
时间:2021-08-06 20:06:56 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】开学第一课是所有中小学生每年必看的一期节目,每年的主题都各不相同,节目会依据当年的时下环境,会确立一个当期的主题。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the twinkling of an eye, September is coming. In the golden season, it's an important breakthrough point in life. It's a step closer to the goal that we made up our mind before. We take back our laziness and can meet the starting point of new knowledge. So in the early days, the school will arrange a special public welfare program "lesson one at the beginning of school" for us, The content involved in it is mainly the true story of inspirational great stories every year. For example, a long time ago, it was about children's safety deeds, and then it was about defending the country, teenagers' dreams, and so on. Then we can easily see that the contents in it were all inspirational, encouraging teenagers' inner rise and giving them positive energy. In this way, we have a patriotic heart when we are young, and we only pay for the motherland. The rule is that if the youth is strong, the country will be strong. The youth is the hope of the future of the country, and the hope of the nation is just because of the education from childhood.

  If a nation can't grasp the course of its own country's development, it can't understand the correct direction of the present and our future. History is the source of the nation, the root of the party, and culture must be inherited by history. Therefore, in such a form, it is very important to learn from our history. The Secretary once said that our party's centenary is a centenary of adhering to the original mission, It is a glorious one hundred years to open up the future. In the course of this one hundred years, it vividly shows how Marxism influences and changes China. The truth power and practice power of Marxism are integrated. At the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party and the country have made brilliant achievements and undergone historic changes.

  Under such a great historical turning point, our generation should feel very honored to learn from the party's spirit of starting a new journey and forging ahead into a new era. We should have a good understanding of why the Communist Party of China can "do it", why Marxism can "do it", Why Socialism with characteristics is "good". We should have a good understanding of the party's successful course, give full play to the party's fine tradition, guide students to be down-to-earth, respect morality and practice, and then shoulder the great rejuvenation of the nation. So I don't have much emotion in my heart. I'm eager to learn from their dedication to protect the motherland. The ultimate goal of this is to keep the great heroic image of the motherland in children's minds, remember the mission given by the superior, and strive to learn to pave the way for the future development of the motherland, Maybe this is the reason why "the first lesson at the beginning of school" is so popular. As a new generation of young people in our motherland, we are the hope of our motherland. The future of our motherland depends on us. Therefore, we should inherit and foster our patriotism and strive for the goals we set for ourselves in the future. Come on, young people. Finally, I want to say to our motherland, motherland! I love you! I'm proud! I can be a Chinese!


  Time always slips away from the fingers inadvertently. The happy summer vacation is over and the new school season is coming. On September 1, there is a special thing, that is, the annual education program "lesson 1 of school" broadcasted by CCTV. Every year, I watch TV with my family at 8 o'clock on time, and this year is no exception.

  The first lesson at the beginning of school is a large-scale public welfare teaching program for young people. The content of the program is different every year. The content of the program is closely related to the hot spots of current affairs and carries forward the advanced deeds and exemplary spirit, which has profound and important educational significance for primary and secondary school students; At the same time, it also reminds us that we should put the mood of playing back into our study. And compared with the traditional way of teaching and education, through the television media, more attract children's learning enthusiasm, better play the role of education. This year is a special year, because it is the 100th anniversary of our great party. We can see that the theme of the first lesson of this year's opening school focuses on patriotism and love for the party. From my common growth with the motherland, I feel the common development of the party and the motherland. Let me welcome the 100th birthday of the party!

  Following the host's eloquence, let us see the development process of the motherland from the difficulties of that year to the prosperity of today. Let us understand that the prosperity of the motherland today is inseparable from the great and correct guidance of the party and the indomitable struggle of our ancestors“ Only by unswervingly supporting the guidance of the Communist Party of China can we make the motherland advance on the road of prosperity.

  With the end of the program "the first lesson at the beginning of school", I benefited a lot in this short two hours. Let us deeply realize that as the future successor of our motherland, we should not waste our time in the prime of our youth. We should strive to learn knowledge, develop ourselves step by step, improve our knowledge reserves, and combine all aspects of development of morality, intelligence, sports, beauty and labor to show our youth as the successor of our motherland. In addition to improving their own ability, we should pay more attention to enrich their own spiritual world, inherit and carry forward the advanced spirit of their ancestors, and enhance their sense of national identity and belonging. As a new youth in the new era, we should not only develop ourselves, improve our personal knowledge and quality, but also shoulder the sense of mission and social responsibility given by history.

  Today's prosperity and prosperity are the result of countless ancestors' successive and generous sacrifice. Therefore, we should not forget history, forge ahead, follow the pace of the party and obey the party's command“ As long as we constantly strengthen ourselves, we can contribute to the prosperity and construction of our motherland and contribute our youth to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


  In the golden autumn of September, with the cool weather, the happy summer vacation is over to welcome the arrival of the new semester. On September 1st, the most anticipated day is the broadcast of the first lesson of the new year. My family and I are waiting for the broadcast of the program in front of the TV.

  "A lesson at the beginning of school" has been 13 years. It is an educational public welfare program jointly produced by CCTV and the Ministry of education since 2008. It aims at the pre-school education of primary and secondary school students. Every year, the content of the program is closely related to the hot current events at that time. For us who are just relaxing in the summer vacation, it not only has the function of reminding us to study hard, but also has profound educational significance. This year is the 100th anniversary of the party, a day for all Party members and members of the Communist Youth League to celebrate, and a moment of great historical significance. And the theme of this year's "first lesson" also revolves around the development of patriotism and love the party, which has a significant and far-reaching educational role for primary and secondary school students.

  With the host's speech on the stage, the program began slowly. In just over two hours, I realized the true meaning of "without the Communist Party, there would be no new China". In those extraordinary years, it was the great guidance of the party and the unremitting efforts of every generation of party leaders to save China from the decadent and bullied mire and embark on a bright and broad road. Only in this way can we have today's prosperous and beautiful scene. Therefore, we should not only remember the great achievements of the martyrs, but also love and cherish the hard won good life, and shoulder the historical responsibility of building a better future for our motherland given by our ancestors.

  "The first lesson" is over, but my mood can't be calm for a long time. The content of the program has deep connotation, and there are many places for people to think deeply. I can't help but feel that we should not idly spend our time in our youth. We should constantly accumulate knowledge, study hard, develop ourselves morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and laboriously, and show the youth style of the educated youth in the new era. Only in this way can we be worthy of the great rivers and mountains that our ancestors have laid for us.

  As the future successors of the motherland, we should unswervingly support the Communist Party of China, obey the party's command, obey the party's arrangements, learn the party's spirit and follow the party's pace; Inherit and carry forward the great spirit of our ancestors, improve our self-cultivation, enrich our spiritual world, and establish a good outlook on life values. Only by constantly improving ourselves, can we pave the way and bridge for national rejuvenation and contribute to the construction of our motherland. The youth is strong, the country is strong, we have to constantly improve self-worth, in order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation into the Chinese dream of great youth power.

