

时间:2023-03-03 13:38:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  Use Your Head.

  A hot story is waiting in the city! 在市内有热门的消息等着我们。

  World Chess Champion 国际象棋冠军(卡斯帕罗夫、谢军)

  This professor has put all of his students to sleep except two.这位教授使得除了两人以外的所有学生都入睡了。

  These two students drank a lot of coffee. 这两个学生喝了许多咖啡。(原来如此)

  This composer is writing beautiful song. 这位作曲家写出了美妙的歌曲。

  He is explaining the details of his idea. 他在详细说明这个构想。

  An artist is making computers look beautiful. 画家在给电脑化妆。

  Maybe he'll fall for it this time! Ha, ha. 这一次它可望落入陷阱。哈!哈!

  I'm an intelligent cat. 我是一只精明的猫。

  The computer technician reads the paper tape. 电脑的技术人员在解读纸带。

  If I'm careful... 当心啊……

  The man is drawing blueprints for a new house. 这个人在设计新房屋的蓝图。

  The simultaneous interpreter needs lots of intelligence and knowledge.同时通译者需要许多的智慧和知识。

  The baby will be a great architect. 那个婴儿将会成为大建筑家。

  This man is directing the movie. 那个人从事电影导演工作。

  The cameraman is filming a famous star. 摄影师正在拍摄影星的电影。

  The script man is flirting with the star. 编剧正在和影星打情骂俏。

  The man thinks he has it made. 这个人想要自己制作它。

  The student is busy studying math. 这个学生忙于研究数学

  The man is surveying land for a national park. 这个人正在测量国家公园的土地(面积)。

  The doctor is busy examining a patient. 医生为给病人做身体检查而忙碌着。

  The chemist is testing enzymes. 化学家在试验着酶。

  The reporter has a good story. 这个记者采访到了精彩的记事。

  The editor is getting a story ready for print. 编辑在准备把记事付印。

  There are some feelings that time cannot benumb. ----Lorb Byron人类的感情是历久不衰的东西。

