

时间:2023-02-16 17:27:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A: Well, Betty. Since you’ve done well during the probation period, we decided to employ you formally. And now we need to sign the formal agreement.

A:贝蒂,由于你在试用期内表现很不错,我 们决定正式录用你。现在我们需要签一 项正式协议。

B: Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. I am very happy that I’ll be a member of your team. May I see the agreement first?

B:谢谢您,史密斯先生。我很荣幸即将成 为你们团队中的一员。能先让我看一下 这份协议吗?

A: Of course. If you have any questions, just bring them out.

A:当然可以,如果你有任何问题,尽管提出 来。

B: OK, thank you. Well, I find that the salary level in this agreement is not like what you have said in the interview. Can you give me some explanations?

B:好的,谢谢您。我发现这份协议规定的工资标准与面试时您说的不一样,您能 否解释一下?

A: Well, It’s like this, during your first year, you will enjoy this salary level, a year later, we’ll increase your salary by 20%.

A:是这样:你在这儿工作的第一年内享受 这个工资待遇,一年之后我们会给你加 薪 20%。

B: Can we add up this item to the agreement?


A: Yes, maybe the personnel department made some mistakes in making the agreement. Do you have any other questions?

A:好的,这可能是人事部门定协议时犯的 一些小错误。你还有其他问题吗?

B: No, thank you. Shall we sign the agreement now?


A: Yes, welcome to our company. I hope we can cooperate happily.

A:好的,欢迎来到我们公司。希望我们能 合作愉快。

B: Thank you. I'll work hard.


