
时间:2021-06-28 03:52:06 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】端午节是我国的传统节日,有着许多的传统文化活动。以下“关于端午节的初一英语作文”由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  Fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also called DuanYangJie, afternoon day festival, may festival, ai festival, terminal five, midday, summer day. Although the name is different, but all around the custom of the peoples holiday is the same. The Dragon Boat Festival is Chinas two thousand years old customs, on this day, every family hanging moxa calamus, dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, drink realgar wine, swim all ills, sweet bursa.

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? ! I dont know! Let me tell you! Do you remember the patriotic general chu qu yuan? I to say him!

  Qu yuan is the warring states period abroad, very learned. He beside the king a few to image is his country rich and strong. Treacherous court official, listen to the words, bad king king chu qu yuan XiaoZhi exile. In exile, qu yuan heard that chu capital held by the enemy, and the people suffer, very indignation. Falls on this day, he came to the miluo river edge, with a stone, in order to jump jumped into the miluo river. Abroad people hear that cast jiang qu yuan was very sad. They rowed steadily to salvage qu yuan, with tears in their eyes, also threw rice dumplings into the river feed the fish, hope that the fish dont harm the body of qu yuan. This is may duanyang the origin of zongzi.

  The Dragon Boat Festival has a lot of interesting activities. Columns such as dragon boat racing, hanging sachet, sachet, cinnabar, realgar, xiang, outsourcing to wire cloth, fragrance 4 excessive, again the five-color silk string into a rope buckle, for all kinds of different shape, form a series, variety, and exquisite. Have the habit of hanging moxa leaf, calamus.

  There were so many activity in the Dragon Boat Festival!







  Dragon Boat Festival is a very grand festival in China. It is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in the Warring States period. Now Chinese people still continue this custom, even a legal festival.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar. Every family needs to make zongzi. There are also interesting dragon boat races! Grandma has cooked delicious zongzi at home. When she opened the pot cover, the fragrance of zongzi was floating all over the house, making my mouth water continuously. I cant wait to peel off the zongzi leaf and eat it with relish. Its really memorable!

  After eating zongzi, my father took me to watch the dragon boat race. There are lots of people here, and the traffic is very busy! The race started, and every team is ready to go. With a burst of gunfire, each dragon boat flies across the water like an arrow. The audience cheered and shouted, cheering and encouraging for the contestants. The contestants listened with confidence and strove hard to paddle, and the water splashed everywhere. Each dragon boat chased after each other. At last, the laggard No. 1 finally caught up with the far ahead No. 2. The audience couldnt help cheering. There was a sea of joy everywhere. Ah! This is the most unforgettable day for me.

  There are also many traditional festivals as interesting as Dragon Boat Festival. We should protect Chinese traditional festivals together.






  Dragon Boat Festival is one the very classic traditional festivals, which has been celebrated since the old China. Firstly, it is to in honor of the great poet Qu Yuan, who jumped into the water and ended his life for loving the country. Nowadays, different places have different ways to celebrate.

  端午节是一个非常经典的传统节日,自古以来就一直被人们所庆祝。首先,是为了纪念伟大的诗人屈原,屈原跳入水自 杀,以此来表达了对这个国家的爱。如今,不同的地方有不同的庆祝方式。

  In my hometown, there will be a traditional competition, that is the dragon boat race. People make up the team and fight for the honor. Every boat looks like the dragon and it is the most obvious feature. A lot of people will come to visit or watch the match. Then the game begins. The audience will cheer for the teams and the competitors try their best to make the boat go fast. It is very lively.

  在我的家乡,会有一场传统的龙舟比赛。人们组成不同的团队,为荣誉而战。每条船看起来都像是一 条龙,这是最明显的特征。许多人会来参观或观看比赛。然后比赛开始厚,观众就会为队伍加油,选手们尽努力让船快点开。气氛非常热闹。

  Besides the competition, eating the traditional food zongzi is favored by everyone. For me, it is very delicious. My grandma makes the best zongzi. She has the special recipe and it fits my stomach. So every time I go back hometown, my grandma will make it for me.


  In other places, drinking the special wine and hanging the leaf are also the tradition. The preserve of the traditional festival makes our culture profound.


