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【#四六级考试# 导语】2017年12月英语四级考试于12月16日进行,考后®文档大全网将为您带来第一手2017年12月英语四级真题及答案。以下是®文档大全网整理的2017年12月英语四级翻译答案【文都三篇完整版】,仅供参考。


  Huashan is located in Huayin City, 120 kilometers away from Xi'an. It is part of the Qinling Mountains, which not only separate Southern and Northern Shanxi, but also separate South and North China. In the past, Huashan was rarely visited because of its hard and steep road, which is unlike Taishan where people often went to worship. However, those who wish to live longer often ascend the mountain for many herbs grow on the mountain, especially some rare herbs. After the installation of cable cars in the 1990s, the number of visitors has increased greatly .


  Mount Huang is located in the south of Anhui province. Its landscape is unique, and it is especially famous for its sunrise and sea of clouds. In order to appreciate the magnificence of this great mountain, one has to look up, but to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Huang, one has to look down. Mount Huang’s humid climate is fit for the growth of tea tree, and it is one of the major tea tree growing areas of China. There are also many warm springs in Mount Huang, whose water is helpful for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases. Mount Huang is one of the major tourist destinations in china, and is also the most popular subject of photography and traditional Chinese paintings.


  Mountain Tai , 2,700 m above sea level and 400 square kilometers, which is located in the western part of China. It enjoys not only the magnificent sight, but the high reputation for its historical culture. Mountain Tai is a place of worship for pilgrims for 3,000 thousand years.

  According to the record, it was visited by 72 emperors in total. Many writers obtain inspiration and compose poems and compositions by visiting Mountain Tai. Besides, artists also draw paintings here. Consequently, there are a lot of cultural relics and historic sites. Nowadays, Mountain Tai has become one of the most well-known tourist attractions in China.



