
时间:2023-03-11 20:49:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2月20日20:00,北京2022年冬奥会闭幕式将在国家体育场举行。闭幕式将以国际奥委会规定的仪式环节为主,通过巧妙设计将表演融入仪式。同时,闭幕式将更多聚焦运动员,为运动员和会议流程服务。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  On the ice and snow field, Chinese athletes not only have brilliant achievements, but also have the unremitting pursuit of surpassing themselves and the fighting spirit of never giving up. The tears and hardships behind their dreams, the flowers and applause obtained by breaking through themselves, are also the most real and vivid footnotes of the Olympic spirit.

  Ice and snow friends, hand in hand with the world. The Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a grand event for athletes from all over the world, but also a platform for promoting exchanges, adding "ice and snow elements" to cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries.

  From outstanding Chinese athletes who step on snow to build dreams to coaches who go abroad to teach, they use ice and snow sports as a link to unite forces, promote the integration of civilizations, and play a positive role in promoting international sports exchanges and cooperation. Among them are Chen Lu, member of the Athletes Committee of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee and China's first flower skating world champion, and Zhang Jing, a man's short track speed skating coach who won the Hungarian officer's Cross... The Olympic movement carries people's beautiful pursuit of peace, unity and progress. Everyone involved is an interpreter of the Olympic spirit.

  As Coubertin, the father of modern Olympics, said: "the Olympics is not a competition, but a cultural exchange and integration from the heart." As the first winter Olympics held after adding "more unity" to the Olympic motto, the Beijing Winter Olympics is not only a sporting event, but also a bridge to promote mutual understanding and integration in the world. This "ice and snow appointment" not only witnessed the birth of many world records and provided a stage for ice and snow athletes all over the world to surpass themselves, but also injected confidence and strength into the world plagued by the epidemic. It also gathered the passion and dreams of Chinese people at home and abroad to work together for the future.


  As the Beijing Winter Olympics draws to a close, wonderful moments will become eternal. The unforgettable half month witnessed the glorious dream of ice and snow sports and gathered the surging power to the future.

  The hearts of overseas Chinese are linked, and their dreams come true for a hundred years. Whether it is the cheers and blessings separated by thousands of miles, or the vigorous competition on the ice and snow field, overseas Chinese and Chinese all over the world went to this "ice and snow appointment", participated in the grand event and shared glory with their ancestral countries, and wrote a moving chapter of the Winter Olympic story collection.


  The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games closed tonight. The whole closing ceremony began with the big snowflake torch shining in the air. In the flexible music, children play with snowflake shaped lanterns on the venue, lighting up the "winter" emblem on the venue with the tradition of "making lanterns" around the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.

  Then, the children lit up the "Chinese knot" in the field. The elements of the Chinese knot reflect the concept of "community with a shared future for mankind".

  "Chinese knot" is generated by digital AR technology. It forms a simulated visual effect with ultra-high precision, just like a huge physical device hanging over the bird's nest.


  The Beijing Winter Olympics is coming to an end. At this winter Olympics, Chinese ice and snow athletes bear in mind the instructions of the general secretary, make history again with breakthrough excellent achievements, and China's ice and snow sports have entered a new era by leaps and bounds.

  On the first competition day after the opening ceremony, the Chinese short track speed skating team, relying on the strength of the team, won a valuable gold medal in the mixed relay and won the first gold for the Chinese delegation! After that, Ren Ziwei added another gold medal to the Chinese delegation. In Shougang ski jumping platform, the young Gu ailing challenged her limits with world difficult movements and won the first gold medal in snow for the Chinese delegation! In Zhangjiakou Yunding Ski Park, three veterans of the freestyle skiing aerial skills team, Xu Mengtao, Qi Guangpu and Jia Zongyang, have stayed for 16 years in order to dream of the fourth World War Winter Olympics. Chinese athletes practiced the Olympic motto of "higher, faster, stronger and more united" with practical actions, and handed over a proud answer with 9 gold, 4 silver, 2 bronze, 15 medals and the historical results of the Winter Olympic Games, which ranked third in the gold medal list.


  If the athletes who struggle on the field are dreamers, the service guarantee personnel who do not compete for gold medals outside the field are dreamers. Whether it's the ski rescue team who "arrived at the scene with more than 10 kilograms of medical bag in 4 minutes", or the photographer who stepped on the ice skate and carried the camera to shoot the ice hockey game on the ice field; Whether it's the ice maker who competes against time to adjust the ice leveling between competitions, who has to pour ice 8 times a day at most, or the volunteers who teach the media reporters from various countries to "punch in" Tai Chi in the traditional Chinese medicine culture exhibition space of the main media center... They also shoulder the mission, pay their own efforts and embody the Olympic spirit.

  The Olympic Games is never just a simple competitive competition. The holding of any large-scale event is a systematic project involving the full cooperation and coordination of all aspects. Some people will receive cheers and applause at the front desk, while others will silently support and provide guarantee behind the scenes.

  When the Olympic athletes challenge themselves and win glory for the country on the field, those dream keepers outside the field also sweat, work conscientiously, meticulously and provide good services. Their efforts and efforts will not be ignored, but deserve our attention and praise.

  As a "city of double Olympics", Beijing has been fulfilling its own, working hard to provide safe, thoughtful and meticulous guarantee and services for the Winter Olympic Games, and presenting a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event to the world. On the periphery of the stadium, through meticulous, warm and considerate help and services, dreamers convey our goodwill to every friend who comes to participate in the Winter Olympics and show our sincerity to present a wonderful winter Olympics to the world. This itself is also a connotation and profound meaning of "more unity".

  Let's thank the dreamers who have paid silently in every corner outside the stadium. It is with them that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will brand a beautiful mark on everyone's heart.


  When China Red meets snow white, the world sees that China's science and technology and the Winter Olympics complement each other and complement each other. Because of science and technology, the Winter Olympics is more HD, closer, lower carbon, more energy-saving, more legendary and better; Because of the Winter Olympics, technology is more wonderful, more dreamy, more outstanding, more innovative, more inclusive and more people-friendly. *** In this winter Olympic Games, all competition venues will realize 100% green power supply; The first large-scale application of carbon dioxide transcritical direct cooling ice making technology has improved energy efficiency by about 30%; Realize the world's first 8K + 5g broadcasting vehicle to broadcast short track speed skating and figure skating events, creating the most 8K broadcasting of major sports events in the world; Overseas guests have the opportunity to use China's digital RMB for the first time... A wonderful "out of circle" Winter Olympic Games is inseparable from the support of independent core technology; Behind every "black technology" of the Winter Olympics, China's soft power of independent innovation is highlighted.

  Made in China has iterated the Winter Olympics hardware, Chinese innovation has expanded the vision of the Winter Olympics, and Chinese science and technology has refreshed the miracle of the Winter Olympics. I believe that the light of science and technology can not only shine on the Winter Olympics, but also illuminate our high-quality life.


  The wonderful Beijing Winter Olympic Games is coming to an end. No matter from the real experience and feelings of athletes in various countries, or in every link and detail, the concept of "taking athletes as the center" is always highlighted everywhere. From the apartment facilities of the Olympic Village, to catering services, to sports and leisure, all reflect a kind of careful arrangement and ingenious design, coupled with "one-stop" commercial services, which effectively meet the diversified needs of athletes. In order to pursue the dream of ice and snow, nearly 3000 athletes from about 91 countries and regions overcame various difficulties and gathered in Beijing. In a short period of more than ten days, they felt the courtesy of being athletes, making this ice and snow event a warm Chinese memory in everyone's heart.


  The selection and creative application of images such as dandelion and Chinese knot in the closing ceremony manual run through the overall design.

  "In fact, dandelion has already met the audience. We paved the way at the end of the manual of the opening ceremony of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games. At that time, there was a dandelion that was going to spread the seeds of its own sports spirit." Professor Xia Xiaoqi introduced that the design of the manual was extended from the opening ceremony "the story of a snowflake" to the closing ceremony "the future vision of thousands of dandelions". The reason for choosing dandelion, she said: "a simple, tenacious and small dandelion has the concept and spirit of perseverance and self-improvement, and can be integrated with the Olympic spirit of higher, faster, stronger and more unity."

  The red Chinese knot also appeared many times in the closing ceremony manual. On the page of athletes' entrance ceremony, layers of Chinese knots have a strong visual impact. As an important visual ornament, the figure of a small Chinese knot still floats at the top of each page. Professor Xia Xiaoqi said: "the Chinese knot is the core of the whole manual. The Chinese knot is continuously woven into a concentric knot by a red thread, which is also a moral and symbol of the Beijing Winter Olympics."


  From Chinese culture to the spirit of unity, the Beijing Winter Olympics will leave good memories for all those who participated in and paid attention to the Winter Olympics. Prince Albert S of Monaco Bing dwen dwen, a pair of twins who brought home. The press officer of the Norwegian delegation was praised by the Chinese cultural circle as "participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics is a good experience" because "there are many places where we can understand Chinese culture!" Brazilian athletes have participated in the Beijing Olympic Games since 2008. This year, they expressed their deep feelings that "as soon as they arrive at the airport, they will look for those beautiful memories. I am very happy to be back here... I am very happy to realize the dream of 'double Olympics' with Beijing." Chinese culture is wonderful and moving, and the spirit of solidarity is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The Beijing Winter Olympics is a successful conference and a grand event of unity. China has taken practical actions to send a positive signal of "working together for the future" to the world.


  With successful closed-loop management and considerate support, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games also has fine service capabilities. "Those high-tech and modern facilities are very convenient", "not only contributed a wonderful winter Olympics to the world, but also made great achievements in epidemic prevention and control"... Whether it is event guarantee, closed-loop management, epidemic prevention and control, clothing, food, housing and transportation, all kinds of staff of Beijing winter Olympics are meticulous, efficient and pragmatic, with meticulous guarantee, It has won the recognition and praise of the international community. As Dubi, executive director of the Olympic Department of the International Olympic Committee, said: "from the event organization to the detailed arrangement, the whole system operates smoothly." Under the epidemic situation, the successful holding of such a large-scale wonderful event, as promised, once again demonstrated the intention of the "double Olympic city" and demonstrated the strength and responsibility of a big country.

