

时间:2023-02-15 16:45:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A: He has a very naive attitude towards works. B: Yeah, he thinks that money grows on trees. naive a. 1.幼稚的,轻信的;2.天真的 A: I’m feeling a bit tired. B: Why don’t you have a quick nap? nap n. / vi (尤指在白天)小睡,打盹 catch sb napping 1.发现某人在打瞌睡;2.使措手不及 A: Here is a napkin is case you spill your drink. B: Oops, too late! napkin n. 餐巾 A: Did you enjoy the novel you just completed? B: Yes, very much, the narrative was exceptional. narrative n. 1.叙述文,故事;2.叙述,讲述 A: That is a nasty cold that you have. B: Oh, it is getting better, you should have seen me last week! nasty a. 1.令人讨厌的,令人厌恶的;2.难弄的,困难的;3.严重的,恶劣的,险恶的;4.下流的,道德败坏的 A: My son is so naughty. B: Don’t worry, he will grow up soon. naughty a. 1.顽皮的,淘气的;2.猥亵的 A: The rain necessitated that the concert was held indoors. B: Oh, I did not realize that it had rained. necessitate vt. 使成为必要,需要 A: Have you seen my new necklace? B: Yes, just below your chin, you are wearing it! necklace n. 项链 A: The school was found guilty of negligence. B: Was it closed down as a result? negligence n. 疏忽,粗心大意 A: Did you make any progress in learning French this month? B: Negligible, I did not work hard enough. negligible a. 可忽略不计的,微不足道的 A: Where is your apartment? B: Right beside the shop with the bright neon sign. neon n. 1.氖;2.氖灯,霓虹灯 A: What would you like to do when you leave school? B: I’d love to be a newscaster on TV? newscaster n. 新闻播音员 A: They will be showing a recent newsreel just before the film in the cinema. B: Oh good, I have not seen the news for a long time. newsreel n. 新闻影片 A: Mum, can I have my pocket money please? B: I haven’t even a nickel to give you this week. nickel n. 1.镍;2.(美国和加拿大的)五分镍币,五分钱 A: Do you have a nickname, Steven? B: Well, my father calls me “pest”, if that counts! nickname n. 绰号 vt. 给...起绰号 A: Keith’s teeth are badly stained with nicotine. B: Yes, he smokes a lot. nicotine n. 尼古丁 A: What was the score in the football match? B: One- nil, to our team. nil n. 无,零 A: Did the committee do good work? B: No, it was only nominal, I think the members met only once. nominal a. 1.名义上的,有名无实的;2.(费用等)很少的,象征性的;3.名词性的 A: I am going to nominate you to be the president of our organization. B: Oh, thanks, I didn’t realize you thought so highly of me. nominate vt. 提名,任命 A: Even though Peter hurt his foot he nonetheless won the race. B: Yeah, he has always been a determined athlete. nonetheless ad. 尽管如此,依然,然而 A: What usually happens at the end of one of these meetings? B: I’m not sure what the norm is. norm n. 1.标准,规范;2.[常pl.]准则 A: I spent the afternoon looking at old photos. B: That must have made you nostalgic. nostalgic a. 怀旧的,引起对往事怀恋的 A: Why are dragons said to have large nostrils? B: So that they can blow fire through them. nostril n. 鼻孔 A: Mr. Hardy made a notable presentation at the conference. B: Well, tell me the details then. notable a. 值得注意的,显著的,的 n. 名人,要人 A: Did you play this piece at the concert? B: No, I was unable to read the musical notation. It wasn’t printed clearly. notation n. 1.记号,标记法;2.注释,记录 A: I am notorious for my bad spelling. B: Yes, your teacher did mention it to me once. notorious a. 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的 A: Notwithstanding the weather, we had a great day out. B: Yeah, it is best not to let the rain spoil our plans. notwithstanding prep. / ad. 尽管 A: What are you doing? B: I am reading a book to nourish my mind. nourish vt. 1.养育,喂养,滋养;2.怀有(希望等),增强(希望等) A: My daughter sleeps with her new shoes on. B: Don’t worry, the novelty will wear off soon. novelty n. 1.新奇事物;2.新奇,新奇感,新奇性;3.新颖小巧而廉价的物品 A: What did you think of the nude painting in the gallery? B: I thought it was a masterpiece. nude a. *的 n. *画,*雕像 A: What is the numerical value you would attach to happiness? B: That is an impossible thing to give a figure to . numerical a. 数字的,用数字表示,数值的 A: My aunt wants to become a nun. B: She must be very religious. nun  n. 修女,尼姑 A: My plants just died. B: That is because you didn’t nurture them. Plants are like children! nurture vt. / n. 养育,培育,滋养 A: I love all types of fruit. B: Excellent, and they are so rich in nutrients. nutrient n. 营养品,滋养物 a. 营养的,滋养的 A: The young child looked very unwell. B: Yes, I think he was lacking nutrition. nutrition n. 营养

