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【#四六级考试# 导语】英语阅读在四六级考试的重要性不言而喻,为了帮同学们更好的提高阅读水平,帮助大家备考,©文档大全网四六级频道为大家整理了《2018年12月大学英语四级阅读练习题:流行歌后—滨崎步》一文,希望对大家备考有所帮助,并预祝同学们高分通过考试。


  Empress Of Pop

  At 23, Ayumi Hamasaki, Ayu to fans, is the most powerful figure in Japanese pop music. She has sold more records than any other musical act for two years running in the world's second largest music market. Her frequent makeovers1 determine the course of fashion. Her huge black eyes peer2 out from billboards in every corner of the country.

  Fans memorize her lyrics, transform into Ayu clones and swear she's changed their lives.

  Despite her childlike persona, you can't help but sense Hamasaki was never truly a child. Born in Fukuoka on the southern island of Kyushu, she was just a toddler when her father walked out. Raised by a single mother and a grandmother, she began modeling locally at seven, in part to earn money for the family. It was an unusual and lonely childhood in this country of steadfastly nuclear families, but Hamasaki says she wasn't aware of what she was missing.

  Hamasaki began to pursue an acting and modeling career. Old magazine spreads feature the sweetly smiling young starlet clad in bathing suits or prim outfits that would never make it to her own wardrobe. After bit parts in five low-budget movies and handful of TV dramas, she tired of acting and, with her tiny frame, did not have a future in modeling.

  Then a friend invited her out for karaoke that forever changed her life. The friend had also invited Masato Matsuura, who introduced himself to Hamasaki as a producer. Hamasaki recalls, laughing,"When, he asked if I wanted to pursue a singing career, I said, ‘No way.'he was this older guy, and I thought the whole thing sounded fishy. "Over the following year, though, Matsuura persisted. Finally she relented to his request that she at least attended vocal training, only because"I had nothing better to do . "But classes were dull and the teachers harsh.

  Finally, she confessed3 to Matsuura that she'd skipped most of the classes. But instead of writing her off, he proposed sending her to New York for some real training. She stayed in New York for three months. Then suggested by Matsuura she tried her hands on writing songs."No one had ever asked anything of me before, or expected anything of me, "she says of Matsuura,"He's the one who found me and drew me out. "


  Ⅰ. Complete the following sentences with the words: give stare glancing glare peering skip confess fritter

  1. She is often caught at people or objects at a distance when she is not wearing her glasses.

  2. The hearings are conducted under the full of publicity.

  3. down the list of name, she was pleased when saw his name heading the list.

  4. She has an insuperable habit to at the abnormal in the street.

  Ⅱ. Questions:

  1. Where is Ayu’s hometown?

  2. When did she begin her modeling career? Why?

  3. Why couldn’t she see her future in her modeling career?


  Ⅰ. 1. peering 2. glare 3 . Glancing 4. stare

  Ⅱ. 1. Her hometown is Fukuoka on the southern island of Kyushu.

  2. At seven. To earn the money for the family.

  3. Because of her tiny frame.



  被歌迷们昵称为“小步”的滨崎步年仅23岁, 是日本流行乐坛举足轻重的人物。在这个世界第二大音乐市场里, 她的唱片销量连续两年位居榜首。她多变的风格引领着时尚潮流。全国每一个角落的广告牌上, 都可以看到她那双凝视的大眼睛。歌迷们熟记小步的歌, 模仿她的样子, 并断言小步改变了他们的生活。

  虽然小步有着孩子气的外表, 可你却能感觉到她从来都不曾是真正的小孩。她出生于日本南部九州岛的福冈县。早在她蹒跚学步时, 父亲弃家而去, 她由单身母亲和外祖母抚养长大。她7岁就开始在家乡当模特儿, 赚钱补贴家用。在这个以稳固的核心家庭为基础的社会, 她的童年异常的孤寂, 但滨崎步说她并不觉得自己缺失了什么。

  滨崎步14岁开始演艺和模特生涯。这个笑容甜美的少女新星, 穿着那些永远也无缘进入她自己衣橱的泳装或淑女装, 在旧杂志的版面上频频亮相。她在五部低预算的电 影和几部电视剧里演了几个小角色后, 开始厌倦演戏。又因她个头娇小, 在模特这行也无前途可言。

  有一次, 一个朋友邀她去唱卡拉OK, 这次经历改变了她的一生。应这个朋友之邀同去的还有松浦真人。他向滨崎步介绍说自己是制作人。滨崎步笑着回忆说:“ 他问我是否有意唱歌。我说‘没门’。他是个上了点年纪的人, 我觉得事情整个有点可疑。”可接下来的一年, 松浦依然锲而不舍。滨崎步被感化了, 好歹接受了他的建议去接受声带训练, 不过纯粹是因为“ 我没更好的事可干”。课程很枯燥, 老师又很严厉。|

  她后来向松浦承认, 她逃掉了大部分的课程。但是松浦非但没有放弃她, 还提议送她到纽约接受正规的训练。她在那儿呆了三个月, 然后接受松浦的建议开始写歌。“从来没有人要求或期待我做什么,”提到松浦时, 她说:“是他发掘了我, 使我脱颖而出。”


