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【#英语资源# 导语】每个人的家乡都有特有的风俗,而我的家乡的风俗习惯也与众不同,具有浓厚中国文化的民族风俗。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《家乡的风俗英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.家乡的风俗英语日记 篇一

  Everyone's hometown has its own unique customs.

  My hometown is in the Northeast, where people are very hospitable, and everyone is smiling to welcome guests. I always go to visit my grandmother during the Spring Festival in Northeast China. My mother's relatives and friends will also visit my home.

  My favorite thing is to give me a red envelope. Every aunt will give me a red envelope. I said no, but I always put the red envelope in my pocket. After they all left, I opened a small hole in the red envelope and looked inside, wow! Big red notes, 1000, 500, and 2000!

  In Northeast China, our family likes to eat frozen goods. Common is frozen pears and persimmons. After eating the New Year's Eve dinner, put frozen pears and frozen persimmons in water to thaw and then eat them. After eating, you can thaw the wine. Relieve greasy. The "slogan" of frozen pear is similar to that of durian, "smelling smelly and smelling sweet". Although the surface of frozen pear is black, the taste is not bad at all. Frozen pears have a lot of juice, which is sweet and sour and delicious.

  Northeast people can freeze everything they eat, that is, everything can be frozen. In winter, people eat popsicles in the cold wind in the weather of minus 20 degrees. In the past, there is a box of popsicles on the street. You can choose as many as you want, and you can buy as many as you want, and even give you the boxes. People in other provinces see this phenomenon as the spectacle of "ice cream piled on the ground".

  This is my hometown, Northeast!

2.家乡的风俗英语日记 篇二

  As the saying goes, "The wind is different from the wind, and the custom is different from the customs." I like nothing more than the custom of setting off firecrackers in our hometown during the Spring Festival.

  It is said that a long time ago, there was a monster named "Nian" who would burn, kill and loot people's homes on the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, making a mess. So, people put wine and meat at the door and had a good meal every year. Then they left. Later, people set off firecrackers, pasted red paper and other activities to scare away Nian Beast.

  In my hometown, firecrackers are set off every day from December 30 to the fifth day of the first month. On the afternoon of December 30 this year, I took my "inventory" and went out to set off firecrackers. I came to the open space in front of the door. Take out the monkey, put it in a special bamboo tube, fix it, and light the lead. The monkey leaped into the sky like an arrow, and burst out colorful sparks in the sky. The sparks and the stars in the sky set off each other, which was particularly beautiful. Then I started to fire my favorite catapult. I picked up a handful of throwing cannons and threw them out with all my strength. The throwing cannons sounded clearly. It was a lot of fun.

  Of course, the most interesting thing is a kind of delayed explosion gun. My little cousin took the lighted gun and threw it out. When he saw that it didn't explode, he went to check it in disbelief. Unexpectedly, the gun exploded just two steps away, which scared my cousin and made me laugh and cry. Finally, a beautiful flower vase was set off. The bright sparks reflect our faces, and with our laughter, constitute a picture of happiness and peace.

  In this way, the New Year's Eve went with crackling laughter, and the New Year came with crackling laughter.

3.家乡的风俗英语日记 篇三

  My hometown has many traditional customs, such as meteor chasing the moon, money pole dance, Mingguang Paper Cuttings. Among them, I was most impressed by rowing a dry boat. Every Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), performers of folk activities wear colorful boat shaped clothes and dance while walking with the sound of gongs and drums.

  With the sound of drums and gongs, the annual Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) is coming. Every year on the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, people get up early and go to the street to watch the boat boat and make Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival). Of course, I was no exception. I came to the familiar street. The streets are already crowded. Look, the team of dry boats in the distance is coming, and the children are jumping and shouting excitedly. I saw the leader of the dryboat team wrapped in silk, dancing colorful fans and rotating flower umbrellas, leading the dryboat team forward. The dryboat performers wear colorful boat-shaped clothes, and the performers walk skillfully and dance the dryboat with the rhythm of gongs and drums.

  There was a clown in the team, with white powder on his nose, holding a cattail fan, and dancing the cattail fan around the side of the dry boat, which made everyone laugh. I couldn't help exclaiming that the dry boat was so interesting. When I grew up, I must protect this custom and let it pass down from generation to generation.

  According to my mother, there is a legend about this custom. It is said that on the second day of the second lunar month, it is the birthday of the Queen Mother. The immortals tied a flower boat to celebrate her birthday. Later, Zhang Guo, one of the Eight Immortals, borrowed the land boat from the mortal world, which formed the custom of dancing the land boat on Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival).

  The dry boat expresses people's yearning for the good life of the past year, as well as their boundless enthusiasm for the new life and their yearning for a better life.

4.家乡的风俗英语日记 篇四

  There are many folk customs in Ankang, among which the characteristic is the Spring Festival in Ankang.

  Ankang's Spring Festival begins on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. On the first day of the twelfth lunar month, every household has to drink Laba Congee and soak Laba garlic. Laba Congee not only tastes good, but also has rich nutrition. Laba garlic has to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.

  On the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, we should have a thorough cleaning, and we should also prepare the New Year's goods for the New Year, because the shops usually close from the first to the fifth day of the first month of the first month, and only open on the sixth day of the first month of the first month. Therefore, every household will go shopping for New Year's goods, and the street is full of excitement.

  On New Year's Eve, every household should stick couplets and set off firecrackers. It is said that in ancient times, there was a beast called "Nian", which ate all kinds of animals. In winter, when the mountain was short of food, it would break into the village to catch people and livestock, so that the people had no day of peace. People have struggled with "Nian" for many years, and people have found that "Nian" is afraid of three things: red color, fire light and noise. So every winter, people put couplets and New Year pictures on their doorways and set off firecrackers. Finally, Nian was scared back into the mountains and never dared to break into the village again.

  On the first day of the day, the street is very quiet. Men go to pay New Year's greetings, women and children receive guests at home. The home is very busy because of the arrival of guests. Everyone gets together to talk about the harvest of this year. The food prepared on the table is delicious and rich. People watch the party while tasting the food. On the 15th day of the lunar new year, it is another climax of the Spring Festival. Every family has to eat Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival), and will also set off various fireworks. The fireworks are gorgeous and open in the sky. The beautiful fireworks are very beautiful, which makes people dizzy.

  This is the happy and happy Spring Festival in Ankang, which not only represents our folk customs in Ankang, but also represents our love for Ankang.

5.家乡的风俗英语日记 篇五

  My hometown is in Muyang, Fujian, where there are many interesting customs.

  During the Spring Festival, we will offer tea as a blessing, a kind of auspicious and warm hope. We have a tea saying in Fu'an: "Three cups of tea at the beginning of the year, and the official medicine will not be handed over." It means that you will be invited to drink three cups of tea at the beginning of the year, and you will not have a lawsuit with the yamen or deal with the pharmacy because of illness this year. The sweet tea we drink on the first day of the New Year is called "Nian Nian Nian Tea", which is made of crushed rock sugar, peanuts and red dates, It means "taste sweet", and marriage is called "bride tea", and going out is called "travel tea".

  We don't sweep the floor on the first day of the New Year, which is unlucky. In Fujian, most of us eat rice cakes instead of dumplings, and the first course of the New Year must be vegetable dishes, followed by longevity noodles, which means longevity. The noodles in my hometown are a specialty with a long history of at least 680 years. They have always been handmade. They are made of nine courses: hair, hammer, squeeze, rub, and pull. Every time we go out of the door, we can see thin and long noodles hanging in front of the door, I can't see the opposite person at all.

  The specialty of my hometown is honey peach. In the mature season of honey peach, we will hold the annual "Honey Peach Festival". At that time, it will be held in the cultural square under the Muyang Bridge, and there will be many activities related to peach.

  This is our custom of Muyang. Do you like it?
