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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩,是一种美德,是一种方式,更是一种境界;感恩,让生活充满阳光,让世界充满温馨。因为感恩才让我们懂得了生命的真谛!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Who do you want to thank for Thanksgiving? I want to thank my parents.

  Our parents have paid a lot of effort and love on our way of growing up. Every time we smile, every time we succeed, even every time we fail, every time we make a mistake, our parents will keep it in mind, stay with us, and give us silent support

  The leaves on the branches did not forget the Mother Earth. They came back to their mother with happy rhythm and free and easy dancing. They lay quietly in her arms. The leaves all know how to be grateful to the Mother Earth. What about us? When I complain about my parents' wordiness, when I complain about their harshness, when I complain about their unreasonable feelings, when I complain about their various things, even if their parents have a lot of mistakes, I should also think with a grateful heart that this is their concern and love for themselves.

  We should repay our parents with a sincere heart of gratitude. They gave us life and let us see the colorful world. We want to thank them for protecting us with their warm wings. We want to thank them. It is they who have always given us strength and courage. It is they who never give up on us. It is they who have shown us the way forward at the crossroads time and time again - they are our harbor


  Today is the most surprising day for parents - Thanksgiving Day.

  In the morning, the teacher read us an article written by a great writer in class. After reading this article, I was deeply moved by the gratitude. But I don't understand why the teacher should read this article today. Before I asked, the teacher said, "Children, do you know why I want to read this article today?" The question raised by the teacher made us look at each other. The teacher saw us and told us, "Today is Thanksgiving!" At this time, we clapped our heads and suddenly realized. "Be grateful to your parents when you get home." The teacher said.

  When I got home, I immediately helped my mother get the shoes. My mother said "thank you" and went back to the room. When eating, I often put vegetables in my mother's bowl. My mother thought I was a little abnormal and asked, "Son, what happened today?" I said, "Have you forgotten? Today is Thanksgiving Day!" Mother nodded thoughtfully.

  In the afternoon, after finishing my homework, I didn't pick up the book and read it with interest as usual, but went straight to the writing desk and picked up a piece of paper to write mysteriously. After finishing, he picked up a book clip and gave it to his mother. Mom opened the book, wow! It is clamped inside. The words are wonderful and the pictures are beautiful. Looking at them, my mother soon became immersed in the sea of books. I watched my mother reading with rapture, and my heart was full of joy.

  Thanksgiving is the most unforgettable day for parents.


  Today is my first Thanksgiving when I am X years old.

  I didn't know there was another festival like "Thanksgiving Day" before. Today, my mother checked Baidu and told me that Thanksgiving Day was an American festival. It was a festival created by immigrants from Britain long ago to thank the Indians who saved them.

  On this holiday, I want to thank my parents, my grandparents, my grandparents.

  I thank my parents for bringing me to this world, giving me so much love, and making me a happy child. I want to thank my grandparents. No matter it's windy or rainy, windy or sunny, they come to the school gate early every day to pick me up after school. I want to thank my grandparents. Although they are out of town, they send me my favorite toys and delicious food.

  I would also like to thank my teachers for teaching me a lot of knowledge and giving me a colorful and wonderful world in my mind. My mother told me that I would learn to be a grateful child.


  Today is Thanksgiving Day. I really want to give my mother a gift to thank her for her meticulous love for me. But what is the best gift? by the way! Mom often said that if there was a toaster, she could make sweet and delicious fresh bread for us, but she had no time to choose. Then I will use my pocket money to buy a bread machine for my mother!

  I went to the supermarket to discuss with my father. My father looked at the "food" at home and found that there were not many vegetables and fruits, so I took all my pocket money and set out. My father and I first came to the electrical area of the supermarket. There were many electrical appliances on the shelf, including rice cookers, induction cookers, soybean milk machines, and juice extractors. There were so many beautiful electrical appliances! After searching, I finally found the "bread maker". My father asked me, "Do you want to buy a bread maker? It's good to give it to my mother." "So, I want to use my own pocket money to buy it for my mother. How about Dad?" I raised my smiling face and asked Dad. "Absolutely!" Dad held out his hand. "Great!" I slapped my father happily. We also bought a lot of fruits and vegetables and returned with a full load.

  When I got home, I handed the toaster to my mother and said, "Mom, today is Thanksgiving Day. I bought a toaster with my pocket money. Thank you, Mom. I wish you a happy holiday!" My mother gave me a big hug and said, "Thank you, baby! My mother is very happy today!" In the afternoon, my mother made sweet bread for us with a bread maker. After dinner, I helped my mother clean the dishes. My parents praised me for being more sensible!

  Today's Thanksgiving Day, I am grateful for my mother's selfless love for me. Mom is very happy, my father and I are also very happy. We had a happy and meaningful Thanksgiving together.


  Next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. Speaking of "Thanksgiving Day", it is the fourth Thursday in November every year. It is an important holiday for Americans, and it is also a holiday for Americans to get together. Therefore, Americans always feel warm when they mention Thanksgiving Day, just like the "Spring Festival" in China. Although in China, there is no custom of "Thanksgiving Day", I think we should all know about this festival, and use this festival to thank all the people who deserve your gratitude with a grateful heart to express our love in our hearts.

  First of all, I would like to thank my relatives: thank my parents for giving me life, raising me, and taking care of me meticulously; There are also grandparents, grandmothers, grandfathers, great grandmothers, aunts, aunts, grandmothers, uncles and many other relatives who have also made a lot of efforts for my healthy growth and always care for me, so I would like to thank the relatives who have paid for me! Their love makes me feel warm and happy. In this warm day, we can express our gratitude even if we do something as small as we can for our family, such as beating our backs and cleaning up!

  I would also like to thank the teachers who taught me a lot of knowledge, taught me a lot of principles to be a man, and guided me in my direction

  I also want to thank many of my classmates and good friends, who share happiness with me. When I encounter difficulties and troubles, they will help me share and solve them. They gave me a lot of happiness and help, and let me know what true friendship is!

  Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. At this moment, in your heart, who is most worthy of your gratitude? Then, don't hesitate to take action!


  Thanksgiving Day is an ancient holiday created by Americans, which is also a holiday for Americans to get together. Therefore, Americans always feel warm when they mention Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day is the most authentic and American holiday in the United States, and it is most closely related to early American history. Although we are Chinese, we should always be grateful to our parents for giving us life, teachers for cultivating us, friends for giving me happiness, nature for giving me life resources, and everything

  The afternoon before Thanksgiving Day, I saw a flower seller at the school gate. I asked my mother, "What's the festival? Why do you buy flowers?" Mom said, "Because tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day!" I realized that tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day!

  On the morning of Thanksgiving Day, I went into the classroom and saw two cards on my desk. I returned to my seat and asked my deskmate Meng Qingzhe, "What holiday do you think today is?"? Jiang Wenyuan, my classmate in front of me, and Meng Qingzhe, my deskmate, answered together, "It's Thanksgiving Day.". I said, "That's right.". I asked again, "Who made the two cards on the desk?" My deskmate Meng Qingzhe said, "It's a greeting card from Qi Zhaowen and Wang Yutong.". I thought in my heart that I would also like to give Teacher Jin a card.

  In the art class, I carefully made a beautiful and beautiful greeting card for Mr. Jin. I folded the card into a diamond shape and gave it to Teacher Jin, who was very happy to receive it! I am also very happy, why? Teacher Jin was very happy after receiving the greeting card I made, so I was very happy!

  After school in the afternoon, my mother and I returned home and said, "Mom, thank you for bringing me up so much that I can live a happy life every day. I will certainly win for you and study hard for myself.". Mom was very happy and happy! This is what I do for my family and teachers on Thanksgiving Day.


  Recently, the song "Heart of Gratitude" seems to reverberate in my ears, shaking my heart.

  Another year will pass. In the past, everyone was busy sending greeting cards at the end of the year. Now, with the development of science and technology, it is also OK to send short messages by mobile phone. There are relatives and friends, as well as business partners; Some met frequently, and some didn't even call for a long time; No matter how deep the communication is, even if it is a one-sided relationship, we will pick it up from the depths of memory. All these are to offer our blessings and thanks. I don't know who ever said such a sentence: "The so-called happiness is to have a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a lover who loves you deeply, and a group of trusted friends." Man's nature at birth is good. Over the years of study and work pressure, the so-called "goodness" that we originally had has been pressed in the deepest part of our soul by layers of habits and sophistication. We seem to forget, but we often remember. And having a grateful heart is the foundation for us to settle down.

  Over the years, I have participated in many meetings and answered many telephone calls. The two words you want to say after your speech are "thank you", and the other person often says "thank you" when hanging up the phone. In fact, over the years, we have often said "thank you" and said many, many words about gratitude on different occasions, but in retrospect, there are few things that can be left in our memory. The reason is that we take the kindness of others for granted, and we have become accustomed to even numb and indifferent. Therefore, we not only heard people around us but also ourselves began to complain, blame and complain; I always feel bad about others' little mistakes. We think we have seen the truth of everything in the world, just like a wise man. In fact, we have lost ourselves.

  Be grateful, be content and cherish happiness. People's life has been too many people to help, life has too many people to thank!


  Today is the annual Thanksgiving Day. Although Thanksgiving Day is not a traditional Chinese holiday, it has taught people how to be grateful. I began to plan the process of Thanksgiving Day. So, a happy Thanksgiving began.

  In the morning, the sun's father-in-law sprinkled the soft sunlight on my hut. There was a sea of light everywhere. In the warm sunlight, I got up. I opened my eyes, put on my clothes, dragged my slippers, and walked out of the hut quietly to the kitchen. My mother was making breakfast for me. I crept behind my mother and said loudly, "Mom, happy Thanksgiving."

  After hearing my blessing, my mother smiled with understanding. She would not know that there was a better gift for her at night.

  After I got on for a day, I went home and finished my homework "Eat!" As my mother asked me to have a meal, my father and I walked quickly to the restaurant. My mother put the food on the table. I turned on the TV. After eating, I said to my mother, "Mom, today is Thanksgiving Day. I will wash your feet because you washed my feet when I was very young." I brought a basin of water to wash my mother's feet. My mother was touched.

  After a while, I thumped my father's back and pinched his legs to let him relax. I do something for my parents, thinking: Why can't we do more things for our parents that are insignificant in our eyes but very touching in their eyes.

  This is a happy Thanksgiving Day. Students, thank others, make others happy, thank their parents, thank their classmates, thank their teachers, and let everyone use gratitude to make the world more beautiful.

  Let's thank the people around you and the people who helped you.


  November X this year is an important holiday in the West - Thanksgiving Day. On that day, they will appreciate the people who gave birth to him, raised him, helped him, cared for him, encouraged him, and educated him. Although I am an oriental boy, I am grateful to my parents who gave birth to me and raised me today.

  The fallen leaves are flying in the sky, composing a grateful movement. We grew up in the sunshine of our father's love and felt the warm growth of our mother. Dad, some people say that fatherly love is the largest and deepest love in the world. I feel this kind of love, which is given by you.

  Mother's love for me is stronger than that of good tea. I remember last time, my brother played with me and threw a stone at me. I just realized that the stone had hit my corner of the eye and almost hit my eye. My blood ran down from above. I cried and immediately covered my corner of the eye with my hand. Tears ran down from above and I ran home. My mother immediately took out the blue potion and smeared it on my wound and severely criticized my brother. My pain disappeared immediately. All that remains is warmth.

  As the ancients said, "A drop of water will be rewarded by a spring". Although this festival is western, we should all be grateful for everything with a grateful heart. Sometimes, the people who help you and spoil you are afraid that you will get hurt; Those who hurt you are exercising your independence, so you should be grateful to all people and all things in the world.


  "Thank you for being with me all my life and giving me the courage to be myself." Yes! It is the teacher who teaches us knowledge when we enter the campus, and the teacher who teaches us how to be a man day by day when we are ignorant.

  The teacher, like a diligent gardener, watered our knowledge for us. "The silkworms will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will not dry until they turn into ashes and tears". You watered our knowledge for teaching, which made our hair gray. We are grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts.

  Teacher, your teaching language is sweet like a ding dong mountain spring, kind like a gurgling brook, and fiery like a rushing river... Teacher, you use the most noble feelings - love, sowing power... sow with words, plow with colored pens, irrigate with sweat, and nourish with hard work. Teacher, I can't help saying I love you!

  I remember a time when you were sick, but you didn't rest at home, but you came to school to teach us with your illness. Your love was warm as the sun, warm as the spring breeze, and sweet as the spring. You are our second parent. You are as severe as your father, and as gentle as your mother.

  Teachers are the gods of our destiny and guides in our growth. You teach us how to do things and how to behave. When we are confused, you guide us. When we are proud of our good results, you wake us up in time.

  "Come with a heart and don't take half the grass," said the teacher. We love you just as mice love rice. We are grateful to you, just as we are grateful to our parents.
