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【#英语资源# 导语】父亲节是一个向父亲表达感激之情的节日,也是一个给父亲送礼物、祝福的日子。每年的六月第三个星期日,人们都会用各种方式来庆祝这个节日。关于父亲节的起源,有很多不同的说法,但无论如何,这个节日都已经成为了一个国际性的节日。在这个特殊的日子里,我们可以用手抄报的形式来表达对父亲的感激之情,让他们感受到我们的爱和关心。©文档大全网为大家整理了有关父亲节英语手抄报内容,希望对大家有所帮助。

1.有关父亲节英语手抄报内容 篇一

  From childhood to adulthood, I looked up to my father.

  In my impression, my father has a very good personality. Although he is very serious, he never loses his temper. My father is very busy with work and occasionally visits my aunt's house, without much talk. He gently pats my head and expects me to call "Dad", but I hide behind my aunt, neither shouting nor speaking. My father left, but he has been watching him walk far and far, looking at his tall and thin back, and gently calling "Dad, Dad"

  Later on, when I went home to school, I rarely saw my father at home. I knew that my father always had endless meetings and errands. Sometimes in the morning, my father was still at home, and by the time I got home from school, he was already thousands of miles away. Sometimes when I went to bed at night, my father would tuck me in and have already been picked up by the car in the morning

  Remembering that my father always brings us a lot of things when he comes back from a business trip; Whenever I have free time, I will pick me up at school and carry me home, allowing the car to drive back on its own; When you have free time, you will make toys for me and tell me stories; As long as I say I love food, I am willing to buy it no matter how expensive it is; Every time I go out, I have to get money for a piece of clothing; No matter how late it is, I will always be waiting for me to come back from the study. It turns out that all that love is silent, every little bit of it, and it slowly melts into my heart and blood

  I have grown up, but my father is getting older day by day. His thick black curly hair has turned into soft silver, his tall and straight figure is slightly hunched, his handsome and heroic face is engraved with the traces of time, and his personality is becoming more and more dependent on us like a child. But in my heart, my father is still so tall

  Today is Father's Day. I hope fathers all over the world can be safe and healthy!

2.有关父亲节英语手抄报内容 篇二

  Today is Father's Day, what gift should I give to my father? Thinking about it or sending a greeting card to dad is the most meaningful. Because I am still young, during the period of growing up physically and gaining knowledge, I cannot earn money. So, sending this special gift to my dad is the most suitable and meaningful!

  My parents, who gave birth to me, raised me, sent me to school and studied, spent an unknown amount of manpower and material resources, and also used an unknown amount of money, which makes me immensely grateful! In order to thank my parents for their nurturing kindness, I bought a greeting card on this Father's Day and wrote a few words from my heart: I remember my parents' love for me, listen to the teacher's words, abide by school discipline, study hard, learn skills well, grow up to become a useful material for the country, and repay my parents' love. Happy Father's Day!

  I believe that when my father saw this special gift, he must feel very happy in his heart! Won't you dislike it? Otherwise, he would secretly applaud for me! If it weren't like this, asking my mother for money and buying valuable gifts for my father, my father would say, "Who gave you the money to buy these gifts?" I thought: not only would he not praise me, but I would also cause a big scolding!

  Dad, happy Father's Day to you!

3.有关父亲节英语手抄报内容 篇三

  Today is June xx, Father's Day. My mother and I got up early in the morning to discuss how to give my father a wonderful holiday.

  Mom said, "Buy dad a gift?" "Every time I give a gift, it's so tasteless! Change it, how about a one day trip to Nanjing?" I offered my opinion to Mom. Mom can't say well. I asked, why not? My mother replied, "Because there's nothing fun to play with, we've all played before." I touched my head and said anxiously, "What kind of surprise did we give Dad?" I suddenly thought of it and said to my mother, "How about buying Dad a suit?" My mother said, "Sure, that's a good idea." After reaching an agreement with my mother, we packed up and prepared to leave.

  We set out at 9 o'clock in the morning to Wanda Plaza to help Dad pick from left to right. Finally, we saw a suit and soon paid the bill. Come back and put the clothes in Dad's room.

  In the evening when my father came back from work, I said "Happy holiday" to my mother. My mother said that in order to surprise you, my son and I went to Wanda today to buy you a suit. My father was moved and said, "Thank you, as long as I have you with me, it's better than any gift

4.有关父亲节英语手抄报内容 篇四

  Today is Father's Day. In the morning, I watched as my father walked away from work. I was lying on the table with a worried expression on my face. My mother looked at me with an expression that she had already known what I was thinking. "What gift are you thinking about giving your father?" "Yes, Mom, you are really clever, you can think of it." My mother said proudly, "That's right, you don't even look, who gave you birth to

  My mother and I began to have a lively discussion about what surprises to give my father. After a long discussion, we decided to first buy a large watermelon and engrave the words "Happy Father's Day" on the watermelon skin. Place the carved large watermelons on a plate and set them straight. Buy a few more small tomatoes and place them in a fruit tray with the words' Happy Father's Day '.

  I have discussed with my mother, I will buy fruits, my mother will buy vegetables, and after buying, I will handle the fruits, while my mother will make a hearty dinner. I. After setting it up, I looked at the table as if there was something missing, so I said to my mother, "I'll go buy another bouquet of flowers." My mother said, "Sure, let's go then

  I picked the flowers at the fresh flower shop and immediately rushed home. I said to my mother, "Is that okay.

  I'm looking forward to Dad seeing the expression on this "big gift". Dad, come back soon!

5.有关父亲节英语手抄报内容 篇五

  Father's Day is approaching, and I want to say to my father, "Dad, happy Father's Day. My daughter loves you more than just this day!" Why do I say that? In fact, I have wrongly blamed my father for something that happened recently.

  On the evening before the arrival of Parents' Open Day, my father and I agreed to attend on time, and my father fully agreed.

  The next afternoon, I ran to the corridor early and watched the parents coming and going downstairs. Time passed by little by little, but Dad hadn't come yet, and other classmates and parents came one after another. I am very anxious. Call again and again in my heart. As the class bell rang, I reluctantly returned to the classroom. I didn't seem to listen to a word the teacher said. I'll look back later and I really hope Dad comes in through the back door of the classroom. After several minutes, Dad appeared sweating profusely. I am still very sad in my heart. I blame my father in my heart: how can we not keep our promises!

  When I returned home, I suppressed tears and sat in a chair without saying a word. Dad took my hand and said, "It's not that Dad didn't keep his word. Dad has been too busy these past few days. I rushed back from Shanghai, so I headed straight to school." Later, my dad's colleagues also proved his words.

  I mistakenly blamed my father. The matter is very small, very small, Dad loves me so much

  Dad, happy Father's Day, I love you every day!
