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【#英语口语# 导语】金融英语口语是金融从业人员必备的技能之一,它涵盖了金融行业常用的词汇、短语和句型,能够帮助从业人员更好地与国际客户进行沟通和交流。©文档大全网为广大金融从业人员整理了一些金融英语口语日常情景对话,希望能够帮助大家更好地掌握金融英语口语。


1.金融英语口语日常情景对话 篇一

  Stuart Scott has lost his savings passbook.He is reporting the matter to the manager of his bank's Savings Department .斯图尔特·期科特丢失了他的储蓄存折,他正向他的银行储蓄部门经理报告这件事。

  Manager:May I help you ?经理:我可以帮助您吗?

  Scott:Yes,I hope so .I'm afraid that I've lost my savings passbook.斯科特:是的,我希望得到您的帮助。恐怕我丢失了我的储蓄存折。

  M:When did you have the book last ,sir ?经理:截止到什么时候您还持有这个存折,先生?

  S:Several days ago when I deposited my paycheck .I don't remember the exact day because I didn't come to the bank until a few days after I got paid .斯科特:几天以前,当我到银行存入我的工资支票的时候,我记不清确切的日子了,因为我领到工资几天以后才到银行来。

  M:Can you tell me how much you deposited at that time ?经理:您能告诉我,当时您存入了多少钱吗?

  S:Yes,$145.00 I kept the rest in cash .斯科特:可以的。我当存入145美元。我把其余的工资作为现金留下来了。

  M:Well,please let me have your name and address and your savings account number if you remember it .经理:好的,如果您还记得的话,请告诉我您的姓名、住址、和您的储蓄帐户号码。

  S:I'm sorry ,but I can't remember my account number .Do I need to know that?斯科特:对不起,我想不起来我的帐户号码了,一定得要知道号码吗?

  M:No,not necessarily.One moment please.Yes ,Mr.Scott .I have your account number here.经理:不,不必,请稍等一下。好的,斯科特先生,我这里找到您的帐户号码了。

  Please fill out this lost passbook affidavit and list the code word you used when you opened your account.请您填写一下这张丢失存折声明书,并写出您开立帐户时所用的暗语。

  S:Oh ,you mean my mother's maiden name?斯科特:您是说我母亲婚前的姓名?

  M:Yes,that's right .We'll process this from for you and transfer your funds to a new account .经理:对,是这样,我们要为您制作这张表格并把您的资金转移到新开的帐户中去。

  Please note on the affidavit that you'll be required to indemnify the bank ,for any possible losses it may incur as a result of transferring the funds to a new account .请在声明书中注明,您将赔偿由于资金转移到新开帐户中去所导致的银行可能遭受的任何损失。

2.金融英语口语日常情景对话 篇二

  Sarah Parkes,a teller at the First National Bank ,has just been visited by one of the bank auditors ,Larry Conner ,to conduct a spot inspection.萨拉·帕克斯是第一国民银行的出纳员,她刚刚接受了银行审计员拉里·康纳的来访,又接受了一次现场检查。

  Good afternoon ,Miss Parkes .Will you please close your window after you finish with this customer?下午好,帕克斯小姐。请您办理完这位顾客的事情后,关上您的窗口,好吗?

  I'd like to conduct a spot check of your cash and your transactions for today .我想对您的现金和您今天的业务情况进行一次现场检查。

  Oh,hi,Mr.Conner.So it's that time again ,is it ?I thought the Auditing Department might visit me sometime this week.哦,您好,康纳先生。又到检查的时候了,对吧?我就知道这个星期里不定什么时候审计部门可以要对我进行检查。

  It's been almost eight weeks since my last audit .从上次查帐到现在,已经差不多8个星期了。

  Well,you know ,we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month.是的,您知道,我们必须至少每隔一个月对每一位出纳员的柜内现金就要进行一次现场检查。

3.金融英语口语日常情景对话 篇三

  A dentist is talking to his banker about opening an automatic transfer account for his tax payments.一位牙科医生正同他的银行家商讨有关为了支付他的税务而开立一个自动转帐帐户的问题。

  Dentist:Can I make arrangements to open an automatic transfer account for my income tax payments.牙医:为了支付我的所得税,能为我安排开立一个自动转帐帐户吗?

  Banker:Yes,of course .We do that for many of our customers .You simply indicate what the regular and special transfer should be and we will automatically debit your account for them each month .银行家:当然可以,我们为许多顾客提供这项服务。您只要说明有哪些一般和特殊的转帐项目,我们就会自动地按月把这些转帐项目划入您的帐户的借方。

  D:Do you keep the transferred amount in a special account that I can't control?牙医:他们是不是把转帐的钱存入在一个我不能控制的特殊的帐户中呢?

  B:Yes,we keep those balances in a tax accrual trust account specifically reserved for tax payments.银行家:是的,我们把余额保留在一个专门为纳税而设立的应缴税款信用帐户中。

  D:What about the tax liability itself?Do you pay it for me or do I have to do it myself?牙医:关于纳税义务本身是怎么回事?是你们为我支付还是我自己去支付?

  B:You must submit the appropriate tax form each quarter,but we can handle the paperwork here.银行家:你必须每个委度缴一张拨款纳税申报表,我们这里就能办理票据事务。

  D:Everything is automatic ,huh?牙医:每件事都是自动的,是吗?

  B:Yes,we will make the automatic monthly transfers to the tax accrual trust account and transfer that to the tax payment when it matures.银行家:是的,我们将税务每月自动转帐到应缴税款信用帐户中去,并且到期后转入纳税。

4.金融英语口语日常情景对话 篇四

  Richmond:Excuse me ,but I seem to be having trouble with this cash dispenser .My card is stuck and nothing came out !里奇蒙:对不起,我在使用这台付现机时似乎遇到些麻烦,我的卡片被卡住了,而且什么东西也没有从机器里出来。

  Clerk:Well.Let me see if I can help you .Did you push the correct buttons for your secret number?职员:噢,我来看看你是否能帮您忙。您输入您的密码时是否按对了按钮?

  R:Yes,I am sure I did.I use my birth date as my secret number .It's easy to remember it that way .里奇蒙:是的,我确信这一点。我使用我的出生日期作为我的密码,这样做,很容易记住。

C:Well,everything seems to be in order. The display board is asking you to enter your secret number again.Maybe you've made a mistake in pushing the numbers .职员:嗯,看起来一切都是正常的。显示板要求您再次输入您的密码,可能您在按密码时出了错。

  R:No,I don't think so .You try it .My secret number is 0315.I was born on March 15.里奇蒙:不会的,我认为绝对不会的。您试一试,我的密码是0315,我是3月15日出生的。

  C:Well,whose card are you using ?Did you ,by chance ,take your husband's card by mistake ?职员:那么,您使用的是谁的卡片呢?会不会碰巧您拿了您丈夫的卡片呢?

  R:There was no mistake! I took his card because he wanted me to get some money from his account .I have my card here in my purse .里奇蒙:没错,我确实拿了他的卡片,因为他让我从他帐户中取些钱,我的卡片就放在我的钱包里。

5.金融英语口语日常情景对话 篇五

  Alberta Barnes is talking with the vault clerk at the First National Bank .She is asking about renting a safe deposit box .艾伯特·巴恩斯正在与第一国民银行的保险库职员谈话,她问到租用银行保管箱的事。

  Can you tell me something about renting a safe deposit box?您能跟我谈谈有关租用银行积保管箱的情况吗?

  I want to put some securities and insurance policies in a safe place .我想把一些证券和保险单放在一个安全的地方。

  Yes,ma'am .We have three different box sizes which we can rent .好的,夫人。我们有三种不用规格的箱子可供出租。

  The yearly rental fee depends on the size and location of the box .每年的租金取决于箱子的规格大小和箱子的存放地点。

  Most of people use the small size box.It's just right for securities and other valuable papers.大多数人租用小号的箱子,它正好适用于证券和其他贵重票据的存放。
