
时间:2023-03-26 00:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】北京冬奥会主火炬“大雪花”在奥林匹克公园燃烧了300多个小时,2月20日晚上,它伴随着《雪花》歌声,缓缓熄灭。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  The opening and closing ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics takes "building a community with a shared future for mankind" as the core expression, takes "simplicity, safety and excellence" as the creative principle, and looks forward to a better future from the perspective of the world.

  Director Zhang Yimou used one China and one west to express his design idea - Li Bai's poem "Yanshan snowflakes are as big as seats" and the Western saying "there are no two snowflakes in the world that are the same".

  "I hope to convey the common feelings of mankind through a snowflake. No two snowflakes are the same, but today we gather in Beijing to become a bright snowflake, which is the great idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the common feelings of mankind such as' together to the future '." Director Zhang Yimou believes that the 2008 Olympic Games was the first time that there was a platform and opportunity to show China to the world, so at that time, large-scale literary and artistic performances were used to show China's 5000 year civilization. "To show our history, our tradition and the road we have traveled, we should start with 29 'big footprints'."

  "It's different now. I think China's status in the world, our Chinese image and the promotion of national status are completely different from those in the past." From "I" to "we", from "talking about history" to "looking to the future", Zhang Yimou said that behind this, of course, is the improvement of national strength and status and the improvement of Chinese people's self-confidence. With the strength of the country, while we are gradually recognized by the world, all countries in the world are also recognizing China. Therefore, this time, the requirements of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games are "simple, safe and wonderful", and the closing ceremony will also take this as the standard.


  Thank you for this lovely group of volunteers. Volunteers are everywhere, but rarely appear in the center of the stage. Volunteerism, like lanterns in their hands, lights up every place. At this moment, the volunteers deserve applause and thank them for their silent efforts to deliver love, warmth and services for this event. Folding willows to see off has become a special way of seeing off in the East. It is reflected in this closing ceremony. It comes slowly in the farewell of classic songs. Athletes from all countries are warmly invited to take this willow branch and bring the friendship of the Chinese people all over the world. I'll see you in Milan, Italy, in 2024.

  IOC President Bach's evaluation of the venue is amazing. The city of double Olympic Games is unprecedented. The flags of various countries are rounded, the five Olympic rings are raised slowly, the snowflake torch is lowered slowly, the time and space are staggered, and the most beautiful picture is that the snowflake melts, the fire in the snow is extinguished slowly, and the Winter Olympic Games is closed.

  China has brought the safest and most orderly Winter Olympics to the world. The Olympic spirit pursues higher, faster, stronger and more unity. Unity is the main theme of this time. In the case of such a serious global epidemic, I hope all mankind will unite to fight the epidemic and win.


  From warmth to enthusiasm, from gratitude to farewell, from giving up to hope, the intersection of time and space and repeated climaxes, who can say that such a closing ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games is not perfect!

  All of this is full of "little touch". You can really say it again: you can always trust Zhang Yimou. Thank him for turning a world event into a grand event for the people of China and the world at the end! Italy is coming! Modern and romantic Italian ice and snow Artistic Conception!

  I have to say that Italy's "two city walls, cohesion and brilliance" has also left a deep impression on us! The continuous switching of shots and scenes has filled the expectation of ice and snow Italy four years later! The "topographic map" of the city and nature, which is constantly crisscrossed between the two actors and the scene, not only looks avant-garde in science and technology, but also conforms to the theme of "symbiosis between city and nature", which is very fashionable and worthy of being Italian! This kind of special effect like a visual blockbuster is really refreshing!

  Finally, the ice and snow dispersed. With the twinkling stars, the New Winter Olympic emblem appeared. The typical Italian concise design looked classical and elegant, which made people look forward to it more! The final city performance and the welcoming speeches in Chinese by the mayors of the two cities made people feel the warmth of the "world family" again. I wish four years later, the double cities Winter Olympics in Italy will be held smoothly!


  On the evening of February 20, with the gradual extinction of the Winter Olympic flame, the high-profile closing ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games came to a successful conclusion in the "bird's nest" of the National Stadium. Beite Shengdi lived up to its trust. After the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics on February 4, it once again devoted itself to helping the perfect presentation of the national grand ceremony, showing its strength and responsibility.

  The 80 minute closing ceremony, based on the continuation of the "simple" style of the opening ceremony, boldly used Chinese red to collide with ice and snow blue, integrated Chinese traditional cultural symbols such as lanterns and Chinese knots into the ceremony as performance elements, vividly displayed Chinese romance and "double Olympics" feelings, and conveyed the moving and warmth from the "double Olympics city" to the people of the world.

  In the closing performance of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the core facilities and equipment such as the main torch posture adjustment actuator, the air via system and the ground central stage system undertaken by Beite Shengdi were perfectly integrated with artistic creativity and ceremony process, providing an ethereal and romantic feast for the global audience, It also marked a wonderful end to the 16 day Beijing Winter Olympic Games.


  On the evening of February 20, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games came to a successful conclusion! The closing ceremony was wonderful and beautiful. The flag bearer is Gao and Xu, who won gold medals in the 500 meter speed skating and freestyle skiing air skills finals respectively. Gao came out with Xu on his back, which attracted a burst of cheers.

  Gu ailing, who holds the gold medal, was very happy at the closing ceremony. She kept jumping, but she couldn't be happy. There is no doubt that she is the leader of this winter Olympic Games, and her every move is a hot spot inside and outside the stadium. Next to her is her brother Su, who has a very good relationship and is inseparable on the field. Wu Dajing is also among them and has attracted much attention. In this Olympic Games, Wu Dajing gave full play to his team spirit, led the mixed relay to win the gold medal, and then made sacrifices and contributions in other events, which is still fresh in people's memory.

  Su regretted winning the silver medal, made up for his regret in another field, won the gold medal strongly and won the first place with an indisputable result. In this Olympic Games, Xiao Su won one gold and one silver. He celebrated his 18th birthday at the Beijing Winter Olympics. In this way, he gave himself a gift of the bar mitzvah. Netizens left messages on the Internet one after another, and finally saw two geniuses in the same box, which made people very happy. Xiao Gu seems to be jumping, or wild jumping. He keeps walking, happy like a rabbit.

  Looking back on the wonderful moments of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Wu Dajing, short track speed skating women's relay, Sui Wenjing, Han Cong, the last moment, etc. It's all about passion.

