The Temperature in English 英语中的温度 Temperature [temprətʃə(r)] We use a thermometer to measure the temperature of something. 我们用温度计来测量物体的温度。 Temperature is usually measure in degrees. Temperature通常以度衡量。 The ° symbol after a number means degrees. 30° = thirty degrees 数字后面的 ° 表示度数。 30°:30度 There are two main systems used for measuring temperature: 测量温度主要有两个系统: °F = degrees Fahrenheit (only used in United States) °F:华氏度(仅在美国使用) °C = degrees Celsius (used in the rest of the world) ℃:摄氏度(在世界的其他国家使用) When talking about the temperature we normally use: 谈论温度时的常用表达: It + is/was/will be + adjective • It is chilly today. • 今天很冷。 • It was warm yesterday. • 昨天很暖和。 • It will be cold tomorrow. • 明天会很冷。 The temperatures given are only an approximation to give you an idea of when to use them. 下面给出的只是近似值,告诉大家不同的温度有不同的词表达。 28°C (or more) - Hot 28°C (或更高) :炎热 15 to 28°C - Warm 15 to 28°C:温暖 10 to 15°C - Cool 10 to 15°C:凉爽 5 to 10°C - Chilly 5 to 10°C:冷 0 to 5°C - Cold 0 to 5°C:寒冷 0°C (or less) - Freezing 0°C (或零下) :冰冻 Remember, what is hot in one country may only be considered warm in another. 一个国家认为炎热的天气,在其他国家可能只是温暖。 The following words refer to being MORE than hot and are used for temperatures over 30°C. 下面的一些词通常在温度超过30°C是使用。 Boiling: very hot, often used in negative contexts Boiling(炙热的):非常热,通常用于负面语境 Humid: hot and damp. It makes you sweat a lot Humid(湿热的):炎热、潮湿,会让人出很多汗 Muggy: warm and damp in an unpleasant way Muggy(闷热的):温暖、潮湿,让人心情不好 Scorching: very hot, often used in positive contexts Scorching(酷热的):非常热,通常用于积极的语境 Stifling: hot and you can hardly breath Stifling(热得难受的):非常热,让人感到窒息 Sweltering: hot and uncomfortable Sweltering(酷热难耐的):非常热,让人不舒服
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