school, I have a happy time with my classmates. I miss it so much.

  My summer vacation life is rich and colorful, both bitter and happy, and I have gained a lot. One feeling comes every year: I'm looking forward to a holiday as soon as school starts, but I want to go to school as soon as I have a holiday.


  It's summer vacation. It's terribly hot. I got up early in the morning, brushed my teeth, washed my face and ate. I had nothing to do. "It's all right to be idle, isn't it?" Mother asked, "are you going to yingfenggong zoo today?" "Good! Good!" I was so happy that I jumped three feet high.

  Finally, I can start. My parents and I take bus No. 9 to the zoo. When we arrived at our destination, we saw a big sign as soon as we walked in. There were several butterflies on it, grass below, and seven words beside it, "we should love animals". We walked along the path again and saw some birds flying. Is it a Red Crowned Crane? I was wondering when suddenly a bird fluttered over and stopped on my shoulder. Does this bird want to peck me? As soon as I shook my shoulder, the bird was thrown "on all fours". The result made a little brother beside him laugh. When I saw it, it turned out to be the crested ibis, a national second-class protected animal. I quickly put it on the shelf and finished it.

  I took the ticket in my mother's hand and wanted to see the tiger. We walked up the road by the stone, and what we saw was not a fierce tiger, but a large elephant. I took a banana from my mother, broke it and sent it to the elephant. I saw that the elephant didn't eat bananas directly with his head down, but rolled them up with his long nose and put them in his mouth. Oh, it's the first time to see this kind of eating method.

  This day, I not only saw many animals and learned a lot of knowledge, but also had a feeding addiction!

  This is really a happy day in my summer vacation!


  The summer vacation has finally arrived. It's so wonderful that you don't have to get up early every day, you can do what you want every day, and you don't have to go to school. But what makes people feel uncomfortable is "summer homework". Every time I think of this, I'm not in a good mood. "When is the first time to do endless homework!"

  My mother saw that I was so upset (depressed), so she dragged me out and went to the "Imperial College" together.

  After more than half an hour of turbulence, I finally got there. The Imperial College and the Confucius Temple are connected. Which one is advanced, the other can go. We went to the Confucius Temple first. As soon as you enter the Confucius Temple, you can see a statue of Confucius. You feel very kind, crossing your hands on your chest and looking forward. Behind the statue of Confucius, there is another gate. There is a big drum and a bell on both sides of the gate, which is not only meaningful. In the same position, there are also drums made of four stones on each side. There are words on the drum surface of the stone drum, so that those very complicated traditional characters can't understand what is written, but the font is very beautiful. There are houses along the wall. Connected, there are many exhibitions about Confucius. Because there are too many exhibitions, I didn't look carefully. I looked around like a lantern.

  On the central axis of the Confucius Temple, there is a hall called Dacheng hall, which contains the holy places of Confucius and his disciples and some ritual vessels.

  Later, I went to the Imperial College, where there was a glass archway, which was very beautiful. After sneaking around inside, he went out.


  After the final exam, it's a long but short summer vacation in the twinkling of an eye. I don't know how to spend a meaningful vacation.

  It's a Monday. You can't sleep in today. You have to go to the Olympic Games class at 8 o'clock in the morning and go home at 9:40. When I got home, I turned on the TV and had a rest for about an hour. Then I went to do my homework. I finished the required homework and had lunch. Then I sat on the sofa and watched TV with relish. I'm going to learn English at 2:50. After class at 5:10, my mother will come downstairs to pick me up. Eat a little dessert to satisfy your hunger, and be ready to go to Taekwondo, which starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:00. What a hard day!

  Tuesday arrived. Today I have no interest at all. It's a relaxed day, and I have more time to play. After finishing my homework, I can do almost anything at home except not playing the computer (the computer is locked by my mother with a password) and not going out to play.

  Wednesday, like Monday, is a very tiring day. If there is any difference between Wednesday and Monday, only the TV program and the weather are different.

  Thursday is also a free day. On this day, I like to make some small things. Although my mother came back and found that I had made a mess at home and criticized me, I don't care.

  Friday is also relatively free. Except for English in the afternoon, I spend other time doing homework and watching TV.

  I don't have classes on Saturday. I like to sleep in until 11 a.m. At noon, eat breakfast as lunch.

  On Sunday, my mother doesn't work. We check our homework for a week, go out for a walk and breathe fresh air.

  This is my summer vacation plan. Although it is not perfect, I like it!
