
时间:2023-09-01 08:11:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】9月1号是我们开学的日子,今天晚上我们会有一个特殊的作业,就是准时收看央视播出的《开学第一课》。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《2023年开学第一课英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.2023年开学第一课英语日记 篇一

  The holiday has come to an end, and it is the beginning of a new semester. The 2023 "First Lesson" educational video has also arrived with our start of school. The theme of this year's "First Lesson" is "xx".

  The first lesson of 2023 was organized by the teacher for students to watch together. The students all sat in their seats and stared intently at the large screen playing in the classroom. The First Lesson of School is an extracurricular knowledge course for primary and secondary school students. The program starts with establishing the concept of the motherland and the five-star red flag, and then watches the great heroic deeds of generations of Chinese people. This allows us to deeply feel the rise of our new China and the achievements of generations of Chinese people's hard work. In the program, we also invited____ Advanced figures and other celebrities came to give us lectures, which greatly benefited me. They are all role models for us students to learn from, and their advanced deeds constantly remind me to be like them, to "add bricks and tiles" to our country when we grow up.

  After watching this year's' First Lesson of the Beginning of School ', I have gained a lot. In the historical development of the Chinese nation, there are many heroes who have sacrificed their lives for the rejuvenation of the motherland. They are all great heroic sons and daughters of the motherland, brave revolutionary martyrs, and role models for our young people to learn from. Standing under the national flag, we must hold our heads high, drink the national anthem, and showcase our Chinese style to the world.

2.2023年开学第一课英语日记 篇二

  Looking forward, looking forward, the first lesson of the school has arrived as scheduled. On September 1st, the school requested all teachers and students to watch the first lesson together, and the teacher also organized us to watch it in the classroom. At this moment, my heart was very excited. I had heard this program a long time ago, but I haven't really watched it. Now I can finally achieve my wish.

  This year's theme is "xx", and my heart is very excited, which has never been before in my previous studies. The impact of the first lesson on the growth path of elementary school students is self-evident, and I have also understood the infinite possibilities of life. And this program made me more determined in my learning goals, changed my lazy attitude, and became a positive and positive young man from now on.

  After watching the program, the teacher asked a few questions to check if we were studying seriously. When the teacher asked questions, everyone actively participated in answering, and I was not willing to be outdone and bravely raised my hand. The results of everyone's answers were naturally satisfactory to the teacher, and I was also praised by the teacher, feeling sweet in my heart!

  Although the first lesson has come to an end, its significance is forever imprinted in my heart. In the future, I must work hard to study, not be arrogant or impatient, and make myself better. I hope that when I grow up, I can contribute my strength to my country and become a pride in the eyes of my parents.

3.2023年开学第一课英语日记 篇三

  The new school season has arrived again, and I never expected the holiday to end in a blink of an eye. As the first day of school approaches, the first lesson program broadcasted by CCTV will also arrive as scheduled on that day.

  This year is a year of great historical significance, so the theme of the first lesson of this year is, Following the host's narration, we witnessed the historical process of China's prosperity and development, and also recognized many patriotic predecessors and heroes. Being exposed to these fresh content makes me feel very proud and proud to be a Chinese. At the same time, I also understand that the prosperous and prosperous times of our country today cannot be separated from the great leadership of the Party, and cannot be separated from the selfless dedication of every patriotic ancestor. I learned from them the spirit of bravery and fearlessness, as well as the patriotic qualities of constantly dedicating myself to my country.

  After more than two hours of studying in the first lesson, I realized that patriotism is not just about shouting slogans, but about taking concrete actions. So we should work hard to learn, improve our knowledge and abilities, enhance our social value, and contribute to the construction of a better country; While learning, we should also enrich our own spiritual world, unswervingly support and support the correct leadership of the Party, and learn from the great and advanced spirit of the CPC.

  After watching the first lesson, it made me understand that as young people in the new era, we shoulder the historical mission of national rejuvenation. Let's work together for the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

4.2023年开学第一课英语日记 篇四

  In the golden autumn of September, the joyful summer vacation has passed, and the new school season is welcoming us. On September 1st, we watched a particularly meaningful program to start the first lesson together.

  At 8 pm, after finishing dinner, we stayed at home and watched the first class program on time. Every September, at the beginning of the new semester, the first class always broadcasted various interesting and profound story fragments for us to watch. In this class, not only can we learn various knowledge, but we can also constantly feel the meaning of life through watching the program. The content of each episode (the first lesson) is different, but in each episode of the program, we can learn a lot beyond the textbook, see more glorious events in our country, and also have more goals and motivation in our learning. This may be why the first lesson program is played every September when the school season starts.

  Through the program (the first lesson of the school year), we have a clearer understanding of our country, our great party, and also understand that the prosperity and life of our country today cannot be separated from the efforts of those parties. As primary and secondary school students and future successors of our country, we must strive for the goal of the party, constantly learn more knowledge, and make a contribution to our country in the future to serve our country.

5.2023年开学第一课英语日记 篇五

  On September 1st, primary and secondary schools opened, and the "first lesson" became a popular topic on WeChat Moments.

  The first lesson at the beginning of a semester has a specific meaning, just like the end of a semester, the end of a school year, and graduation. The ceremony of the first lesson gave us a different meaning and made us feel that this day was unique. As the fox explains in "The Little Prince" that "ritual" is to make a day different from other days, to make a moment different from other times, "the first lesson of school is about different moments.

  The first lesson of the school year marks the end of the holiday life. From this moment on, the new semester begins, and new goals and collective life begin. Perhaps there is no need to sleep in, perhaps there is still a need to memorize the entire text, an ancient poem, perhaps there are words to memorize, and many questions to do. These are all challenges on the road to knowledge, stumbling blocks that we need to face and strive to overcome. Striving for a new era, youth is at the right time. The new academic year and semester are one grade higher than before, and everyone is growing up and officially setting sail.

  Before the start of school, a group of six or seven year old children gathered together to learn to sing the national anthem and school anthem. On the first day of school, they put on clean and tidy clothes, stood upright in the queue, and classmates sang the national anthem together, raising the five-star red flag. That solemn moment must be the most profound memory. Activities such as fire education classes, garbage classification, and standardized use of maps are the "first lesson" of schools in various regions. They connect school learning with social life, learn new knowledge through collective practice, innovate learning forms, and facilitate the mastery and application of knowledge.

  Have a good first lesson, a new semester, a new beginning.
