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【#英语资源# 导语】我们是祖国的未来和期望,让我们在党的领导和鼓励下勇敢的担当,以更强的历史责任感和使命感,不负党对我们年轻人的无限厚望,让青春与党同行!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China..." the wind of history turned the page 100 years ago. That year, the title of "sick man of East Asia" no longer belonged to China; That year, our great Communist Party of China was born! In those war years, the Chinese people were hiding, China was full of bullets, and the Chinese people were tortured! However, the birth of the Communist Party of China is just like the dark China sees the light again, and our revolution has a direction from then on.

  Today, sitting in a spacious classroom, I occasionally hear the sound of turning books and the sound of the nib of a pen sliding across the paper. Outside the window is a scene of early spring. In such an environment, I live and study happily. Looking back on the humiliation and injustice that China suffered in those years, I can't help feeling excited. Our great motherland, our dear motherland, her body is full of holes, her face is weathered. As a Chinese, there is no one who does not feel sad about it. The Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 and the war of resistance against Japanese aggression are unforgettable. Among them, how many people's heroes died! Great communist fighter_ Once said: "poverty, pure and simple life, is where we revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties!" In prison_ In the face of the enemy's severe punishment and inducement, he was awe inspiring and unyielding. Facing the enemy

  People's persuasion_ Denounce them: "let me surrender? No way Liu Hulan's deeds make us sad. Liu Hulan is "glorious in life and great in death". When she died, she was almost as old as us. Now, can we be as brave and unyielding as Liu Hulan? Sister Jiang once said, "it's too small a test to be tortured with poison. Bamboo sticks are made of bamboo, and the will of Communist Party members is made of steel! " Today, we are filled with emotion that a female comrade, a Young Communist Party member, can say such sonorous and powerful words, which is enough to make the whole nation admire“ Dong Cunrui, who sacrificed his life to blow up a blockhouse, was not afraid of bloodshed. For the sake of new China, he gave his life at the age of only 19.

  There are always some people who, for the sake of the country, throw their heads and shed their blood; There are always some people who would rather die than surrender for the sake of their country; There are always some people who, in today's peaceful era, lead the people of the whole country to prosperity and prosperity! This is the Communist Party, this is the indomitable Chinese!

  Now, it is the 18th year of the 21st century. However, China is still a developing country. We are seriously short of resources. There is a big gap between our science and technology and that of developed countries. The international environment we face is extremely complex. On the way forward, there will be new pitfalls and challenges, which need to be solved by our generation. Our country needs new talents, just as a house needs the beams to support it. Therefore, we need to do this "beam".

  Under the leadership of the party_ On my birthday, I want to tell the voice of a member of the Chinese Communist Youth League to our great party! Now, I have become a glorious member of the Communist Youth League. The Communist Youth League is the powerful backing of the Communist Party and the pillar of China's future. I am determined to be an excellent member of the Communist Youth League and create more brilliance for China in the 21st century!


  No party brings new China? How can we have a happy life without the party? Our party bought today with their sweat and blood!

  Yesterday, the treaties made China's Qing Dynasty more and more incompetent. Every unfair treaty bit by bit oppressed the common people and Chinese property. Foreign countries asked for it from the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty asked for it from the people. At that time, people were living in dire straits.

  At this time, the feudal era was gone, and a New Republic of China began! Its beginning means that people will live a happy and healthy life in the future. How many heroes are separated for it? But they did not care, for the sake of the country, for the sake of the people. For it, and how many good men sacrifice! Jiang Jie, Chen Anbao, Liu Meisheng, Gao Zhihang, lengyun, Li Jingyu... They all sacrificed bravely and worked for the country one by one.

  Liu Hulan, a 15-year-old girl, had already joined the party and became a female martyr. She would rather die than surrender under the knife of the enemy, and she was killed by the knife. At that time, she was a 15-year-old girl, a 15-year-old girl!

  Dong Cunrui, a young soldier of the Eighth Route Army, in order to ensure the victory of the war and defend the country, he held a medicine bag in his hand and cried out. In the situation of fierce fighting, he blew up the enemy's castle and died bravely.

  There are also Wang Jiashi, Zhang Zizhong and situ Fei, who are all loyal to serve the country.

  Twenty eight years of war has finally won! The eastern sun immediately dispelled the dark clouds, and under the golden light, the whole of China took on a new look: buildings stood like trees on the earth, asphalt roads, concrete roads, parks, gardens, all over the world. Fighters, airplanes, also fly in the sky.

  Today, the successful launch of Shenzhou 5 in 2003, the successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, the successful holding of the 2010 World Expo, and the successful completion of the 2010 Shenzhou 7 spacewalk indicate that China is extraordinary in the 21st century and that China's science and technology have stepped forward!

  Without the party, where can there be new China? Where is our life now? It's their life!

  Oh, the party is in my heart!


  100 years ago, the Communist Party of China was born in the windy old China. She broke through the darkness of the long night like a bright light. The rising sun of the elephant brought hope to the sleeping earth. From the moment she was born, there have been a group of guide people in Shenzhou. The Chinese nation has a more upright backbone. This strong and glorious group has burst out a new China in the dark ashes.

  The Communist Party of China has experienced vicissitudes, hardships in its initial creation, baptism of the Northern Expedition war, and exploration of land revolution__ The war, the fire of the liberation war, and through the socialist transformation and construction, ten years of turmoil, reform and opening up and other historical stages, the Communist Party once and again faced with the important historical moment, and again to achieve historical choices.

  Whether it's the heavy snow and rain on the Dadu River in the snow mountain grassland, or the bloody rain on the Taihang Mountain in Jinggangshan mountain, whether it's the gentle wind and drizzle on the Yan'an caves, or the fierce wind and drizzle of reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China has always been closely united with the people of the whole country, beating with the pulse of China's destiny, from thin to thick, from young to mature, from the 1920s, To a new century.

  I was born under the red flag, bathed in the rain and dew of the party, and spent a happy childhood. Taking advantage of the spring breeze of reform and opening up, I entered the ocean of knowledge. The party trained me from an ignorant rural child to become a people's teacher. As a child, my party was sacred and great, dear and lovely. The first song I learned to sing is that without the Communist Party, there will be no new China. This song grows up with me and I can understand its profound connotation more and more with the passage of years.

  When I became a member of the Communist Youth League from a young pioneer, communism became my ideal belief, and she was like the wings of the heart, urging me to advance. Joining the Communist Party has become my life landmark. She is like the bright lights of night flight and the stars in the sky leading me to the other side of my ideal. I work for it silently, I know that there is no one step in the world; No river is formed without trickle.

  Only faith can make life meaningful, but struggle can make life more substantial. In April 1989, on the eve of my graduate school graduation, I finally stood under the party banner to swear that I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China. At this moment, I was very excited and proud.

  I think of the great life, the glorious death of Liuhulan, the generous lament, leisurely Ji Hongchang, the dedication, death and later generations of Zhou Enlai, the wax torch into gray, spring silkworm to death Jiang Jianying this moment I also suddenly realized why the party should be compared to mother? For I will share her with honor and fate in this life.

  Our party nurtured thousands of excellent children and sacrificed countless excellent children to make the sun and moon new. Today, our mother's living and living place is prosperous, and our children have no choice but to blame. The true party members should earn iron and be honest and upright; True party members should be born with worries and happiness the day after tomorrow.

  From this moment on, I have a new identity - a member of the Communist Party of China. I am like a drop of water into the Yangtze River, the river, to the sea of the vast Han. In the Communist Party's collective struggle, the soul gets enriched, life becomes more valuable.

  After graduation, I came to work in the Social Sciences Department of Shanghai Electric Power College and stood on the three foot platform to help the party to make great contributions to the education of the party. In the sea of outstanding members, I dare not be slack. I come for progress and come for progress. To stay in front of you means being backward, and being backward means being eliminated. Only life is the only way to keep going and pursue more than that.

