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【#英语资源# #美丽的校园英语日记(精选10篇)#】校园是我们成长的地方,学习的地方,是我们的乐园。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《美丽的校园英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.美丽的校园英语日记 篇一

  I have seen the magnificent Mount Taishan Mountain, and I have heard of the Fragrant Hill with red leaves like fire. But in my opinion, the beautiful campus scenery is even more unforgettable.

  Entering the campus was like stepping into a sea of flowers, with flowers warmly welcoming me. I suddenly turned my gaze to a lonely rhododendron lady, and all the flowers despised it and kept away. The sun grandfather has come out, and the flowers are eager to get the sun grandfather's sunshine and grow up quickly. The rows of winter jasmine flowers in the flower garden also showed bright yellow smiling faces, and a gentle breeze swept by, causing the flowers to smile and bend over. People floating on the sea of flowers will definitely feel very energetic, this is the flower bed.

  Go further inside and you will arrive at the sports field. The sports field is surrounded by trees, and the withered leaves falling from the trees are like lively butterflies. The trees on campus are really green, green like a natural carpet; The trees on campus are really tall, like big pillars; The trees on campus are so thick that several people can't gather around them.

  Walking into the depths of the campus, I saw a tall teaching building. At this moment, children's reading was heard, which was really beautiful.

  The scenery surrounds such a teaching building, which reflects the scenery. In addition, the sky is shrouded in clouds and mist, with green trees and red flowers in the flower beds, and birds chirping on the trees, making you feel like you have entered a colorful painting. It's really like "people swimming in the painting

2.美丽的校园英语日记 篇二

  Our campus is like a big garden, with all kinds of flowers, plants, and trees, very beautiful.

  Come in from the school gate, walk straight for about two or three meters, then turn left to come to the Meteorological Park. The scenic spots of the Meteorological Park include bronze statues, including ancient meteorologists and modern meteorologists Shen Kuo and Zhu Kezhen. There is a fountain pool at the end of the meteorological park, and the water in the fountain pool is really quiet! It's so quiet that you can't feel it flowing; The water in the fountain pool is really clear! Clear enough to see the sand and stones at the bottom of the pool; The water in the fountain pool is really bright! Even if your eyes are bright, you will be blind. Above the fountain pool, there is a sightseeing stack platform. Looking down from the left end, the eye-catching one is the iron tree, which looks like a flower when viewed from above.

  Leaving the Meteorological Garden and heading northeast, we arrived at the Botanical Garden. Our school's botanical garden is completely different from other botanical gardens: our school grows crops such as white radishes, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. Some have already poked out their small heads and are enjoying the scenery of summer; Some only stick out their hair, hoping to get it permed by the sun; Some are still sleeping in underground, don't disturb their rest!

  Leaving the botanical garden, walk on the slope, turn right and pass by Zhishu Road, then come to Xinsheng Pavilion. The Xinsheng Pavilion is filled with an antique atmosphere, and a couplet is engraved on the pillar: "The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the sound of listening, the care of family, state, and the world

  There are countless scenic spots on our beautiful campus, and there is no end to it. We hope you have the opportunity to visit them in detail.

3.美丽的校园英语日记 篇三

  Wherever you look with your heart, you will discover its beauty and infectiousness, just like our beautiful campus.

  Entering the school gate, there are lush green grasslands on both sides, dotted with many small flowers. Rows of trees are planted along the edges of the grasslands, some of which are big trees that have experienced several years of wind and frost, and some are young saplings that have just emerged. There are two pavilions in the center of the grassland, each with green glazed tiles. Below them are four pillars, sturdy and tall, with several "friendship benches" attached to them. These pavilions are often visited by people, some to enjoy the scenery, others to chat and play chess.

  What stands out is the "8" shaped pool under the pavilion. In the middle of the pool is a "Grey Rainbow" stone arch bridge, which is called the "Rainbow Bridge". A gray rainbow is gray, not as rich in color as a rainbow, but it hides my deep affection for it. Next to the gray rainbow are several "good brothers" - rockeries. Many flowers and plants are planted on the rockery. The rockery changes endlessly, looking like a monkey on the left, a banana on the right, a lion on the front, and a gentle little rabbit on the back. The water in the pond is very clear. Every summer, many friends come here, including tadpoles, frogs, and goldfish! Under the sunshine, it's golden and beautiful! There is a money swaying willow by the pond. Every spring, it grows willow silk with yellow tender leaves. The small flower bones on the willow silk also bloom with a fireworks like smile, which is extremely cute! Under the money swaying willow, there is a group of "children" - colorful flowers, who learn from "mothers" and grow up happily in the wind and sand.

  What a beautiful campus! What a lovely place! She carries our childlike dreams and makes us fly happily!

4.美丽的校园英语日记 篇四

  Autumn has arrived again, decorating our campus and making it more beautiful.

  The campus is really beautiful, she leaves leaves every day. When autumn arrives, the green maple leaves on the maple trees in the school turn into red maple leaves, camphor leaves also turn red, and peach leaves turn yellow. Other leaves also turn yellow with the arrival of autumn. When the autumn wind blows, these leaves drift down in a spiritual and scattered manner, dancing in the air like butterflies, truly beautiful. Colored our campus with colorful colors.

  The campus is beautiful, with beautiful big trees. The greenery on our campus is quite good. There are many trees on our campus, such as peach trees, pine trees, and camphor trees. These trees stand tall like soldiers, guarding our campus. In spring, they line up neatly, and their clothing is also very uniform. The warm spring flowers are blooming, and the earth is a scene of all things reviving. When it comes to summer, they are lush with branches and leaves, providing us with a good place to enjoy the cool and shade. When autumn comes, they seem like giants, looking very lonely, but I know they are for better growth and vitality in the coming spring.

  Campus beauty, there are beautiful classmates on campus. Autumn has arrived, and many leaves have all drifted down. When students see leaves or garbage, they pick them up easily, all of whom are good children who care for the environment. After the love and care of my classmates, the campus has become clean and beautiful. Looking at it, the ground is as clean as flowers, with no leaves left. These are inseparable from my classmates' good character and habits.

  Do you think our campus is very beautiful?

5.美丽的校园英语日记 篇五

  Autumn girl walked lightly and quietly, coming to every corner and also to our beautiful and charming campus.

  There are two rows of sturdy citron trees on both sides of the cement road at the school gate. Every morning, when I come to the campus, they all welcome me like guards. On the trees, the heavy citron fruits have different colors, some of which are ripe, so they are yellow; Some are not yet ripe, so they are still green; Some are green with a yellow hue; Some are yellow with a hint of green, which really makes my mouth water. They come in various shapes, some small, like a small fist; Some are quite large, almost as big as a football. They have different postures, some hiding in the leaves, like shy little girls; Yes, close together, like a few children whispering in secret; Some people hang high in their skills as if saying, "I'm mature! I'm mature! Come pick me; Some are under the branches, swaying with the wind when blown, as if on a swing!

  In the flower bed, the maple leaves are fiery red, like clusters of burning flames. A gentle breeze blew by, and the maple leaves swayed as if greeting us. I couldn't help but recite, "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are redder than the February flowers." Some of the golden osmanthus flowers have already fallen, and some are still growing on trees. A gust of wind gently blew by, and the tempting fragrance filled the entire campus.

  There are tall and straight wutong trees in the west of the playground. A gust of autumn wind blew by, and a few leaves fluttered and swayed down, dancing like yellow butterflies. From a distance, it looks like gold spread all over the ground. Several small ants climbed over and used the wutong leaves as a playground. The caterpillars came and used the wutong leaves as quilts. A few unknown birds flew in, searching and looking around, as if preparing food for the winter.

  Ah。 The campus in autumn is really beautiful, I love this beautiful campus!

6.美丽的校园英语日记 篇六

  Pan ah Pan, finally happily anticipating the third class in the afternoon, we are going to have the "Campus Flower Appreciation Activity".

  We stood in line and happily came downstairs, where everyone saw their own families. I quickly threw myself into my mother's arms and asked her, "Mom, do you think our campus is beautiful?" My mother smiled and said, "Beautiful!" "Hehe!" I was a bit proud.

  We arrived at the spacious playground. Little flowers are welcoming us by the roadside, with a myriad of colors. At this moment, the North Wind was shouting loudly, frightening me to hide on the other side. I ran hard forward, and the wind blew on my red cheeks. I didn't give up and ran with the wind. The wind has passed, and I am gasping and exhaling heavily---

  In a moment, my hands froze like ice, but I didn't care at all. The power of the wind didn't drive away my happiness.

  I have seen many introductions to trees, and I would like to share with you:

  Japanese early cherry, also known as the other shore cherry, belongs to the Rosaceae family and belongs to the cherry tree genus. It is distributed from Heilongjiang in the north to Guizhou in the south of China. It likes sunlight, is cold resistant, drought resistant, and has weak resistance to smoke and wind.

  Maple poplar: also known as white poplar or large leaved willow, it is a deciduous tree with obvious main roots and well-developed lateral roots.

  There are also purple leaf plum, white wax, hawthorn, wintersweet, five pointed maple, welcoming pine, double knot white wax, high stem rose, small leaf privet ball

  These flowers, plants, and trees decorate our campus as beautiful as a park and purify the air. We breathe fresh air every day and study happily in the classroom.

  Through this activity, we not only gained a lot of knowledge, but also strengthened the friendship between classmates.

  I love our campus, I want to make it more beautiful!

7.美丽的校园英语日记 篇七

  Autumn has arrived, decorating our campus and making it even more beautiful.

  The beauty of the campus lies in the leaves. As soon as autumn arrives, the green maple leaves on the maple tree turn into red maple leaves, camphor tree leaves also turn red, peach tree leaves turn yellow, and other leaves also turn yellow. When the autumn wind blows, these leaves fall down like dancing butterflies, so beautiful! Color our campus with beautiful colors.

  The beauty of the campus lies in the big trees. Our school has many big trees, such as camphor trees, peach trees, etc. They stand there like soldiers, guarding our school. In spring, they are neatly arranged and their "clothing" is also very uniform, providing us with a cool and shady place to enjoy. But when autumn arrives, they become giants. Although they may seem lonely, I know they are meant to grow better and have more vitality in the coming spring.

  Campus beauty lies in classmates. As soon as autumn arrives, many leaves fall off, and students pick them up as soon as they see the leaves or garbage. After the love and care of our classmates, our campus has become both beautiful and tidy. Looking around, the ground is clean and picturesque, without a single leaf, all of which are inseparable from the good character and habits of our classmates.

  You see, is our campus beautiful?

8.美丽的校园英语日记 篇八

  Our campus is beautiful and lovely, and I really like it!

  In the morning, we walked into the classroom with the joyful singing of birds and began reading. We are here to learn joyfully and swim freely in the ocean of knowledge. You see, there are reading quotes pasted on the walls on both sides of the classroom, and famous sentences written on the blackboard at the back. There are changes every week, which constantly motivate students to strive for progress and progress. Listen to the loud reading sounds in the classroom, some reciting ancient poetry, some reciting prose, with rhythmic rhythms one after another... The lovely birds heard this and gently landed on the windowsill, as if saying, "Classmates, you are really positive

  After class, we played heartily on the playground. Look, some of the students are skipping rope, some are throwing sandbags, some are jumping rubber bands, and some are playing Eagle Catch Chicken. Ah, we are so happy. Even the osmanthus in the flower bed has been infected by our happiness, competing to bloom with brilliant smiling faces. They are so cute. Looking from afar, the trees were covered in gold, and a gentle breeze blew over, bringing a refreshing fragrance of flowers to the nostrils. Smell this one very fragrant, smell that one also very fragrant, look at this one very beautiful, look at that one also very beautiful. If we consider this osmanthus filled tree as a painting, then the painter's skills are really amazing!

  Is our campus beautiful? Welcome to come!

9.美丽的校园英语日记 篇九

  I love my campus. Our campus has beautiful scenery all year round. Now let me take you on a tour!

  In spring, ice and snow melt, and everything recovers. We began to return to the campus, facing the rising sun, walking briskly in a neat line of roads. We walked into the familiar campus, where willows nodded and greeted us in the breeze. Fresh air rushed in, and the bright sunlight shone into the classroom. As we read, there were ups and downs! No wonder the ancients once said, "The plan for a year is in spring, and the plan for a day is in the morning

  In summer, the scorching sun grilles the earth like a barbecue, never giving up until it's fragrant and steaming. The willow trees on campus have drooping "little heads" and a listless appearance, but this does not affect us playing games in physical education class. One by one, already sweating profusely and still enjoying it, stood under an old elm tree to rest and watch the elm coins spin and fall like the propellers of a helicopter. How interesting!

  In autumn, a cool breeze blows against the willows on campus, dancing like dancers in the wind. In front of the school teaching building, there is a row of low shrubs that I cannot name, but they decorate the campus very beautifully. In the autumn wind, leaves of various colors are painted with dye by painters, red like fire, green like scallions, and yellow like butterflies.

  In winter, the campus becomes much quieter. When it snows, our campus feels like a layer of fog, like a fairyland. Under the sunlight, sparkling snowflakes danced, and the cold wind pierced the bones. The snow on the trees had already piled up into small snowmen. A gust of wind blew by, and the branches swayed as if waving to us. The snowflakes fluttered and fell, falling into the arms of Mother Earth.

  Our campus is really beautiful! I love my school, it brought countless laughter and laughter to my childhood.

10.美丽的校园英语日记 篇十

  The green bamboo on campus is very beautiful. The bamboo is verdant, with lush branches and leaves that grow in cages. Many insects make their homes here. Some insects sleep on the leaves, while others play games among the green bamboo.

  The ginkgo trees on campus are very beautiful, with small golden fans quietly falling down from them, as if laying a carpet on the earth. I picked up a leaf and fanned it, it really can fan the wind!

  The iron tree on campus is very beautiful. The leaves of the iron tree are like needles. When its leaves fall off, the core in the middle can also grow new branches and leaves. The trunk of the iron tree looks like a big pineapple from a distance, with many small triangular thorns growing on it.

  The flowers on campus are very beautiful, red as fire, like a small sun; White as snow, pure and pure as ice; Yellow like gold, yellow like oranges, various and colorful, beautiful beyond recognition.

  The pine trees on campus are very beautiful, towering into the clouds. The leaves of the pine trees are emerald green all year round. The leaves of the pine trees are like green needles hanging from the tree, and when the wind blows, the leaves sway as if the needles are dancing.

  The students on campus are also beautiful. In the classroom, they help each other. If a student has a problem that they cannot solve, everyone will explain it to them. If they encounter difficulties, they will go to help them.

  The campus not only has beautiful scenery, but also has beautiful character.
