
时间:2022-11-10 03:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】在我心里,校园是美丽的地方。因为在那儿,有一些小伙伴和我一起学习,一起玩耍,一起分享生活的乐趣。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Our campus is beautiful!

  Entering the school gate, clusters of beautiful flowers in the sunlight, like blossoming fireworks. Walking to the right is the playground. There is a basketball court, a volleyball court and a new plastic track on the playground, which are composed of vermilion, dark blue and dark green. It is very beautiful! Children like to play happily on the playground.

  Looking ahead, straight trees look like soldiers guarding the campus. In the morning, flowers and plants wake up from their dreams. Look, the grass is green all over the ground. When a gust of wind blows, the grass swings left and right as if to say, "Hey, friend, welcome!" Look, the flowers are not willing to be outdone. Red, yellow, blue, purple... they raise smiling faces and compete for beauty. They are fragrant, charming and lovely! There is a rockery on the grass. Next to the rockery is the flag raising platform. The bright five-star red flag is flying high above the flag platform.

  Our school also has a broad stage. On the left side of the stage is a small poetry garden. After each poetry competition, the award-winning poems can be displayed here. There is a small pool at the bottom of the Poetry Garden. The water in the pool is clear. The small goldfish swim freely in the pool. How happy they are!

  We are also very happy to study in such a beautiful campus. Therefore, I will take more care of the campus in the future, do not litter, and we will dress the campus better.


  Our school is a good place with beautiful scenery.

  Once you enter the school, you will hear the sound of reading. With the fragrance of flowers, we come to the garden where flowers bloom. There are all kinds of flowers in the garden: roses as white as snow; There are flaming chrysanthemums; There are also sun flowers like rosy clouds, everything. That one after another like a small trumpet morning glory opened most brightly. Some are in full bloom; Some are in bud; Some opened two or three pieces, how beautiful! Look! It also attracted swarms of bees and butterflies. Bees are working hard to gather honey from flowers, while butterflies are dancing. What a beautiful garden!

  In the middle of the garden is a rockery. The rockery is made of grotesque stones. Some rocks on the rockery look like naughty monkeys; Some seats are cute bears; Some of them are like fairies pointing the way (1) There is a fountain on the false mountain top, and the water sprayed out is like smoke, fog and dust (2) There are many red carp swimming happily in the fountain.

  Many fruit trees are planted around the playground, including longan trees, litchi trees and mango trees. The students shade, enjoy the cool and play games under the trees. There are four basketball courts on the playground. During the physical education class, the students all play happily on the playground.

  Several tall and white teaching buildings stand in an orderly manner on the campus. Students here happily learn knowledge and grow healthily.

  Our campus is really a beautiful garden! I will always love the beautiful campus.


  Whenever I walk into the gate of the campus, I will see a beautiful green blanket, which is a lawn in the campus. On the lawn, there are several giant coconut trees standing there, like mighty soldiers. Whether it is raining heavily or the wind is blowing fiercely, they stand firmly and always defend our paradise. Every time we play games and football on the lawn to our heart's content, when we are tired, we always sit under the big headed coconut tree to have a rest and enjoy the endless fun of the lawn.

  In the morning, the dew on the lawn is shining like a little boy blinking. The lawn is very cool, as comfortable as in an air-conditioned room. On the lawn, there are several big stones close together, just like sisters holding each other and whispering, as if they were saying that in spring, the sky is more beautiful than fairies, and the sky is more beautiful than mink cicadas. The grass also carefully lifted its head from the ground, like delicate bamboo shoots.

  At noon, the scorching sun shone with dazzling light, and the strong light plated the grass, king coconut and stone with a layer of gorgeous decoration. The grass is warm by the sun, just like a hot sofa.

  In the afternoon, when the sun goes down, the soft sunlight pours down and gilds the grass with golden yellow. Under the sun's light, the king coconut is shining like a silver pillar. The stones on the lawn are dyed golden yellow by the sun's light, like pieces of gold.

  Ah! What a beautiful lawn! How like a fairyland. I love you, beautiful campus.


  Our campus is like a big garden. How lovely it is. We thrive here.

  In the morning, happy birds were singing happily in the branches, while we carried our schoolbags and walked briskly along the flowery path. When we came to the school gate, the sun shone on the bronze medal of the piano engraved with "Yunxiao Experimental Primary School", and then refracted the sun to us. We accepted the gift with a smile, and jumped into the campus.

  Entering the campus, you can see the magnificent teaching building, flying five-star red flag, tall and straight green trees and green grass. We ran on the elastic plastic track and played on the soft lawn. Look, the students are playing and frolicking heartily. There are all kinds of flowers and trees on both sides of the runway. It's spring now. They are competing and blooming. They sprinkle the strong fragrance of flowers on the school. You see, all the students are here and are intoxicated with the fragrance of flowers.

  Entering the teaching building and walking in the wide corridor, students were all absorbed in looking at the exhibition boards on the corridor: Building 1 was themed by the land of China, Building 2 was themed by I love my school, Building 3 was themed by showing my style, Building 4 was themed by the history of the motherland, and Building 5 was themed by the development of science and technology. The students are like hungry wolves, greedily reading the display board and absorbing the "nutrients" inside.


  When approaching our campus, the first thing I saw was the red gate. It was a wooden door, which was different from the doors of other schools; The color is also different. It's vermilion. Before entering the school, a kind of simple and unsophisticated academy atmosphere has hit us head-on. This is our Liuhai Academy.

  When you enter the Academy, a large auditorium will appear in front of you. Turn right and step into a small door. You will see a courtyard with maple trees, gingko trees, cinnamon trees... Maples are very strange, with leaves like many small palms. In autumn, maple leaves became red and fell one by one. In the trees, maple leaves flew like butterflies in the air, as if they were applauding to welcome our arrival.

  The middle gate of the courtyard is the Four Seasons Book Bar. That is where we read. Every noon, students, teachers and parents will read books. There are beautiful bookshelves, on which there are many books, literary and scientific... Beside the books, there are beautiful plant shelves, on which there are also green plants.

  Continuing to the west, we came to the botanical garden of the school, where we planted many plants, including radish, green vegetables, spinach... After lunch every day, we would go to see the plants, water them, fertilize them, and take care of them. Every day, I hope that plants can grow up faster, and that they will be strong, not wither, overcome the cold, and overcome themselves.

  This is our campus, which brings us joy and growth.


  Our campus. Our campus is beautiful and charming, full of vitality.

  Whenever I look around at school, I see several gold typefaces written on the school gate - Quangang Zhuang Chongwen Experimental Primary School. There are three buildings in the school. I am most familiar with the teaching building. There are four floors in the teaching building. Each classroom is spacious and bright, with transparent windows and neat tables. Everyone has arranged the classroom beautifully. Every morning you can hear the students' loud reading voice. The teaching building is really a good place for students to read! There is a big playground in front of the teaching building. There is green grass in the middle of the playground, which seems to be covered with a layer of green carpet. Surrounding the lawn is the red runway, which looks like a beautiful picture from a distance. During the break, students can enjoy themselves on the playground. Some play shuttlecock, some play ball, and some play games?? The whole campus is full of laughter.

  There are also several flower beds in the campus. The flowers in the flower beds compete for beauty. The fragrance of the flowers attracts many bees and butterflies,

  The industrious bees are singing and gathering honey. Butterflies are dancing in the flowers, which is very beautiful. There are many kinds of green trees in the campus. They stick to the campus every day, adding a lot of vitality to the school. Under the breeze, they shake their fingers to greet us!

  Our school is not only beautiful, but also a good place for us to study happily. I love our campus.


  Entering the campus, I saw a tall Tasong tree at the first sight. It is like a kind old man, watching us play games happily with its charitable eyes; With its big ears to listen to our laughter; With its warm heart, silently bless us and wish us to enter the ideal school; It gently touches us with its old hands, giving us courage and confidence to overcome every difficulty. Under it, there is a blackboard with a reminder, which encourages us to work hard every minute to compete with the old man of time.

  Further on, a dilapidated teaching building appeared in front of us. This is the Diligence Building. Although it looks shabby, I don't know how many excellent students come out of here every year. There, a red flag fluttering in the wind is hanging high.

  When I didn't pay attention, my eyes turned around and a very interesting track was displayed in front of me. It was used for race running. It was very interesting to run slowly, fast, and curved.

  Walking along the runway, the most eye-catching thing is the new teaching building. If compared with other teaching buildings, I suddenly feel that the dwarves are three points. Only Shuxiangyuan can be compared with it. Shuxiangyuan is very powerful, especially its shape is like the front of a tank, which is very interesting.

  Walking back, a green flower bed unfolds in front of us. The colorful butterflies and the busy bees are really colorful. It is surrounded by the back playground. By the way, I haven't introduced the back playground that excites me most: it is here that our class team won the championship of grade two times in the football league this year and last year.

  Look, our campus is beautiful!


  Our school is XX Primary School, which is very beautiful.

  When I stepped into the campus, I first saw several towering trees. The big tree has luxuriant branches, and the branches hang down to form a huge umbrella. Whenever the hot summer comes, we love to shade under the tree. The branches of the tree are strong and straight, as if they were soldiers ready for inspection at any time.

  Further ahead, there is a beautiful flower bed. In spring, the flowers in the flower bed are in bloom, red, white and yellow. The breeze blows, and the strong fragrance is refreshing.

  Further inside is our teaching building. The outside of the building is made of white tiles, which looks clean and tidy. There are 18 teaching classes in the teaching building, and each class has advanced electronic whiteboard teaching facilities. The teacher uses exquisite courseware to teach us every day, and the text is accompanied with beautiful pictures, so that we can easily learn knowledge. But we know how much effort the old teacher has behind the courseware! I love our hardworking teacher.

  Through the screen, you can see a wide playground. This is where we usually exercise and play. Our playground is red and green. When class was over, the students would rush to the playground to play, including skipping rope, running, and kicking shuttlecock. Some students will lie on the plastic floor to rest when they are tired from playing. The playground has become a paradise for students.

  I love our beautiful campus. It is the cradle of our growth.


  "Study hard and make progress every day..." The sweet morning music sounded, and I put my schoolbag on my back and walked towards the school.

  I'm a student of xx Primary School. Our school is beautiful! Walking towards the beautiful campus, from afar, you can see the four characters on the gate - xx Primary School. There is also a big pond on the left of the gate, in which there are pink and tender lotus flowers. In summer, the lotus will be in full bloom.

  After walking through the lotus pond, I came to the avenue, where there were many wutong. In spring, wutong trees sprout a little. In summer, wutong trees grow luxuriantly. In autumn, the leaves of wutong trees turn yellow and fall down one by one, revealing bare trunks. When class was over, students often played with eagles to catch chickens under the wutong.

  At the end of the avenue is the teaching building, which is very tall. I walked to the second floor. The students in the first classroom were having Chinese lessons, and the Chinese teacher was letting the students read aloud! The students in the second classroom are having an English class. The English teacher is holding a book to let the students recite words. The students in the third classroom were having a math class. The math teacher really asked them to do mental arithmetic. The classroom was quiet, the windows were bright, and the desks and chairs were neat.

  After class, we came to the playground. Several big brothers and sisters were playing basketball. One big tall man grabbed the basketball. In the twinkling of an eye, he shot a three-point ball, and the whole court applauded for him.

  My campus is so beautiful!


  In the spring of peach blossom and willow green, in the summer of flourishing flowers, in the autumn of maple blossom and chrysanthemum fragrance, and in the winter of pine green and snow-white trees, a campus with four charming seasons is formed.

  In spring, the campus is full of vitality. A group of unknown small trees send out tender buds, which look like several small green flowers from a distance. Peach blossoms opened their blushing faces, and camellia was squeezed on the branches. In the small bamboo forest, several glossy bamboos are upright, and there are also some small wild flowers blooming at their feet. All the trees are dressed in green, dressed in spring, dancing in the spring breeze!

  In summer, the campus is full of enthusiasm. There is no cloud in the sky. The hot sun shines directly, and everyone's enthusiasm is dozens of times that of the fireball like sun! The grass poked its head out and went up, as if countless warm hands were waving to you and me. On campus running competitions, cheerleaders cheered on regardless of their dry mouths! The athletes endure the heat of sweating and run like rockets.

  In autumn, the air in the campus is more and more fresh. What a beautiful view downstairs! Look, chrysanthemums are dancing! The maple leaves are as red as fire, and the golden osmanthus is fragrant! Alas? Why are there so many small black spots in the corridor upstairs? Oh, it is the students who come to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the campus and take a deep breath of the fresh air outside!

  In winter, the campus is full of laughter. Just after a heavy snowfall, several lively and lovely clean snowmen appeared in front of them with brooms. Look, it was carefully piled up by our teacher. We all surrounded the snowman, singing and dancing. We were so happy! A snowball fight is even more indispensable. You threw me, I hit you, and the laughter spread all over the campus.

  On campus, it is like being close to nature. Beautiful scenery is everywhere.
