Though I have many friends, my friendship with them grew up with times and mutual understanding. But I can recall that my friendship with George grew up almost all of a sudden. George is senior to me by 2-3 years and I did not meet him until I was in the 4th semester in my University. One of my term final exam's schedules was changed and I did not know that. According to my previous exam schedule I reached my University and was totally confused what to do when I heard that the exam was already over. I went to our Departmental head's office and he could not find a way around of it. He blamed me that I should have been more careful about the changes. I explained him that I was sick and did not come to university for 3-4 days and that made me unaware of the exam schedule changes. Then I found that someone who was sitting next to me in the departmental head's office asked me to meet the course teacher and explain the situation. He then escorted me to our course teacher's room and talked to the teacher. It seemed to me that George was already personally known to our teacher and they had an intimate relationship. Hearing everything the teacher agreed to arrange an exam for me next day in his office room.
My friendship with George grew up after that event and albeit our age differences we found that we had many common interests and habits. We started spending time and I visited his home many times. We worked in a retail shop for about 6 months and that helped us become more intimate.
George is now staying in USA and we do not meet each other in person. But we have online communications and we often let each other know our updates.
Tips for answering this cue card topic:
You should talk about a person who became your friend accidentally for this cue card. Usually we have friends from our childhood, classes and locality but this this cue card would be bit different from the topic “Describe one of your friends”. This cue card expects you to talk about a person who became your friend for a reason and whom you met accidentally i.e. you helped him/ her sometime and later you became friends or can be opposite. However the basic rules for describing this person would be very similar to describing a friend.
Read the tips for the cue card ‘Describe a friend who you really like to spend time with’ that you can also apply for answering this cue card.
We accidentally made friends in many different ways and some of the common ways are:
1. We meet someone in a party/ park/ occasion and start a conversation and find that there are lots of common interests between us. We simply exchange our email address or phone number and keep in touch.
2. We find someone in need of help and raise our helping hands and thus the person becomes grateful and keeps communicating and thus the friendship grows.
3. Sometimes a friend introduces with his/her friend who later become our friend. (This is a very common reason)
4. We meet someone helpful in a time when we need certain helps and thus the person helps us can later become our friend.
5. We meet people in our journey and some of them have influential personality, common interest and thus can become our friends.
6. We mistakenly get letters, emails or couriers from an unknown person who later becomes our friend because of the follow up communications. etc.
![]() 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/3B8v.html 正在阅读: 雅思口语Part2答案:成为你朋友的人10-01 高考励志语录集锦二篇02-25 七夕文章:七夕节的传说及来历简介04-03 初中写景作文:缤纷多彩的四季09-19 2022年山东烟台初级经济师报名时间及入口(7月26日-8月16日)04-21 2020年个人年终工作总结|文字编辑个人年终工作总结08-08 [我爱祖国小学一年级作文50字]我爱祖国小学一年级作文04-02 三年级国庆趣事作文300字|八年级国庆趣事作文300字08-21 2017高考物理知识点复习:光的偏振08-07 2019年河北化工工程师成绩查询网站:中国人事考试网02-05 房地产公司年会主持词三篇12-21