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【#三年级# 导语】心理学家的研究表明“语言自我是外语学习者在母语习得体验中逐步建立起来的并且具有保护性能的一种心理障碍,语言自我是否具有灵活性是学好外语的一个重要因素”。小学生对母语的正规学习也是处于起步阶段,母语具有的保护性心理尚未完全建立起来,语言自我灵活性高,接受和学习性的语言能力强,此时学习新的语言,语言信息就容易摄入。从更加有利于孩子语言形成的角度来看,小学生正处于学习语言的黄金时期。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助。

  1、 Listen and connect(10分)

  7 bird 1

  3 duck 2

  1 boy 3

  9 doctor 4

  6 nurse 5

  2 eight 6

  10 park 7

  4 sheep 8

  5 giraffe 9

  8 skirt 10

  2、 Listen and number write 5(number)

  3、 Listen and number the following:5

  4 Hello! Andy!

  5 Hellow ! Betty!

  1 Betty, this is Lucy.

  2 Lucy, how dod you do!

  3 How do you do ?


  1、 connect the following (20分)

  ① giraffe    短裙         ② one     9

  camel      礼帽          five     2

  cat 长颈鹿         eight     4

  shoes 草莓          nine     10

  hat 苹果          two     5

  watermelon 鞋           seven     1

  strawberry 骆驼          ten     8

  peach 猫           three     6

  skirt 西瓜          four     3

  apple 桃子          six     7

  2、 Choose the ritht answer (20分)

  ① How are you ?


  A: How do you do.

  B: Good morning!

  C: Fine ,thank you.

  ② What’s this?

  It’s ___ elephant.

  A: a

  B: an

  C: 不填

  ③ Q__STUV

  A: r

  B: Y

  C: R

  ④ 英国:_____

  A: PRC

  B: KFC

  C: UK

  D: USA

  ⑤ 我是一名司机:_____

  A: I’m a doctor.

  B: I’m a police.

  C: I’m a bird.

  D: I’m a driver.

  ⑥ Hello, Betty!


  A: Good-bye.

  B: Good night.

  C: Hi.

  ⑦ Betty, this is Andy.

  Andy, _________ Betty.

  Hi, Andy.

  Hi, Betty.

  A: You are……

  B: I am

  C: this is ……

  ⑧ Hello, Peter, This is Lucy.

  Lucy, nice to meet you.


  A: Good morning.

  B: How do you do.

  C: Nice to meet you, too.

  ⑨ What’s this ? It’s a skirt.

  Oh, no, I’m a _____

  A: boy

  B: girl

  C: Peter

  ⑩ Hello! My name is Bobby.


   I’m Kitty.

   A: I’m Bobby

   B: Your name, please?

   C: Really?


  a duck






  it is a skirt.



  Lesson 26

  Boys and girls: Hello! Mr. Sheep.

  Hello! Miss.duck

  Sheep and duck: Hi, Boys and girls.

  Betty: What’s that?

  Duck: It’s a pig.

  Betty: Thank you.

