

时间:2022-05-01 02:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A: Your resume mentioned that you had been the surveyor, which was a concurrent job, of a certain market survey company. What was your main work content?


B: My main duties include designing survey sheets, transferring them to the dispatchers, making telephone covering on blurred information and processing the data and doing the primary analysis.

B:我的主要工作内容是设计调研问卷, 交付派发员进行派发,回收后就有关 模糊信息进行电话采访,最终进行数 据的整理和初步的分析。

A: What had you gained mainly from this survey activity?


B: First, it was how to design survey sheets according to the subjects, because we had to prevent the questions from being too influential and we must make sure that every question was balanced and equitable. Secondly, it was how to get information through telephone covering in the fastest and most effectively way, because the person doing the survey usually doesn’t have the patience to wait for long feedback. So the way we put up questions must be clear and direct and only by this means can we get accurate data.

B:首先是如何根据调研对象设计问卷, 因为问卷的设计必须避免问题本身带 有太强的引导性,要尽量使得每一个 问题都是公正的、平衡的。其次是如 何通过电话采访的方式以最快、最有 效的方式获得信息,因为调研对象通 常没有耐心在电话中花很长时间等待 反馈的信息,所以提问的方式必须直 接而又清晰,才能够获得准确的数据。

