

时间:2023-05-12 16:56:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  Task 1

  现在的大学生经常 homesick,有什么解决的办法?

  Task 2

  Someone likes to collect old things, someone throw things away after they used it.what's your preference?

  Task 3



  原因二是取消 校内公交车对要乘车的人很不方便。



  其次学校很小,去哪里都可以步行,不行横穿学校只要 30 分钟,况且公交车只取消几个小时而已,no big deal

  Task 4


  behavior exposure

  Concerningabout negative consequence, kids usually fear to do something new.

  Themethod to solve this problem is let them try new things gradually (sorry, can not recall some details)

  The speaker gives a example:

  His family moved to Los Angeles,some neighbor kids played outside (riding bicycle), he found that hisson wanted to join but also fear to do so. So he asked his son if helike to buy some ice cream from the store, his son said “OK”, then heasked his son say “hi” when they are passing by the neighbor kids. Hisson did that according to his suggestion. On the way back, herecommended his son to talk more with the neighbor kids on the bicycleriding ( did not get completely, sorry). After they returned home,hisson asked if he can go out to play with the neighbor kids.
