
时间:2023-09-02 10:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】是您在我幼小的心中播种希望,是您牵我的手徜徉知识的殿堂;我的成长路上,那斑驳的是您洒下的汗水,那鲜红的是您付出的心血。老师,节日快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《教师节见闻英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.教师节见闻英语作文 篇一

  September 10th is the last Teacher's Day of our elementary school stage, and it will also become the most important day of my life. I will firmly remember this day.

  My mood is particularly excited because I am about to graduate, but I am still a bit sad because after graduation, I won't see the teacher who has been teaching me hard for six years - Mr. Wang. When I can't solve problems, you always come over and teach me carefully. During these six years, you have taken care of me meticulously and cared for me. The time spent with you is very happy and interesting; During our time with you, we have spent many joys and sorrows together, as well as gone through many ups and downs; I spend more time with you than with my parents. You are my second mother. However, one must grow up and not immerse oneself in the world of childhood. They always live a life of relying on their parents, unable to earn money, support themselves, take care of themselves, and never grow up. They will always be like children.

  On the morning of September 10th, we arrived at the vibrant school early. As soon as the teacher stepped in, we immediately sent flowers, gifts, and cards to the teacher. The teacher was very happy. After a class, we came to the playground to celebrate the second XX Teacher's Day. The school presented a beautiful gift to the teachers and a sincere blessing. At this moment, I believe that this blessing is exactly the voice of my classmates, and I also believe that every teacher will be silently moved in their hearts.

  Although this brief Teacher's Day celebration has come to an end, this beautiful memory will still be fresh in our hearts.

2.教师节见闻英语作文 篇二

  Today is September 10th, the annual Teacher's Day. On this special day, students want to give a small surprise to the teacher who silently pays. So, my younger brother and I joined forces with several other class cadres to discuss.

  In the morning, we arrived at the school early and told our classmates about our plan. Everyone thought it was quite good and unanimously raised their hands in favor.

  Wen Qiangyue, who had a beautiful handwriting, neatly wrote "Teacher, Happy Teacher's Day!" on the blackboard. Wang Haoxuan and I were hiding at the door, my younger brother was standing at the desk, and the three of us were holding pre made salutes, waiting for Teacher Zhao's arrival.

  A sound of footsteps was heard, and I leaned my head out of the door to see Teacher Zhao strode towards us. I made a "shush" gesture to everyone and then clenched the salute gun.

  At the moment the teacher walked into the classroom, the sound of the salute suddenly sounded, and colorful paper scraps flew all over the sky, like a group of colorful butterflies dancing happily. Immediately after, Liu Xiaolu shouted, "Stand ." Everyone stood up in unison and said, "Teacher Zhao, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day." Teacher Zhao was both surprised and delighted, and was even more moved when he saw the carefully crafted greeting cards from his classmates.

  My brother and I also handed over the thanksgiving letter we wrote to the teacher, and the teacher asked us to read it ourselves. As I read, my tears involuntarily flowed out.

  Finally, I want to say to the teacher, "Although I am not your most outstanding student, you are my ideal teacher! Dear teacher, I wish you a happy holiday

3.教师节见闻英语作文 篇三

  Today is the annual Teacher's Day, and on this unforgettable day, I would like to thank you, Teacher Yang Juan, for not only imparting knowledge, but also providing me with meticulous care.

  I remember one time, my eyes were very itchy. When you saw it, you asked me what was wrong. After understanding the situation, you borrowed eye drops from other classmates for me. Gradually, my eyes became less itchy, and after two days, everything was all right. I am in fifth grade this year, and when I was about to visit you, I realized that you had already left Chuangxin Elementary School and left us. We were all very sad and missed you very much when we found out.

  Teacher Yang, although you have left innovation and us, we will never forget you because you have been branded in our hearts.

  Teacher, you are like a red candle, you are like a spring silkworm, you are like a hardworking gardener, taking care of us every day, like a guardian god in our lives, always accompanying us. Teacher, do you know? Dedicated. It's not someone else, but you, you! My teacher, it is you who have illuminated the path of tomorrow for us, who have brought us into the palace of knowledge, and who have taught us to become useful people to society when we grow up.

  Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people. Teacher, I will never forget the kindness you have shown me in your teachings. I cannot repay you for it but with my excellent grades. Here, I am also very grateful to you for planting the seeds of literature in my young heart. If it weren't for your teachings on me, we wouldn't be where we are today!

  Dear Teacher Yang, I wish you a happy holiday and your dreams come true!

4.教师节见闻英语作文 篇四

  Farewell to the colorful summer vacation and welcome the colorful and festive Teacher's Day. As Teacher's Day approaches, I wish dear teachers a happy holiday in advance!

  This year's Teacher's Day, I really want to give a gift to Teacher Wei. Although Teacher Wei only taught me Chinese for one year, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to us and left a deep and beautiful impression on me.

  I want to send a heart-shaped greeting card and a bouquet of flowers to Teacher Wei on Teacher's Day. I am sending you the heart-shaped greeting card that I personally made as a gesture of gratitude. I am grateful to Teacher Wei for his attentive care and selfless assistance in my Chinese language learning over the past year. I remember one time, a reading question stumped me and I could only sit there. Teacher Wei not only didn't blame me, but also kindly sat beside me and patiently explained the topic to me. The warm current in my heart seems to be still surging up to now. Thinking of these, I couldn't help but write on the greeting card, "Spring silkworms die before the silk is exhausted, and wax torches turn into ashes before tears dry." Teacher Wei, like spring silkworms, devoted himself to us silently.

  Sending flowers is to wish my beloved Teacher Wei, like flowers, eternal youth and vitality. I picked a bouquet of fiery red flowers, sincerely hoping that my beloved Teacher Wei's life and career will be prosperous and prosperous. I hope that the teacher can smile more and worry less.

  Wishing Teacher Wei a happy holiday! Wishing all teachers a happy holiday and every day!

5.教师节见闻英语作文 篇五

  In the blink of an eye, it was September 10th, this special day - Teacher's Day. On this day, I got up early in the morning. Entering the classroom, I saw Jiang Zifan writing on the blackboard that you are studying hard, Zhang, Fuling, and Wan are cleaning up the garbage, Xu Xuan and Zhang Ziyi are busy collecting greeting cards, and everyone is busy, so I also went to help. I stuck the greeting cards everyone sent to the teacher on the wall, took out the ribbon from the bag, and hung it on the door. After more than ten minutes, everyone did a good job, and familiar footsteps rang out in the corridor.

  Everyone hurriedly returned to their seats to read, and the classroom was filled with voices. As soon as Mr. Wu came in, everyone stopped at the same time and sat straight. Teacher Wu looked confused when she saw it, but when she saw the greeting cards on the wall and the words on the blackboard, she smiled happily. Ding Ding, Ding Ding, the teacher called us to class. Fu Ling shouted and stood up, We say: Good morning, teacher. As you worked hard at your studies, you bowed to the teacher. Fu Ling shouted and sat down again. After listening to our adaptation, the teacher hugged her hair and smiled happily. At this moment, we found that your temples were gray and your forehead was covered with wrinkles. Looking at the wrinkles on your forehead, I couldn't help but remember when you were in first grade, waiting for your parents to take us all away before coming home from work Once, your throat became inflamed, but you still insisted on giving us a lesson in a hoarse voice. In class, everyone perks up their ears and listens attentively.

  When the teacher asked a question, everyone quickly raised their hands to speak. Even Zou, who often causes trouble in class, listened attentively and spoke actively today. After class, everyone gave flowers to Teacher Wu. Teacher Wu looked at the flowers and our smiling faces and said, "Thank you for the flowers. Thank you for making me the happiest Teacher's Day. As long as you can grow up happily and study hard, the teacher will not feel hard“
