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【#英语资源# 导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文”由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】建党节 CPC Founding Day

China as the newly founded country, it has made great achievement in the last century. Now the world is watching China, because its market is full of vitality and more and more foreigners come here to seek for cooperation. All of these development should be owed to the leadership of the Party. There is no doubt that we follow the right policy.

The founding of Communist Party of China is the history event. It was founded on July 23rd in the beginning, but later the government decided to named July 1st as the official day to in honor of this great event. We have learned from the school that the founding of the Party means the new beginning of China. Since then, a lot of soldiers fought for the new China.

We are lucky to born in a peaceful age, because the soldiers had made the way for us. Every person will remember the history and should be grateful for what we have today. My parents always tell me something about the old time. They educate me to have the grateful heart. I love China and feel so proud of being part of it.

  【篇二】香港回归纪念日 The Day of Hong Kong Returned

On July 1st, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China with the world's attention. It was such a great event that we held a big ceremony to celebrate. Today, as China's economy develops very fast, Hong Kong as the important part of China, also shares the economy boom. The win-win situation is obvious.

First of all, during the last decade, Chinese market was booming. A lot of people's life standard have increased, so they started to travel around the world and made purchase. So many foreign countries put forward some policies, in the purpose of attracting more Chinese customers. There is no doubt that the world is watching China, as we play more and more important role in the world.

Secondly, Hong Kong's return sets the good example of unity. The policy of one nation, two system has worked well, which provides new solution to the country issue. We have seen that if we get united, we can be much stronger. That's the key to the long term development.

The day of Hong Kong returned will be remembered and celebrated every year. It reminds the public of the unity of China.

  【篇三】国际禁毒日 International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Drugs have been more serious with the development of economy. In the western countries, a lot of young people take drugs. They think it can bring them great joy without much harm. While the fact is that many young people die of abusing drugs. Everyone should stay away from drugs.

June 26th is the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which reminds people of loving life and refusing to take drugs. Some young people are very curious about drugs and they think they can control themselves, so they try and finally ruin their lives. There are so many examples about people who think they can get out of drugs after they taste it, while no one can escape the nightmare. All of them lose themselves.

Everyone must realize the danger of taking drugs, never try to be curious about it. The way to amuse ourselves are various, such as traveling around the world or reading more books. When we are equipped with knowledge, we won't feel empty. We can find a colorful world by gaining knowledge.

大学英语作文:建党节 CPC Founding Day.doc
