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【#英语口语# #住酒店的英语口语常用句(精选5篇)#】酒店一般来说就是通过出售客房、餐饮及综合服务设施向客人提供服务,从而获得经济收益的场所。当我们出门旅游时,选择一家合适的酒店住宿十分重要。©文档大全网整理了五篇住酒店的英语口语常用句,欢迎阅读!

1.住酒店的英语口语常用句 篇一

  Turned down service. May I come in? 收拾房间了,我可以进来吗?

  I'm sorry to disturb you, May I clean your room now? 抱歉打扰您,我现在可以清理房间吗?

  Well, I'm a bit tied up now. 哦. 我现在有点事情。

  Shall I come back later, Sir? 先生, 要我等会儿再来吗?

  Can't you come back later? 你等会儿再来好吗?

  What time would you like me to come back? 您希望我什么时候再来?

  What time would be better for you? 您什么时间更合适呢?

  Sometime after supper would be fine. 晚饭后的时间比较好。

  You can call the front desk when you want your room done.当您需要清理房间时可以给前台打电话。

  May I come in and check the housekeeper's work? 我能进房检查一下服务员清理房间的情况吗?

2.住酒店的英语口语常用句 篇二

  Just a moment, please. The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment. 请稍等,收银员马上会准备好您的账单。

  I will calculate/draw up the bill for you. 我帮您结帐单。

  Thank you for waiting, Mr. X, here is your bill. Would you like check? 让您久等了,X先生。这是您的账单,您要核对一下吗?

   If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you. 如果您认为帐目有错,我们可以为您核对一下。

  L” stands for laundry, and “T” means telephone call charge. L代表洗衣费,T表示电话费。

  How would you settle the bill/ make payment? 您打算如何付账呢?

  In cash/ By credit card/ By travel's check. 用现金、信用卡、旅行支票付账。

  May I have an invoice? 可以给我开张发票吗?

  Certainly, sir. May I know the name of your company? 当然可以,先生。请问贵公司宝号?

  Here's your change and receipt/invoice. 这是您的零钱和收据/发票。

  I'll call the bellman to take your baggage down. 我会叫个服务员给你行李拿下来。

3.住酒店的英语口语常用句 篇三

  If you check out after 12:00 at noon, you'll have to pay all of the rate. 如果您在中午12点之后退宿,就得付半天的房费。

  If you check out after 6:00 p.m., you'll have to pay the full rate. 如果您在下午6点之后退宿,就得付一天的房费。

   I neglected that detail when I drew up your bill. 我在开账单时忽略了那个细节。

  I'll correct your bill. 我来把您的账单改过来。

  We'll correct your bill by deducting 180 yuan from the total. 我们将把您的账单改过来,从总额中减去180元。

  Have a nice trip. 祝您旅途愉快。

  We hope to enjoy your stay. 希望您在这儿住的愉快。

  We look forward to serving you again. 我们期望再次为您服务。

4.住酒店的英语口语常用句 篇四

  1.What kind of room would you like(prefer)?


  2.Would you like a room with a front view or a rear view?


  3.Do you want a single room or a double room?


  4.Would a double room do?


  5.In whose name is the reservation made?


  6.How do you spell your name,please?


  7.I’m sorry,but we don’t have any record of your reservation.


5.住酒店的英语口语常用句 篇五

  1.Do you remember the name of the reservation clerk?


  2.When did you make the reservation?


  3.What was the date of the reservation?


  4.How long do you plan to stay?


  5.For how many nights?


  6.For how long?


  7.How many guests will there be in your party altogether?


  8.I can book you a single room for the 15th and 16th .

