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【篇一】儿时梦想职业榜单发布 仅一成人梦想照进现实

The top dream job for Chinese men in childhood is to be a public servant. For women, it's to be a teacher.

That's according to a survey published by LinkedIn, a US-based networking website, ahead of International Children's Day.

After civil servant, men dreamed of being scientists, policemen, businessmen and teachers, in that order, the survey found.

Among women, nearly 31% dreamed in childhood of becoming a teacher. The next choices were medical worker, artist, public servant and designer.

More than 1,000 people between 22 and 45 took the online survey. It also showed that younger groups had more variety in their dream jobs.

For those who were born before 1980, more than half found their childhood dream job in the top five of the list - which comprises mainly stable jobs with good social standing in a traditional sense.

However, 40% of respondents born after 1990 found their dream job in the top five.

Corporate manager, pilot, flight attendant, movie director and photographer were what they dreamed about, the survey showed.

About 13% of respondents said they now have their dream job, 42% said they work in related areas, and the rest either have never worked in their intended industry or have changed industries.









调查显示,公司管理者、飞行员、空乘、电 影导演和摄影师曾是他们的梦想职业。



If you're not a morning person, chances are you've tried arguing with your boss to try and start work later.

And now, new research has confirmed your long-held belief. You really would be better off having some extra time in bed.

Bosses would have much more productive employees if they were allowed to do their job during their peak hours, scientists suggest.

This depends on what time someone functions best at, be it a morning person or a so-called 'night owl', according to University of Sydney researchers.

Study author Stefan Volk told the Sydney Morning Herald that making work flexible to each person's body clock would be more efficient.

He said: 'These physiological differences matter a lot in the work context and we have to understand how it affects teams.

'When people are different, it can be positive or negative depending on the specific task they are performing.

'If members of a surgical team are different chronotypes, that is not ideal.'

Circadian rhythm, also known as the internal body clock, control everyone's periods of activity and rest.

The researchers used this information to determine the 'chronotype diversity' of the volunteers in the study.

They noted how the productivity levels of the workers were completely dependent on this.

In their study, they came across three types of employees, suited best to either morning, evening or intermediate shifts.

The latter were defined as those whose work output reached maximum levels at around midday. After assessing how this affects the performance of a team, they found it to have negative effects in a workplace.

Mismatched circadian rhythms were noted to affect coordination, potentially dangerous for those who work in teams, such as surgeons.

However, in some occupations, where sustained attention is required, it could be beneficial for employees.

The findings were published in the journal the Academy of Management Review.


















