

时间:2022-05-01 02:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A: Have you got any experience in advertising?


B: Yes, I have been working in the PubIlic Relations Section of a company in the past two years. I plan the advertising campaign and cooperate the work of artists and typographers. Sometimes I have to do the work of a specialist when there’s something urgent.

B:有,过去两年我在一家公司的公共关 系部工作过。我策划广告,并且协助 美工和排版工的工作。有时在紧急情况下,我也做专家的工作。

A: Do you have any practical experi-ence as a secretary?


B: Yes, sir. I acted as a secretary in an insurance company.


A: Would you tell me the essential qualities a secretary should maintain?


B: Well, to begin with, I would say she needs to be diligent, and the second point is that she has to do a lot of things on her own initiative. Finally, she can make notes in shorthand and types and has the skills in report writing, summary writing, keep minutes at meetings, and so on. Most important of all is that she seems to have a better memory than average.

B:好,首先,我要说她必须勤奋;其次她 必须主动地去做大量工作;最后,她要 会速记和打字,还必须有写报告、摘要 和做会议记录等方面的技能。最重要 的一点是她似乎要有比常人更好的记 忆。

A: Have you had any experience with computer?


B: Yes, I studied in a computer training program, and can process data through the computer.

B:有,我参加过电脑培训,能用电脑进行 数据处理。

A: Thafs fine. What about operating the fax and duplicator?


B: I can handle them without any trouble.


A: What have you learned from jobs you have held?


B: Above all, I have learned that what is good for the company is good for me. So I follow the instructions strictly and always keep my boss informed.

B:首先,我懂得公司利益就是我个人的 利益,因此我严格履行规则,有事总向 老板汇报。

A: Very good.


脱口说英语面试口语对话大全2-8-2: 有何工作经验.doc
