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【#英语资源# 导语】在我的脑海中有许多令我难忘的事。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  One Sunday morning, it was sunny and sunny. My father took me fishing.

  When we got to the river, my father and I began to compete in fishing. First, I took out a box of fish food, tied it to the hook, and then threw it into the river with all my strength. Then I sat on the bank and waited for the small fish to fall into the net.

  After a while, the fishing rod sank a little, and the fish bit the hook. I quickly lifted the fishing rod, and I put the lively fish into the bucket. "Time is up," Dad shouted. I caught 26 and Dad caught 25. I won! I was so happy that I jumped three feet high and slipped into the river. My father laughed. In a twinkling of an eye, the sun was about to set, and we left with more than we wanted.

  This event is still unforgettable to me. Whenever I think of it, I will laugh.


  When I was 4 years old, there was something unforgettable for me, just like yesterday, which made me unforgettable for a long time.

  At dinner that day, my father looked at me with a smile and asked me with an evil look: "Do you dare to drink? Don't drink too much, just dip your chopsticks and lick them.". I said, "Yes, it's just licking the head of chopsticks."

  I picked up my chopsticks, dipped the wine in the cup gently, and then put it into my mouth. At the moment when my tongue touched the wine, "sour... hot... bitter... salty!" All kinds of tastes are confused on the tip of my tongue. With the "Ow", I just like the Monkey King, rushed into the cloud of tumbling.

  When my feet fell to the ground, my father asked me badly, "How is it? Do you know what the wine tastes like? You should practice more in the future!" I thought: Is this wine good? Want to practice drinking? I never want to touch it again.


  On Friday, we went to xx Park to have a picnic and barbecue in the afternoon.

  Groups of students are talking and playing in the park. We share our own snacks with our good friends, one for you and one for me. Suddenly, a burst of aroma attracted the students. We ran to the source of fragrance in a scattered manner, just like a hungry cheetah. "Yummy, yummy!" This sound lingers throughout the park. One mouthful, two mouthfuls, three mouthfuls... We devoured the barbecue. Not enough, another bunch!

  This activity made me understand that sharing is always happy. Self interested people will never have a bosom friend, nor a "bottle of complaint". People who share freely with others will always have a lot of bosom friends!


  There are many things worth remembering, but one thing that often comes to my mind is what happened when I learned to ride a bike.

  I remember when I was in the middle class of kindergarten, many students in the class would ride bicycles. When they got on that gorgeous bike and flew away like a horse, my heart went with them. So I begged my father to buy me a car.

  I started to learn to ride a bike. I was afraid of falling down. I rode on the bike and walked around with my hands around the table tennis table. I thought I had learned very well, and when I was proud of myself, the next student said that there was nothing to be proud of! If you have the ability, you can't help yourself! Come on, what's there? Unexpectedly, as soon as I released my hand, I fell on the ground and cried in pain. My classmates hurried up to comfort me, but I couldn't get on the bike anymore because of the pain.


  The winter vacation has passed, but I have one thing in mind.

  It was the day before the New Year, and it was snowing heavily. There was a vast expanse of white on the ground and roof, and the whole land was covered with snow. My mother took me to the vegetable market to buy food for the Spring Festival the next day.

  We came to the vegetable market. Mother bought many dishes, including fish, shrimp and meat. When I was going home, my mother remembered that she had not bought vegetables. Mother bought a few yuan of vegetables from an old woman, gave her a hundred yuan, picked up the vegetables and took me away. At this time, the old lady called us behind: "Come back quickly, I haven't changed your money yet." My mother immediately took me back with her money in her hand. She thanked her grandmother repeatedly. The old lady shook her hand and said, "You are welcome. You are also working hard to make money. It's snowy again. You will have trouble coming here again. It's not easy to ride on the road." After listening to the old granny, my heart is warm. What a good old man!

  Now my mother buys vegetables from Grandma. My mother told me that I should be grateful.


  Open the valve of memory, I have many colorful interesting things, some of which have been forgotten, some of which are still fresh in memory, making people unforgettable.

  I remember that it was a sunny afternoon. As usual, I went to learn the electronic piano. It happened that Lv Jiaxin had just finished learning. After we said hello, I went to class. While my mother was talking with my aunt, she quietly ran upstairs to be my "little teacher".

  Today, I learned "Four Little Swans". The teacher asked me to write music by myself. I felt very hard. Lv Jiaxin looked at it and said, "I have learned this music and I will teach you." So she played the tune skillfully. When I couldn't play it well, she demonstrated or instructed me to practice repeatedly until I could play the difficult part. The time passed quickly. After a while, my aunt came to ask her to go home. After she left, I played it again. The teacher said "OK" after checking.

  Walking on the way home, thinking about what happened just now, I told my mother: Lu Jiaxin is really a serious and careful "good teacher", a good classmate, and I will learn from her in the future.


  I have a good mother who teaches me how to learn and how to behave. She often says to me, "Your progress is my happiness." I remember that when I was in kindergarten, I was very ill and had a high fever for three days, which made my mother very worried. My mother held me in her arms and cried. Although my mother was a village doctor, I seemed to see that my mother was a little helpless, but she refused to give up her confidence in herself and tried her best to cure me. She also went to the mountain to find herbal decoction that she used to cure others for me to drink, And I stayed by my side day and night to observe my illness. Seeing her anxious face, I felt my mother's fatigue and felt sad. I said to my mother, "Mom, go to have a rest for a while, I'm much better." But my mother refused. She wiped sweat for me and asked me how I felt.

  My illness finally got better, but when I was young, I deeply knew that my mother had done a lot for me. Her figure of working hard for me has been hovering in my mind until now. I am happy to have such a mother. It is my mother's strong love that accompanied me to grow up and made me happy.


  Some things in my mind are just like smoke, which just fade away, while some things are always shining and warm.

  I remember that it rained heavily that day, as if the whole city would be submerged, and the traffic in the city was extremely congested. I came home from school and waited for my mother to get off work. But wait and wait, it's getting dark, and my mother still hasn't come back. At this time, my mood was like an ant on a hot pot, extremely anxious. Usually my mother is very busy at work and always comes home late. Today should be no exception. I am still patient and waiting. The hour hand had reached eight o'clock, and I looked at the door from time to time. Suddenly, the phone rang. I picked up the receiver and heard my mother's worried voice. My mother said, "Because of the traffic jam, some children still haven't picked up. Wait for me at home for a while. Don't worry!" I listened to my mother. Although I was a little unhappy, I comforted my mother and said, "Mom, don't worry, I will take care of myself."

  After a long time, my stomach had already started a concert. My mother called again, and my mood always changed from happy to lost. Wait and wait. By this time, the hour hand had already pointed to ten o'clock. I'm hungry and scared. I thought: The children in other people's families are really happy, accompanied by my mother, while I am alone at home, and I can't help feeling a little lost. But on second thought, my mother couldn't take care of me for more people. I should understand my mother! Suddenly, I heard the familiar footsteps at the door of the building. I quickly opened the door to meet my mother. My mother said with guilt: "The last child was just picked up, so I came back late. Am I hungry? Mom will cook for you." I smiled and said: "Mom, I have grown up, so don't worry about me. Let's have a rest!" My mother and I went to the kitchen together and bumped into each other, Mom and I laughed!

  Although I was hungry and lonely that night, my heart was always warm.


  As soon as I thought of my mother's scolding, the matter immediately appeared in front of my eyes, which is still vivid. I remember one Monday night in the second grade, when my mother was sorting out my schoolbag, she found a Transformer in my schoolbag. My mother asked me, "Where did you come from?" "Borrowed." I thought my mother wouldn't say anything, but she said sternly, "How can I play with toys at school during school time? I will return them tomorrow, and I can't bring toys to school later." I said, "Yes, I will pay it back tomorrow." The next day, I looked at the Transformers. It was so funny. I didn't expect to return the borrowed toy. Suddenly, an idea flashed and I decided to play for a few more days.

  Once I got home, it was good that my mother didn't come back. I took out the toy and hid it under the pillow. Mom came back from work and asked me, "Have you returned the toy?" "And..." After all, my hesitant words could not escape my mother's "golden eyes". She stared at me, and I blushed suddenly. Seeing that the matter had been revealed, she had to take out the toy. Her mother looked at it, and her angry body trembled, but said seriously: "Yuyu, no matter what we do, we should keep our promise. If a person can't be responsible for what he said, he will accomplish nothing. Today's small cheat will become a big one in the future." I lowered my head in shame, two lines of tears fell down, and said to my mother: "Mom, please believe me again, I will return it tomorrow, and I will never bring toys to school again." Mother said: "It's good that you know your mistakes. Remember that you should never lie in the future, not to mention to your mother and father who care and love you." I was very sad to listen to my mother's teaching. My mother worked so hard, I can't help her share, but also do something that she worries about. I secretly made up my mind to study hard and be honest in the future.

  This made me understand that we must be honest children and live up to the expectations of my parents.


  Whenever I open the drawer and see the lightened savings tank, it always reminds me of a scene that I can't reach.

  My mother is strict with me. When I was in the third grade, my mother chartered a car for me to go to and from school. Therefore, I went to school and stayed with my classmates every day. I always saw that my classmates had pocket money to buy snacks and eat while walking. I was so greedy that I took out my small pocket, which was empty. At this time, I always think of the savings tank at home, which contains more than 100 coins I have accumulated since kindergarten. When I got home, I opened the drawer and picked up the piggy bank. I saw the always friendly piggy bank doll, as if his eyes were wide open. I put it down again. But the students ate snacks with relish, and my hands itched again. Finally, I shook out two one yuan coins and stuffed them into my schoolbag. In this way, I began to take coins one after another.

  One day, when my father helped me clean up the room, he found that there were only eight coins left in my savings box, so he asked me to tell him what was going on. I was petrified. God! This time is terrible. I have never seen my father's serious face today. I trembled, tears rolled down one by one, and hesitated to say the thing again. Just then, mother's voice came from outside, and she came back from work. Remembering my mother's strictness to me at ordinary times, I was even more scared. My mother came in, and I was so timid that I was weak. After knowing the whole story, my mother took me aside and seriously criticized me. She said a lot to me... I clearly remember one of the words: Diligence and thrift are the virtues of the Chinese nation. Children should not develop the habit of spending money indiscriminately. Money saved through hard work should be spent in useful places. Although my mother didn't hit me this time, I felt worse than being beaten.

  Although more than a year has passed, when I saw the piggy bank, I thought of the things that made me ashamed. "Diligence and thrift are the virtues of the Chinese nation. Children should not develop the habit of spending money indiscriminately. Money saved through hard work should be spent in useful places." This sentence will stay with me all my life.
