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【#英语资源# 导语】家乡的风俗很特别,丰富多彩,每个人都会在活动中体会到喜悦快乐。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《家乡的风俗英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.家乡的风俗英语作文 篇一

  My hometown, Ningxiang, is located in the west of Changsha City, Hunan Province. Although everything there is ordinary and unsurpassed, the shining point of my hometown often attracts people's attention. Among them, the traditional folk customs handed down from generation to generation are one of the highlights.

  The atmosphere of the festival can best reflect the charm of traditional customs.

  Our first festival here is the Spring Festival. Before the Spring Festival, every household will kill pigs one after another after entering the twelfth lunar month, especially in the countryside. After killing pigs, the villagers will be invited to have a meal. My hometown will eat chicken, fish and meat on the New Year's Eve. The chicken must be a rooster. The whole chicken must be stewed, and the head should be raised when it is put out of the pot. It is not only a metaphorical meaning of "rising", but also refreshing and delicious, making people want to swallow saliva if they don't eat it.

  Another climax after the Spring Festival is undoubtedly the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival). Of course, eating Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) on Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival is indispensable. The soft white flour is wrapped with a fragrant and delicious sandwich. After a bite, the sweet black sesame paste flows into your mouth and slowly melts in your mouth... During the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, everything revolves around the "round", so naturally you can't turn on the lights. There is a custom in your hometown that has lasted for many years - the lantern party. Every night on the 14th and 15th of the first month, the pedestrian street and the administrative center will always light up the "sleepless all night" red lantern, which adds a beautiful scenery to the hometown. It is precisely because of this, the scene is full of people every time the lantern festival, which is really a sea of people! Therefore, I am helpless when I arrive later.

  Although my hometown is a small county, it has thousands of years of rich cultural heritage, carries the folk customs handed down by our ancestors, and adds a unique local feature to China in the world.

2.家乡的风俗英语作文 篇二

  "The grand view of folk culture and the exhibition of water town customs". It's my hometown, Taizhou Jiangyan. Jiangyan District has the reputation of "Qintong will be the best ship in the world". Today, I will show you the unique customs of Jiangyan - Qintong Boat Meeting.

  Last year, I came to the scene of Qintong Boat Festival. I saw the colorful flags on the lake waving in the wind. As the host announced the opening ceremony of the Boat Festival. At the scene, gongs and drums were blazing, firecrackers were blazing, and colorful smoke was set off on the lake, just like colorful mushroom clouds floating above Qinhu Lake.

  The first one is the big flower boat representing each town. The flower boats are colorful and decorated with lanterns. Some of the performers on the ship danced in the melodious sound of the piano; Some dance the dragon heartily in the loud sound of gongs and drums. It's really noisy. I looked around, and there were a lot of tourists everywhere. There were no seats. Even the small hills in the park were full of people who took pictures to watch. After the boat sailed, hundreds of colorful boats came from all directions in the sonorous and powerful song, gathered in the center of the lake, waiting for the boat race.

  The game began. Hundreds of boats, like bows and arrows full of strings, flew towards the destination. The contestants flew poles and paddled, making waves. Everyone blushed, choked, and pulled the boat neatly. Clusters of snow-white spray burst out on the lake. I saw that the arrow of this match was like a dragon out of water. The contestants have tried their best to catch up with each other, for fear that they will be overtaken by other boats if they are not careful. The scene was full of people, and the audience cheered for the fleet they supported at all costs. This is no match, it is a celebration. The contestants are more and more happy. Finally, the players on the first boat pushed the pole and reached the destination. A thunderous applause broke out in the audience.

  All kinds of boats, exciting songs, players who fly poles and paddle, and audiences who are like mountains and seas... are really magnificent and lively.

  Yang Liu Yiyi, misty waves, ten miles of Qinhu Lake, blue waves, thousands of boats racing to catch the spring tide. Qintong Boat is famous and charming in the world, and has become a loud business card of Taizhou City!

3.家乡的风俗英语作文 篇三

  Liyang has its name in the Spring and Autumn Period. Qin built a county system, and its long history nurtured a brilliant civilization. The beautiful landscape nurtures all living things and breeds the local folk culture of Liyang.

  Horse lantern jumping is one of our Liyang folk culture, which has been listed in the intangible cultural heritage protection list of Jiangsu Province. Watching lantern jumping is a traditional program that we must watch during the Spring Festival. This year is an exception.

  It is said that there was a plague in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. At that time, there was no good medicine to save it. In order to ward off evil spirits and send away the god of plague, the people tied up paper men and horses, dressed up as gods, chanted words and jumped out of various obstacles to pray for disaster relief. It reposes a good wish of the working people to exorcise evil spirits, avoid disasters and pray for blessings. The lantern is made of bamboo and wrapped in brightly colored paper. It looks both vivid and vivid. Ten horses are divine horses, equipped with corresponding roles such as divine general, horse boy, guard, flag drum and blunderbuser. Ten divine generals wear war robes, wooden masks, and the rest wear yellow clothes. The lantern show is divided into two parts, and the scene is spectacular. In the first half, Yang Jiajiang led the army to fight against the enemy, and the flag commanded ten magic horses, first of all, to surround the enemy. The ten magic horses stepped on the drum and circled around the field in turn, with small circles turning into large circles, first slowly and then fast, running faster and faster, running and jumping, symbolizing that they were surrounding a city and fighting separately. After several rounds, people shouted and horses screamed, swords and swords flashed, and the sound of killing was shocking. The flag hunts in the wind, sometimes held high and sometimes danced. The gongs and drums sometimes play high and exciting, and sometimes they play fast winds. The ten divine horses were jubilant, and the ten generals were jubilant, and gradually arranged the 'peace in the world' array. In the second half of the show, the military and the people celebrated the victory together, wished all the people live and work in peace and contentment, and gradually arranged a "bumper harvest" array. Prompted by gongs and drums, and cheered by villagers, the horses and lanterns, the dance of people and horses, full of local flavor, are moving and unforgettable.

  As a kind of local folk custom culture in Liyang, jumping lanterns pray for good weather and good harvest, expressing people's good wishes and bringing a festive atmosphere to the annual festival.

4.家乡的风俗英语作文 篇四

  Dumpling is an essential food for the Spring Festival. How much do you know about it? Do you know the custom of making dumplings during the Spring Festival?

  Dumplings originated from ancient corners. The original name "Jiao Er" was first invented as a drug by Zhang Zhongjing, a native of Dengzhou, Nanyang, China. It evolved from Wonton. During its long development, it has many names. In ancient times, it was called "prison pill", "flat food", "jiao er" and "fen jiao". In the Eastern Han Dynasty, dumplings were wrapped with flour skin and some medicinal materials (mutton pepper) to ward off frostbite on the ears of patients. Its implication is to make dumplings for the younger generation, to reunite with happiness and wealth.

  When making dumplings, people often put gold candy, peanuts, dates and chestnuts into the stuffing. People who eat peanuts will live a long and healthy life; Those who eat dates and chestnuts will give birth early. People in some areas also need some non-staple food to show good luck. For example, eating tofu symbolizes the happiness of the whole family; Eating persimmons symbolizes good luck in everything. Eating three fresh dishes symbolizes the prosperity of the sun.

  If the skin filling determines the taste, then the special packaging method will make the finishing point. Drag a thin, unbroken piece of dough with your left hand. It looks small and exquisite in the palm of your hand. Insert the meat stuffing in the center, and combine the two sides into one. When you pinch the empty palm with your thumb, a dumpling will be produced. Chinese people often put coins into dumplings, who can eat them better.

  Chinese people are good at cooking and eating, and eating dumplings during the Spring Festival is our great masterpiece.

5.家乡的风俗英语作文 篇五

  The Spring Festival quietly follows the pace of winter and happily comes to join us. Look! Every family has pasted red couplets, and shops have hung festive red lanterns. The whole world is jubilant and prosperous.

  The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China and the most solemn festival of the year. When it comes to the twelfth lunar month, people are as busy as bees: drying bacon, salted fish, sausages, fried balls, making lotus root clips, and preparing new clothes for children, New Year's money. I hope they will study to a higher level next year and have fun every day. Although a little tired, everyone smiled happily and showed a happy look.

  Chinese red is a welcome color on this day: red firecrackers, red lanterns, red 'couplets, and red red envelopes are auspicious and happy colors in the eyes of Chinese people!

  New Year's Eve! The family is busy in and out, making reunion dinner. What about the children? The sensible older brother and sister took them to set off firecrackers and fireworks. The sound of fireworks across the sky broke the silence of the night, and countless fireworks burst into the air, depicting a beautiful picture of New Year's Eve.

  "The sound of firecrackers is the end of the year, and the spring breeze sends warmth into Tusu. Thousands of households are bright and bright, and they always replace the new peach with the old one." Fireworks flash, firecrackers sound, and the smell of the New Year still permeates the air and seeps into the heart.
