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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩,是一种美德,是一种方式,更是一种境界;感恩,让生活充满阳光,让世界充满温馨。因为感恩才让我们懂得了生命的真谛!下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Although the flowers that once bloomed have been beaten by wind and rain, with the breeze, there are strands of faint fragrance floating by.

  The road of life is rugged and bumpy. If you are not careful, you will be hurt all over. Fortunately, a kind person gives you a caring word, and you feel no longer lonely. At the same time, there are many people who spend their life. You also know how to repay kindness and learn to help others from now on.

  Without sunshine, there will be no warmth of the day; Without rain and dew, there will be no harvest of grain; Without water, there is no life; Without family affection, friendship and love, the world will be a lonely darkness.

  Sheep have the grace of kneeling milk, and crows have the feeling of feeding. Not to mention people! Facing the benefactor who has helped us, we need to try our best to repay. The so-called "the grace of a drop of water should be rewarded by a gushing spring." it is about gratitude and giving people food. Maybe he will tide over the difficulties and achieve brilliance, but the giver does not ask for return. As a recipient, we should be a person with humility and awe, so as to repay the benefactor of our destiny.

  Throwing a peach in return for a plum interprets the strategy of fate and is permeated with the breath of life. A harmonious environment will create a group of benefactors of fate, let him spread God's decree, bring love to the world and throw the sadness of the world into the sky. Learn to be grateful, strive to be grateful, thank our friends, our parents and the benefactors of our destiny, because they let us understand the vicissitudes and warmth of the world.

  Learn to be grateful, learn to be grateful, and make the cold world warm and colorful. Let our world connect, connect every corner with love, throw love to where it is needed, inherit love, and let every suffering heart accept the call of love and respond to infinite power. Learn to be grateful and return our love to the benefactor of our destiny.

  Life is a hard journey. It is very long. When we meet the benefactor of fate, our life becomes colorful. Learn to be grateful, let the grateful heart fly thousands of miles, and warm the world with the grateful heart.


  Learn to be grateful and achieve life

  In our life, our parents are the people who pay the most for us. They care about us, try their best to make money, let us go to school, and teach us not to be narrow-minded and selfish people, but to be useful to the motherland and society.

  My parents are a pair of ordinary farmers. They say that we should treat each other sincerely when making friends. Once, I was reading a book my mother bought for me. Suddenly, my good friend Yang Shuai came to play with me. He said, "let me have a look, OK?" I said, "no, I haven't finished reading it yet." Yang Shuai and I had a quarrel. He went home unhappy. At this time, my father came over and said earnestly, "children, good friends can't haggle over every detail. If there are good things to share, go to him and apologize." after listening to my father's words, I went to Yang Shuai to apologize. He readily accepted it. We will still be good friends in the future. Through this thing, I know: Be kind, treat friends with heart, and make more friends. It's easy to go.

  One more thing: because I ate too much ice cream, I was seriously ill and my high fever persisted. I was admitted to the hospital. My mother took my temperature and wiped my body. She was busy calling a doctor. My mother had been busy for several days and had not slept well. She had lost a lap and bought me a lot of delicious food every day. My mother bought me a very fun remote control car and two good-looking books. One is called the Encyclopedia of animal knowledge. I'm fine. I'll study so that I won't be lonely. My mother is so thoughtful. My mother is so careful. Through this thing, I know that my parents' love for me is selfless. They can pay anything for us. I must repay my parents in the future. I think I should study hard, make progress every day and repay my parents with my achievements. I repay my mother with gratitude. I will not forget what my parents have done for us.

  We should all have a grateful heart to repay the country, parents and people who have paid for us. With gratitude, our world will be harmonious and beautiful.


  Teachers have taught us to be grateful since childhood, but they always think I don't understand what gratitude is. It was not until I grew up that I remembered my parents' hard work that I learned to be grateful.

  First of all, I should be most grateful to my father, who has given me too much help. In learning, he used different methods to encourage and inspire me, let me stand up bravely and move forward strongly; In life, his earnest teaching will never forget me; In life, he cares about me in every way.

  In my study, my father encouraged and inspired me differently from others. He did not encourage me face to face or praise me face to face, but did not say a word or act. It is my father's performance that makes me full of motivation to move forward. One might ask, why. I want to answer, because there is a voice in my heart, always saying, come on! Qin bell, you must move forward, you must work hard, you must let your father see your progress, let your father encourage you, praise you and inspire you. In this way, I have the motivation to move forward.

  In life, my father tried his best to create good conditions for me. He would rather bear a heavy burden on himself. He bought me a bike and an electronic organ. What he gave me was endless happiness, but what he gave himself was endless burden.

  I really hate myself. Why do I understand this now. Watching dad sometimes come back from work, scars and bloodstains. I can't help crying, but I can't cry. I want to laugh. I want my father to see my innocent smiling face.

  When you learn to be grateful, you should repay those who have helped you with a grateful heart, repay your parents with good study, and truly repay them one day in the future.


  The most selfless, greatest and noble love in the world is maternal love. In my study and life, my mother gave me meticulous care. In my mother's care, I grew up healthily and happily.

  Whenever I encounter difficulties, my mother is always with me. I remember once, because I ate something unclean, I got sick. I had a fever and diarrhea all night. Mother was very worried. She took my temperature and took my medicine. The next morning, I opened my eyes and saw that her eyes were full of blood and her face was tired. I know. She hasn't slept all night. But she still said to me with a smile, "it's better?" listening to my mother's words, my heart was sour.

  My mother is also my "die hard" supporter. Whenever I get good grades, my mother always thumbs up in the distance to bless me; Whenever I fail, my mother always encourages me to keep trying. What I remember most is the three good friends we went to when we participated in the provincial zither competition in 2007. Their grades were better than mine. When I learned the result of the game, I felt very sad and couldn't help crying. My mother gently dried my tears, pulled me aside and whispered to me, "the result of the competition is not important. The important thing is that we have the courage to participate this time, see the advantages of other students and find our own shortcomings. After we go home, we still need to continue our efforts and compete with them next time, okay?"

  Mother's love is countless. Mother's love exists everywhere and all the time. Mother's love is like an ocean of flowers. I seem to be a little bee in it, flying freely in the ocean of flowers and collecting all kinds of pollen. I also want to give my mother countless sweets and countless smiles like a little bee.


  In my memory, there are many things. Sad things, happy things, regretful things, unforgettable things... But one thing is very special. It makes me learn to be grateful, so it is particularly difficult to forget.

  It happened yesterday, November 4. That day, I was ill, but just in time for my mother to go to work by train. However, my mother didn't go to work, but took me to the hospital for treatment.

  Mother took care of it quickly and took me off immediately. As soon as she got to the hospital gate, she quickly ran to the pediatric nurse station to register. Unexpectedly, there was a long queue in front of the nurse station. After waiting for a long time, we finally arrived. Look, wow! There are 24 patients in front of me!

  During the waiting time, we sat on the chair opposite the door of the consulting room and waited. My mother told me jokes and stories to comfort me. Suddenly I coughed a few times, my stomach was very uncomfortable, and the food seemed to be pushing up. "Wow", I threw up! My mother slapped me on the back as soon as possible. It seemed that I thought my mother was very anxious. When I stopped vomiting, she immediately went to find cleaning tools and cleaned the ground before taking me out.

  After leaving the hospital, we went to the grass and stayed outside for a while. I'm going back. Because I feel tired, it's better to sit than to stand. My mother helped me back. However, as soon as I went in and vomited again, my mother had to find cleaning tools to clean the ground again. Looking at my busy mother, my eyes were sour.

  Well, after a long wait, I'm finally coming soon. As soon as we entered the consulting room, I felt uncomfortable again. I wanted to put up with it, but my mother seemed to know how I felt. She took me out of the consulting room and stood next to the trash can. I really threw up again. My mother patiently wiped the corners of my mouth, cleaned my clothes, and walked into the consulting room again. The doctor said my condition was not serious. Just take a few days off. Then I saw my mother's tight face and relaxed.

  Although this is only a small thing, I can still feel my mother's care and love for me and how anxious she was when I was ill. Although my father was not present at that time, later he held me tightly, and I could feel how much he cared about me.

  One day, mom and dad will be unable to walk, eat food that is not easy to bite, and become slow. At that time, I will certainly help them walk, just as they help me learn to walk; I will cut the food into small pieces and feed it to them, just as they feed me; I will also help them tidy up their clothes and wipe their hands, faces and mouths. So from now on, I will work hard so that my parents can live a good life. come on. I believe I can succeed!


  Because of gratitude, the sea of life will have a beautiful port; Because of gratitude, the mountain of life will stand tall; Because of gratitude, I know how to give roses with lingering fragrance. The bird can't live without the sky. It thanks the sky for giving it a place to soar; The fish can't live without the sea. It thanks the sea for giving it the scope of its activities

  Because of gratitude, the sea of life will have a beautiful port; Because of gratitude, the mountain of life will stand tall; Because of gratitude, I know how to give roses with lingering fragrance.

  The bird can't live without the sky. It thanks the sky for giving it a place to soar; Fish can't live without the sea. It thanks the sea for giving it the scope of its activities; Flowers are inseparable from leaves, because flowers will be more bright and beautiful against the green leaves. So it thanks it. Everything in the world has a pure heart of gratitude. Why am I not?

  When I was a child, I always took my parents' love for myself as a matter of course, because I didn't understand or know my parents' hard work. Now that I have grown up, I don't know how to be grateful to my parents. I should bear the responsibility of taking care of, filial piety and respecting my parents.

  But how many people put their parents first? Some people always complain about their parents, which is not good. That's not right. I'm picky about my parents' behavior and practices, criticize them indiscriminately, and even contradict my parents directly! Some people don't know their parents' health and don't remember their parents' birthday. Think about how much energy and effort their parents have paid for us! When we encounter difficulties, the people who can pour everything into helping us are our parents. When we are wronged, the people who can patiently listen to us cry are our parents. When we make mistakes, the people who can forgive us without hesitation are our parents. When we succeed, the people who will sincerely celebrate for us and share our joy are our parents.

  Thanksgiving life is beautiful. Life is like a piece of white paper. With a grateful heart, pink will appear on the paper. When you are grateful, the background color of the paper is pink, and you will have a beautiful life.

  A grateful person must have sincere love in his heart; I thank God for giving me a heart of gratitude.


  There are many people in this world that we need to be grateful to them. We need to be grateful for the upbringing of our parents, the teaching of our teachers, and the love of society. In addition, there are many people in this world who offer silently at the end. We also want to thank them, don't we?

  The first thing to thank is the grace of parenting. Parents have taught themselves a lot and are also our first enlightenment teachers. Didn't everyone notice? While we are growing up, our parents' hair has gradually turned white and their eyes are getting darker and darker. Recalling the past, I unconsciously feel the warmth of the day. This is the grace of my parents' upbringing!

  I still have an unforgettable event. You may be used to it, but in my heart, this is the love of my parents. That day was my birthday. My parents went to work, but the weather was not beautiful. It rained heavily. I went home to my parents. However, after a long time, my parents still didn't come back. When I was discouraged, there was a sudden sound at the other end of the gate. It was my parents! It turned out that they didn't let me down and came back to spend my birthday with me.

  Maybe people will say that this is nothing, but this is the love of parents, ordinary and great.

  Another time, I had a high fever at night and couldn't get back. Although it was cold rain knocking on the window, my parents sent me to the hospital and asked the doctor to give me some drops. It was two o'clock in the morning when we went home. I took medicine and went to sleep. I saw a light dark circle next to my parents' eyes in the morning.

  We also want to thank the teacher. The teacher is a hardworking gardener and raises the flowers of the motherland. Once, my classmate went to the Internet cafe quietly on the weekend evening. His parents were very worried at 11 o'clock at night. My teacher knew the news and didn't bother to rest. He immediately ran around in the Internet cafes to find it and didn't go home until he found it.


  In our life, we complain every day about our parents' incomprehension, the strictness of our teachers and the unfriendliness of our classmates. In fact, all this comes from not having a grateful heart.

  Those who know how to be grateful are happy. There are too many things to be grateful for in life. It's not far away. It's right beside us and in the soybean milk cooked by my mother. Before going to bed every day, my mother picked up the beans and soaked them. She got up early the next morning to grind them. The beans roll in the arms of the soybean milk machine. The soybean milk machine is itchy, and then giggle! When the soybean milk is cooked, the heat escapes from the mouth of the cup. Take a sip, it's sweet. Looking at the rippling smile on my mother's face, a warm current flows in my heart.

  People who know how to be grateful have invisible power. I remember on the way to Tianzi mountain in Zhangjiajie the year before last, I ran, I chased and went all out for more than 7000 ladders. But when I reached the middle of the climb, I was weak all over, and my legs seemed to drink a few kilograms of vinegar. Looking at the unreachable top of the mountain, the previous heroic words have long been forgotten. At this time, how I hope there is a soft Simmons in front of me, so that I can have a good sleep. At this time, a fat, black uncle ran up from the foot of the mountain. He saw me, smiled and said to me, "children, it's really good. There are still a few hills to come! "My uncle's encouragement ignited my hope and set up my sail. I smiled at my uncle and turned to climb up. Finally, I reached the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, there was a whistling wind, beautiful scenery at my feet, and infinite emotion at the bottom of my heart.

  Life is a mirror. When you laugh, it laughs; when you cry, it cries. You are grateful for life, and life will give you happiness and beauty.

  Thank the sun for spreading the sun for you; thank the flowers for opening up for you; thank the mountains for dancing happily for you; thank the birds for singing for you

  Let's go on the road with a grateful heart. You will find that the mountains are bluer and the water is greener. Life can be so quiet and beautiful


  Gratitude is an attitude towards life, a virtue and a heartfelt word. If there is a lack of gratitude between people, it will inevitably lead to cold interpersonal relations, so we should learn to be grateful.

  Thanksgiving is a day for the American people to thank God, because religion says that a happy life is a gift from God, so to thank God is to thank God and all those who have helped you. Thanksgiving Day is coming. We also want to thank all the parents, teachers and students who have helped us.

  But I learned from the Internet that not many of our primary school students know how to be grateful. Because modern children are the center of the family, they only know to love themselves, not others. Many students not only do not understand their parents' hard work, but endlessly ask for food, clothes and Internet cafes... In their eyes, it is natural to ask their parents for money. Among college students, there are many students who ask for money from their parents, but less than one tenth of them write greetings to their families. Seeing this, my heart can't be calm for a long time. We should not do this. We should always think of others. When our parents give you something, we should say "thank you". We should do some housework for our parents, and we should study hard to repay our teachers for their upbringing.

  Be grateful at home and in society. Eleven years ago, a man subsidized 178 poor children. Now he has run out of money and is suffering from cancer. When he was lying in bed, he was still affected by "didn't you say you wanted to provide my child for college graduation? He is still in junior high school, so you won't pay. Aren't you cheating?"

  The phone call of gratitude is really chilling. Seeing this, I feel that there are too few people who know how to be grateful in today's society. This man subsidized 178 poor children to finish primary school, which must have cost a lot of money. As the saying goes, "the kindness of a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring". These parents should go to the hospital to take care of him! And these parents not only do not thank, but also let the person facing death continue to fund their children. Gratitude is the basic moral code that every citizen should have and the minimum cultivation of being a man. How can they do so? Where are their consciences? We primary school students must not be like them. If others help you, you have to repay others.

  "It's not a gentleman to know kindness without reporting it". We should have a grateful heart and should always, every day, every year and forever; Let gratitude take root in our hearts as a habit and a virtue.


  People should always have a grateful heart.

  I opened the message board when I graduated from primary school. What I saw was the familiar handwriting of the teacher: "the short relationship between teachers and students is unforgettable. Mutual trust makes us more like friends. There are many twists and turns in life. We should be open-minded, cheerful, kind to ourselves and make ourselves strong forever." thank you, teacher, for your tireless teaching for two years! I really miss talking to you. It seems that the sky was always so blue and the days passed slowly. I always thought graduation was far away, but in the twinkling of an eye, I had no time to say thank you and had to say goodbye.

  I still remember that day after school, I squatted at the door to tie my shoelaces. After tying them, I was so fierce that my head hit the windowsill. The blood kept pouring out. I cried in fear. The cry attracted you who were on your way home from work. As soon as you were inspired, you said, "Why are you so careless?" while covering my wound with a handkerchief. Because the infirmary has been closed, you have to push me to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital by car. You have been careful on the way. You won't loosen your frown for a long time. You keep muttering, "how can you shed so much blood? Why haven't you stopped?" when you arrive at the hospital, you handle everything properly. When you bandage, you hold my hand tightly and tell me: "be strong, don't be afraid!" Although his eyes were filled with painful tears, his heart was very warm.

  On the way home, you told me to be careful, and then you told me to be careful. I silently answered and looked at your back on the seat. I felt so down-to-earth. The curtain color gradually pervaded the whole sky. The evening wind blew coolly on your body. Looking at your back, there was a kind of moving warmth flowing all over your body.

  A bowl of delicious hand rolled noodles was placed in front of me, and the value of that bowl of rice was engraved in my heart.

  "Good, eat quickly!" her mother showed her kind and beautiful smile.

  In life, let us be grateful, let our world complain less and cherish more, and beauty will spread like a river in front of us.

