【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语之所以经久不衰是因为以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,为英语学习者排忧解难,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。想要学好英语的你,怎能错过?快来加入学习吧!©文档大全网为您提供,希望以下内容能够为大家的新概念英语学习提供帮助!
1. 'I've been waiting a while'
You are totally justified in being annoyed that your interviewer kept you waiting. That being said, you get no brownie points for grumbling.
According to Fast Company, a very tardy job interviewer doesn't cast the company you're interviewing with in a particularly good light.
But, for the sake of not burning any bridges, it's probably better to avoid calling them out on that.
2. 'Hi! I know I'm late but...'
Yes, it's a double standard that the interviewee can't be late while the interviewer can get away with it. Still, in most cases, that's just the way it is.
Make sure you give yourself enough time to get to the job interview — even if that means showing up super early and waiting around at a nearby coffee shop, Business Insider previously reported.
And if you are late, don't draw attention to it or make excuses. Quickly apologize and move on.
3. 'Are you married?/Do you have kids?/How old are you?/etc.'
Keep things professional. Never ask the interviewer any personal questions — or anything that could be offensive.
You'll come across as prying, and potentially a bit creepy.
That goes especially for potentially insulting queries, like whether or not a woman is pregnant.
"If you are not pregnant, it is very much a ground-swallow-me-up-now moment as you struggle to find the words to explain to a perfect stranger that it is very much just a food baby under your jumper," Catherine Phillips wrote in the Metro.
4. 'Who should I avoid in the office?'
Don't embroil yourself in coworker drama before you've even stepped foot into the office. This just makes you sound like a petty person.
Saying something like this might make the hiring manager suspect that you're an untrustworthy gossip.
Elana Lyn Gross writes in the Career Contessa that office rumor-mongers are particularly troublesome, as they spread both true and false information to "undermine" coworkers.
Don't indicate to the hiring manager that you're going to cause trouble in the office down the line.
5. 'S---,' 'b----,' 'f---,' etc.
Angrily swearing at someone (your interviewer or otherwise), on the other hand, would definitely knock you out of the running. This goes double for any offensive, racist, or sexist speech.
But in general, hold off on the profanities. Curse words will make you sound rude, vulgar, and unprofessional.
Plus, Business Insider's Shana Lebowitz previously reported that a 2012 study found that people perceive those who swear as being less intelligent.
6. 'Excuse me, I need to take this call really quickly'
It's better to just avoid this pitfall by silencing your phone, Jennifer Parris writes for FlexJobs.
But accidents happen. If you're halfway through a job interview when your phone starts ringing, don't take the call. "It's disrespectful to the interviewer, even if you just blurt into the phone, 'I'll call you right back', and hang up," Parris writes.
Instead, apologize immediately and silence your phone.
7. 'I just need a job'
Seriously, contain your enthusiasm. This may be true, but definitely don't admit it to your interviewer.
Writing for SnagaJob, Amy White recommends coming into the interview truly prepared to answer the question: "Why do you want to work here?"
"Enthusiasm, eagerness, and energy are a first-time job hunter's best friend," she writes.
Be ready to talk about your long-term goals, interest in the company, and desire to improve your professional skills. Otherwise, you might end up blurting out that you're just desperate.
8. 'Sorry — I've got to run!'
What have you got, a date or something? Try to keep your schedule relatively uncluttered on the day of the interview.
Forbes reported that there are certain instances when it's probably best to just pack your things and go.
But unless you've hit rock bottom in the interview, or the interviewer is some sort of psychopath, it's probably best to just wait it out.
9. 'The office isn't what I thought it would be'
You're here as a job candidate, not as a super-critical interior decorator. Don't imply that you're disappointed or underwhelmed.
10. 'Dude/honey/girls/ladies/man/guys'
This one's a toss-up. Some people are totally cool with being called things like "guys" or "ladies." Others get really irked. It's probably better to err on the side of caution here, lest you come off as belittling or disrespectful.
Etiquette expert and speaker Jacqueline Whitmore previously told Business Insider that it's probably not a good idea to use slang or casual language, unless you're certain that sort of thing matches the organization's company culture.
Err on the side of formality.
11. 'That's not how I'm used to doing it'
If you start talking about the nitty gritty details of your new job, make sure to avoid coming across like you think you know better than anyone else. Criticizing the company's way of doing this is a surefire way to alienate your interviewer.
Plus, Business Insider's Shana Lebowitz reports that highly intelligent folks are "flexible and able to thrive in different settings." Clinging to your old habits and methods could make you seem stubborn and narrow-minded.
伊莱娜?林恩?格罗斯在《Career Contessa》中写道,办公室造谣者特别讨厌,因为他们会传播一些真真假假的信息来“挑拨”同事关系。
Apple hides secret job advert to attract world's best tech talent
The world's biggest technology companies are known for asking difficult questions and running strange competitions in a bid to attract top talent.
Apple took the recruiting game a step further this week and hid a job advert on its website. The posting, for a technical engineer, said: "Hey there! You found us. We are looking for a talented engineer to develop a critical infrastructure component."
But the stunt backfired when a journalist discovered the post by mistake. Zack Whittaker, security editor for US news site ZDNet, stumbled on the advert when he was analysing information sent from iPhone apps to advertisers.
"Trust me, there was little proficiency needed to find the page, which, since it was widely reported, has been taken down," said Whittaker.
He added that he did not apply for the job, which has now been removed.
Apple is not the first organisation to seek new technical talent in innovative ways. The use of puzzles and cryptic challenges to find people skilled in security stretches back to World War Two, when code breaking site Bletchley Park published puzzles in newspapers.
Britain's security agency GCHQ is also known for using online quizzes in recruitment drives and, in 2015, it ran a nationwide campaign with cryptic graffiti.
Google has also hidden tasks for job seekers within its website. An engineer searching on Google's website in 2015 for a list of technical functions was met with message that said: "You're speaking our language. Up for a challenge?"
After Max Rosett completed six challenges the search giant asked for his resume and contact details. Three months later he started working at Google.
Technology companies also have a reputation for cryptic interview questions. Apple has previously asked difficult questions of candidates, to which it is normally looking for specific answers. People who have interviewed at the company have reported questions including, "Are you smart?" and "If you had to float an iPhone in mid-air, how would you do it?"
A Google interviewee was once asked: "A man pushed his car to a hotel and lost his fortune. What happened?" The answer: he was playing Monopoly.
苹果公司并不是以创新方式招揽技术人才的首个机构。用谜语和神秘挑战来招收情报人员的先例可以追溯到二战时期,当时密码破 解基地布莱切利园在报纸上公开登出谜题。