1.金融英语口语情景对话 篇一
I'm sorry I wasn't able to get together with you sooner, Steven.
Right! How do the figures look to you, David?
Overall, they look good. But I also think we're at a point where we need to make a few improvements.
What did you have in mind?
I'm referring primarily to cash management. It's important that we take a careful look at the cash being held on deposit in checking accounts.
And, according to the balance sheet, there's some $600,000 on deposit in various banks.
Isn't that a lot to be holding in checking accounts?
t is a rather large amount, yes.
OK, here's what we'll do. I suggest you move more funds out of those checking accounts only leaving what's required for day-to-day expenses.
2.金融英语口语情景对话 篇二
Oh, and Steven, be careful that those short-term securities aren't selected in a haphazard way. Invest wisely.
Of course. In fact, those excess funds could provide us with returns of eight or nine percent.
Exactly! OK, point number two. I'm also concerned about accounts receivable and payable.
It's taking much too long to collect from our customers. On the other hand, we're paying our bills right on time.
I think we should start delaying payments on certain of our accounts. That'll give us more cash on hand.
Will do. As for accounts receivable, I'll ask our people to make a special effort to collect on past due accounts.
We do offer a one percent discount on invoices paid within ten days, but it's still taking an average of four months to collect.
Let's increase the invoice discount to two percent.
That might get more customers to pay sooner. Oh and Steven.
3.金融英语口语情景对话 篇三
I'm going to establish a year-end goal - to cut the average collection time on accounts receivable from four months to two.
We'll do our best, David. In fact, I'm already confident the balance sheets will soon be showing a far different picture.
A bright one, I hope.
Bill, I am glad to hear from you! I've been at it day and night... looking over the records.
But I can't find anything that points to a mistake in our year-end report.
I turned over all our books to the accounting department as you requested. Have you heard anything?
Yes, Henry. A call just came in from the controller's office.
The audit revealed the plant's inventory was overstated by $400 000 at the close of last year.
$400 000? How could I have missed that? And a mistake like this coming so soon after being named plant manager.
4.金融英语口语情景对话 篇四
I don't know what to say, Bill. I'm really sorry about this.
The mistake was made at the close of last year, Henry.
Whatever the problem was, it happened long before you became plant manager.
We're certainly not going to hold you responsible.
Whew! That makes me feel a lot better. I'm glad you alerted me when you did, Bill, What happens now?
Well, for one thing, the accountants are looking into how the error affected the taxes we paid last year.
The overstatement of $400 000 in inventory caused us to understate our cost of sales by the same amount.
And this naturally inflated our profit figure.
In other words, our net income was $400 000 less than we reported to Internal Revenue.
5.金融英语口语情景对话 篇五
Precisely. And the accountants estimate we paid $200 000 too much in taxes for the period.
I'm not that familiar with the mechanics of the tax system, Bill, but can't we file an amended tax return to get the money back?
We sure can, and will. We'll explain the situation to Internal Revenue and ask them to credit the $200 000 to this year's tax liability.
If they agree, it'll improve our profit picture for the current year.
It's a legitimate claim. They'll approve it, don't you think?
They should. They may order a complete audit - and you can be sure our accountants won't like that part of it one bit.
But, yes, I'm confident we can prove our case. Who knows, Henry, we may still be able to turn this mistake to our advantage.
And I may be able to start getting some sleep again!