The importance of water is beyond doubt. The Sahara Desert is a vast arid region with high temperatures. Rainfall often evaporates in the lower atmosphere before it can reach the ground. It was once a beautiful place that became this way due to a lack of water. Long term severe drought on the African continent has caused the Sahara Desert to spread southward for up to 50 kilometers every year. Between the 1930s and 1970s, 651 square kilometers of arable land were engulfed. Now, the drought has spread to vast areas such as Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, etc., covering an area of 250 square kilometers. It is estimated that 38 million livestock have died in these areas due to drought and water scarcity.
Classmates, please stop wasting water indiscriminately and take care of our source of human life. There is only one Earth for humanity, let's live together in this beautiful home! Please cherish our existing water sources, jointly protect our homeland, jointly create our hometown and country, and make our homeland more beautiful, powerful, and prosperous.
Although there is a lot of water on Earth, the freshwater supply for human consumption is very scarce, especially in African countries. China is also a populous country. In recent years, due to the rapid development of industry, wastewater discharged from factories has been discharged into rivers, causing pollution. In addition, due to severe climate drought, many rivers have dried up, and other reasons, the per capita share of freshwater resources in China is very small.
So, we should all save water. For example, rice washing water and fish farming water can water flowers and are natural fertilizers. Laundry water can wash mops, and dirty water can flush toilets. In fact, as long as we make up our minds to do something, we will discover many small tricks in life. Just like saving water, a basin of water may be a basin of water, but if used properly, a basin of water can become a bucket of water, and you can do many things. So, don't wait for the water to run out before saving water.
When washing your face, turn the water down a bit, water the flowers wet, and use half a bucket of water to flush the toilet... Save water, start from me, start from a young age.
During such a severe shortage of fresh water, it is common to see people not saving water. For example, some children play water battles without turning off the faucet in order to win; The faucet on campus is broken and the water is running away, but no one is repairing it; Some factories directly discharge water into the sewer due to the high cost of installing circulating water heaters. Such good water is wasted in vain.
I have heard from adults that the northwest region of China is even more water scarce; There is an old cow who was beaten all over by its owner to make the calf drink some water. A family only has one basin of water to wash their faces. Whoever gets up first in the morning, wash their faces and save the water for those who wake up later than themselves; Due to the dry weather, there was no water to irrigate the seedlings and all the crops withered away.
Although we have not encountered such a shortage of water in the Xingtai area where we live, we also need to save water and as elementary school students, we should start from our side; We use the water after washing our faces to keep it for flushing the toilet; Try to avoid playing water fights or not playing; Let mother water the flowers with rice washing water; Don't throw garbage into the river.
Saving water is everyone's responsibility. Let's take action and cherish, love, and save water together.
There is an extracurricular knowledge in the book. Every year, March 22nd is "World Water Day", and the per capita share of water resources in China is about a quarter of the world's per capita level. China is still a water poor country, with over 400 cities lacking water, of which 110 cities are severely lacking. The teacher also said that places with severe water shortages only take a shower once a year. We all exclaimed in surprise, isn't this water shortage too serious! The teacher also said that the water we waste on a regular basis is enough for others to use for a few years.
The teacher gave us a question: A faucet leaks 10 milliliters of water in one minute, how many liters does it leak in one year? We calculated and the result was 5256 liters. Don't look at how little water leaks every minute and day, but the cumulative amount is not small!
This class made me realize the seriousness of wasting water, and in the future, I should also pay attention to saving water.
Do you know how does the water come to your home?It travels through water pipes.Some are long and wide but some are short and narrow.Then the water travels through the water pipes to the reservoirs.Then it travels through the water pipes to the river and to the special factories (we call water plants) that purify the water.When the water is purified,we can drink it.Please don’t leave garbage in the water on which we line,and keep the water clean.