
时间:2023-08-05 02:12:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】我眼中的暑假是快乐的,是欢愉的,是漫长的,是丰富的,是有趣的。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《快乐的暑假英语作文小学生》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.快乐的暑假英语作文小学生 篇一

  Although I didn't travel this summer, I still had a very happy time because I learned to swim.

  At the beginning of summer vacation, my mother took me to learn swimming.

  At first, the teacher taught us to hold our breath. At first, I drank a lot of water, but I think I need to practice more on my own to learn; Later, the teacher taught us to float in the water; Afterwards, teach us how to breathe; Then teach us swimming postures; Finally, the teacher asked us to swim ten times back and forth in the water every day.

  Once, the teacher said, "I blew a whistle to guide you to swim. You can swim all the way to the end, not just take a break in the middle, continue swimming, and swim to the end." I followed the teacher's instructions, and after continuous efforts, I was finally able to swim all the way to the end. The teacher smiled and said to me, "You're okay

  During this holiday, I not only learned to swim, but also dictated the new words from the first four volumes, listened to English, and practiced pen writing well! I have had a very fulfilling and happy summer vacation!

2.快乐的暑假英语作文小学生 篇二

  During the summer vacation, my father bought me a folding bike, and within a few days, I started learning to ride.

  On the first day, my father said to me, "To ride a bike, you must first learn the basic skills of skating, and then learn how to ride a bike. This way, riding a bike is not difficult." I followed my father's instructions, sat on the bike first, and then kicked hard on the ground with my feet, and slid out of the community.

  So, in one night, I only studied for half an hour.

  The next day, my spirits did not decrease, and I pushed the car downstairs again. I first reviewed the skating skills I learned yesterday. After sneaking away for a few minutes, my father taught me how to kick again. I tried putting one foot on the pedal. After a while, my father said to me, "Now you can learn to ride a bike." I was both excited and a bit scared when I heard it. Excited is that I can soon learn how to ride a bike. What I'm afraid of is that if I fall, it will hurt a lot. After a while, I decided to put my other foot on the pedal. However, he dared not put his feet on it. Finally, I convinced myself to muster up the courage to put it up, only to hear a "bang" and suddenly fall to the ground. I saw stars in my eyes and screamed in pain. After that, I won't put my foot on the pedal anymore. My father seemed to understand my thoughts and said, "Failure is the mother of success." I listened and gathered the courage to put my foot on it. Oh, that's great. There's no wrestling this time. At this moment, a person came. I pinched my hand and the car stopped.

  Now, I am riding very well!

3.快乐的暑假英语作文小学生 篇三

  I've been hoping and hoping, finally it's summer vacation. We finally have our own time, to arrange it ourselves. Many interesting things happened during my summer vacation.

  One day, I lazily lay on the sofa watching TV. My mother excitedly said to me, "Today, our whole family is going to West Lake to play. Please tidy up quickly." I heard my mother's words, jumped three feet high, and immediately ran to the room to tidy up my things.

  We set off, talking and laughing on the way. In a moment, we arrived at West Lake in Hangzhou. After entering, the first thing I saw was the scenery inside. It was summer at that time, and the lotus bloomed exceptionally large. A flower bag was as big as a child's head. On the way to admire the lotus, I also met many foreigners. There is a foreigner who always lingers in my memory because he greeted me. When he said that Hi to me, he really didn't know how to answer.

  Appreciate the lotus flowers well, let's take a boat tour around West Lake. On the surface of West Lake, a large bridge is built. Do you know what that bridge is? Let me tell you, that's the Broken Bridge, where Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian met. We went to three more small islands: Xiaoyingzhou, Huxinting, and Ruan Gongdun. Among these three islands, there is one scenery that makes me linger and forget to return - the Three Pools and the Moon. At night, when the moonlight shines, there are three moons in the lake, which is truly beautiful!

  Through this trip to West Lake, I deeply felt the beauty of West Lake. As the great poet Su Dongpo of the Song Dynasty wrote, "To compare the West Lake to the West Lake, it is always appropriate to wear light makeup and heavy makeup. This is my interesting story during the summer vacation.

4.快乐的暑假英语作文小学生 篇四

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. In a blink of an eye, another summer vacation is coming to an end. In this summer vacation, I want to ask everyone, "Are you happy?" I think everyone must answer, "Happy." Me too, I had a very happy summer vacation.

  In this summer vacation, I did a very meaningful thing - sweeping the stairs. When I was sweeping the stairs, I was exhausted, but when I finished sweeping and looked at the clean stairs, I felt sweet in my heart. When I received praise from my neighbors one after another, I was very happy in my heart. Yes, happiness lies in labor that benefits humanity. Therefore, I have gained happiness and also happiness.

  By the way, during summer vacation, learning is also an indispensable element. People not only have everything by themselves, but also rely on everything they gain from learning to cultivate themselves. During the summer vacation, I studied a lot of knowledge in a book that I bought a few days ago. This book is "The Biography of Yue Fei, one of China's Top Ten Masterpieces". Yue Fei is a great hero I admire and a military commander with courage, intelligence, courage, and loyalty to the country. This book taught me knowledge from Yue Fei, which requires courage and even more wisdom. I have gained happiness and knowledge.

  This summer vacation, I had a very happy time, studying and working happily, because of happiness, that's why the world is so beautiful!

5.快乐的暑假英语作文小学生 篇五

  In the blink of an eye, the relaxed and happy summer vacation life has come to an end, and my summer vacation life is like a beautiful and melodious song.

  The most unforgettable thing for me was when my parents took me to see the sea, where I swam freely. The waves rushed towards me one after another, I was both happy and afraid. I played with sand on the coast and piled up various things, making me extremely happy.

  I have tasted the taste of happiness and also flowed through the sweat of hard work. Once, I helped my mother with work at home. I swept the floor, washed clothes, wiped the table, and cleaned the house clean and tidy. I was so tired that I was sweating profusely. My mother came up to me and said, "My child, look at how you cleaned the house clean and tidy. It's really great. Your work looks like it's done. I smiled happily.

  I am ready, with a happy mood, to welcome the arrival of the new semester.
