
时间:2022-12-29 02:15:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#情人节# 导语】无法挥舞的暮色,思念,无尽的话语,真诚的祝福,悄悄的告诉你,我想念你,一声亲切的问候,情人节快乐!这次©文档大全网给大家整理了情人节的外国英文诗歌朗读,供大家阅读参考,希望大家喜欢。

1.情人节的外国英文诗歌 篇一

  At night, close behind the lover

  When sexy lips haven't touched lover's ears.

  It has gone from brilliant to vicissitudes


  Missed the splendor of the season

  Seem to wake up and sleep

  The dusk of love is dyed red

  When romance is blown by the wind

  Love, pour too full

  A few timid whispers

  A wisp of lingering desire to talk and rest

  Recruiting people into dreams, winding towards the dreamland

  Gently dial the heart language

  It is difficult to hide the embarrassing feelings in the emotional situation

  It is fantasy, memory, sadness, and comprehension

  With some small sentences,

  It is doomed to be a very affectionate s c ript


  Lianqu shallow smile on his face

  Use lonely tears as words

  Picking tender thoughts and composing music

  Rehearse a romantic love

  That I don't just want to stay out of the world of mortals

  With some incomplete plots

  Cover up the memory of my past life

  To comfort the endless cycle of life

  Or forced by love words

  It is destined to bury the memory of the previous life in a hurry

  Reorganize your mood

  Forget that there was this world and you.

  In the sensational night,

  Turn into the wind in February

  leave no trace/mark

  I have lived in this world

  Late at night on Valentine's Day in your ugly year

2.情人节的外国英文诗歌 篇二

  The maple leaf of the mountain is red

  Gently and gently falling in my palm

  Like a raging fire

  Burning youth illuminates life

  Your eyes gently pour out the secrets of your heart

  Send the message of love affectionately

  Although reserve makes you shy to escape

  But there is a sweet smile in my eyes

  Beautiful red maple

  I will give it to you who loves me the most

  When it is close to your heart,

  A raging fire

  Conquered two

  A heart eager for love

3.情人节的外国英文诗歌 篇三


  The night is quiet

  Take you in your arms

  Hibernating cricket, wake up


  Come and see our love

  very sweet


  Who made the wind

  from this time on

  Love turned into jealousy

  Meteor shower is beautiful and hurt

  See you hide away

  Swear ...

  Love you never change

4.情人节的外国英文诗歌 篇四


  You are blooming in

  A orchid in the night wind

  Wandering in my mind

  A touch of red in the sky

  Did you light it yourself

  A season with fruit

  The memory of flowers starts from a dream

  Everything after that

  Comply with the legendary Tanabata

  Leaves fall to flowers bloom

  The veins are clearer than the palmprint

  My heart is calm

  If you smile lightly, you will ripple

5.情人节的外国英文诗歌 篇五

  Hand-held cold with dawn

  Sprinkle with the angle of inclination

  Rich is sweeter than honey

  Which unknown person

  With a smile on the barren field stalks

  Plant a thorny plant for me

  Tell me to care and water carefully

  I hope that on Valentine's Day

  You can reap what belongs to love but you can't prick your hand

  That brilliant red rose
