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【#新概念英语# 导语】《新概念英语》是1997年由外语教学与研究出版社和培生教育出版中国有限公司联合出版的一套英语教材。作为一套世界闻名的英语教程,以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。进入中国以后,《新概念英语》历经数次重印,以大限度地满足不同层次、不同类型英语学习者的需求。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!


Employers who default on paying migrant workers' wages should be placed on a national blacklist, the head of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said.

Yin Weimin, the minister, said that governments at all levels should "thoroughly check" on any wages that may be in arrears as Chinese New Year approaches, and set a deadline for companies and employers to clear up the situation.

"Those who disregard the deadline for paying wages for no reason should be severely punished and put on the blacklist," he said.

The checks should focus on sectors where migrant workers are frequently hired, such as the construction industry, labor-intensive manufacturing industries and restaurants, Yin said.

The ministry issued a regulation in September creating a national blacklist to punish employers that fail to pay migrant workers.

Those on the blacklist could face punishments from as many as 30 government departments - such as limited access to government financial support, purchases and bidding - and could be barred from favorable tax policies.









The BBC operates a “secretive and illegal pay culture” that systematically discriminates against women, according to one of its most senior journalists, who has quit her job as China editor after learning that two of her male peers were paid significantly more.

In a withering, open letter which she put online on Sunday night, Carrie Gracie — who spent part of last week as a guest anchor on Today, the BBC’s main morning news programme — accused her bosses of taking a “divide-and-rule” approach to female staff.

“We have felt trapped,” she wrote, in a letter first published by BuzzFeed News. “Speaking out carries the risk of disciplinary measures or even dismissal; litigation can destroy careers and be financially ruinous.” She accused the BBC of demanding non-disclosure agreements that were “unworthy of an organisation committed to truth”.

Ms Gracie’s explosive intervention follows an angry backlash from some leading BBC presenters after a list of its 96 top-earning stars, published last summer, revealed that women made up just one-third of the on-air broadcasters paid £150,000 and more.

A subsequent “pay audit”, conducted by PwC and Eversheds, found “no systemic discrimination against women” at the broadcaster.

However, that review did not cover senior managers, on-air editors, presenters or correspondents. Those are “the women with the biggest pay gaps”, according to Ms Gracie. She claims that “up to 200 BBC women have made pay complaints only to be told repeatedly there is no pay discrimination”.

The BBC said it would publish a report for on-air staff “in the not too distant future”.

Unlike Jon Sopel, the US editor, and Jeremy Bowen, the Middle East editor, Ms Gracie’s name does not appear on a list of BBC broadcasters who were paid at least £150,000 last year, indicating she received a lower salary for her role as China editor.

“[The BBC] said there were differences between roles which justified the pay gap, but it has refused to explain these differences,” Ms Gracie wrote.

She says she was offered “a big pay rise which remained far short of equality”, but decided instead to leave China to “return to my former post in the TV newsroom where I expect to be paid equally”.

The BBC said in a statement that “fairness in pay is vital”.

“A significant number of organisations have now published their gender pay figures showing that we are performing considerably better than many,” the corporation added.



周日晚,卡丽?格雷西(Carrie Gracie)在网上发布了一封辛辣的公开信,指责她的老板们对女员工采取“分而治之”的做法。在上周的部分时间里,格雷西担任了BBC主要早间新闻节目《今日》(Today)的嘉宾主持人。

“我们感觉掉进了陷阱。”她在首先由BuzzFeed News发布的一封信中写道,“说出来有受纪律处分甚至遭解雇的风险;打官司可能会毁掉职业生涯、引发财务危机。”她谴责BBC要求签署保密协议,而“一个致力于真 相的组织不应当这么做”。

去年夏天一份BBC 96个收入的明星员工的名单曝光,引发了该公司一些知名BBC主持人的愤怒反弹。该名单揭示出,女性在收入达15万英镑或更多的出镜员工中所占的比例仅为三分之一。




与BBC美国主编乔恩?索佩尔(Jon Sopel)和中东主编杰里米?鲍恩(Jeremy Bowen)不同,格雷西的名字没有出现在去年年薪不低于15万英镑的BBC员工名单中,说明她作为中国主编得到的薪水要更低一些。





