The governor of Afghanistan's central bank, Abdul Qadeer Fitrat, says he's resigned. Speaking from the United States, Mr Fitrat told the BBC he thinks his life is in danger as he tries to investigate a massive corruption scandal at the privately-owned Kabul Bank. Here's Jill McGivering.
阿富汗中央银行行长Abdul Qadir Fitrat宣布辞职。菲特拉特在美国发表讲话时告诉BBC,因为他试图调查私有的喀布尔银行的大规模****丑闻,他认为他的生命处于危险之中。Jill McGivering报道。
Mr Fitrat accuses the Afghan government of interfering in his investigation into the massive corruption scandal at privately-owned Kabul Bank. It involved the embezzlement of almost half a billion dollars and almost brought the bank's collapse. Two months ago, he publicly named in parliament high-profile figures who were allegedly involved. Since then, he's felt his life is in danger. Some of President Karzai's relatives, including a brother, are among those named in connection with the scandal.
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