Terminate a contract 合同终止
A: Actually, I was wondering what we should do if either one of us would like to terminate the contract?
B: Well, as a rule, the contract will become void automatically, if both sides do not agree to renew it when time comes.
A: I got it, but nevertheless, what I was saying just now was that how to terminate the contract before its term's up?
B: Oh, I am sorry I misunderstood. Well, in that case, the contract can be canceled with a 2 month's notice. What do you say?
A: That sounds perfect for us.
1. terminate v.
2. automatically adv.
3. in that case 在那样的情况下,如果那样的话
例句:In that case, you should come back at once. 那样的话,你就应该立刻回来。
4. What do you say? 你说呢?你认为怎么样?
A: 我想知道我们有一方向终止合同,怎么办?
B: 通常,理论上,合同在期满而双方无意续约时自动取消。
A: 我明白,但是我刚才想问的是在期满之前,要怎么办?
B: 哦,很对不起我误解了你的意思,那样的话,要在两个月前通知才能终止。你说呢?
A: 好的,没问题。