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【#英语资源# 导语】美丽的校园英语作文是学生们在英语学习中经常要写的一种作文类型。校园是学生们成长的地方,一个美丽的校园能够让学生们更加热爱学校,更加努力学习。©文档大全网为大家提供了丰富的美丽的校园英语作文范文,希望能够帮助大家更好地进行英语写作。

1.美丽的校园英语作文 篇一

  My campus is very beautiful all year round.

  In spring, the green leaves on the branches emit tender buds, and the crystal clear dewdrops are like a mirror, reflecting the colorful world. The dewdrops roll on the green leaves, like lively little elves dancing on them. Butterflies gather in groups of three or five, flying in the sky, and small flowers also dance in the breeze, dancing with the wind. Birds are flying in the blue sky, chirping in the sky, as if saying, "Spring is here, spring is here, the campus is really beautiful!" Suddenly, the class bell rang, and elementary school students from different ethnic groups are studying in the same classroom. The sound of everyone reading the text together is really pleasant. At this moment, it was very quiet outside the window, the branches stopped shaking, the birds stopped chirping, as if they were all listening to their classmates reading the text. After class, the students all danced Peacock dance, wrestled and played games under the big green tree, attracting many birds, even the little squirrels and beavers on campus.

  In summer, the small trees on campus have grown into towering trees, and cicadas are shouting "cicadas, cicadas..." The lotus flowers in the pond are in full bloom. Classmates are playing on the playground, some skipping rope, some running Everyone was sweating profusely from the heat. Although it was very hot, the classmates were still very happy.

  Autumn has arrived, and the leaves have turned yellow, falling to the ground like a golden carpet, making a "creaking" sound when stepped on. When the autumn wind blows, the golden leaves move with the wind, and the students sweep the fallen leaves. The national flag flutters in the wind, appearing particularly bright.

  In winter, snowflakes dance all over the sky, laying a layer of cotton quilt on the earth. Some students have snowball fights and some make snowmen. Although the students are particularly cold, they still burst into sweet smiles.

  This is my beautiful campus, I really like it. Do you like it or not?

2.美丽的校园英语作文 篇二

  Campus is an ocean of knowledge, where every child happily spends their golden childhood. I am so familiar with every plant and tree here, now let me introduce my beautiful campus to you!

  Every day when I go to school, I always see the tall and majestic school gate from a distance. The school gate is like a water gate. As soon as the gate is opened, the students waiting at the gate "flow" to different classrooms like a river. In my heart, the school gate is even more magical. Outside the school gate, I am the little emperor of my family. Upon entering the school gate, I became an excellent Young Pioneer.

  The first thing that catches your eye when you enter the campus is the flat and spacious playground, which is paved with a green and soft lawn. Around the playground stood willow trees one after another. In spring, the willow catkins of the willow tree flutter with the wind and begin to multiply and thrive; In summer, willow trees are students' favorite natural sunshades; In autumn, the leaves of the willow trees fall one after another, like the hair of a girl hanging down; The branches of the willow tree in winter are like the rough arms of an old man, trembling slightly in the cold wind.

  Walking along the lawn is the teaching building. The teaching building has four floors in total, wearing a pink and white "windbreaker". The most common areas inside the teaching building are classrooms and offices. The classroom is a place for students to learn and grow here. But in the office, I often see the busy figures of teachers. In addition, there are scientific laboratories that allow us to learn scientific knowledge, microcomputer rooms that allow us to understand computer knowledge, and music classrooms that bring us into the music hall.

  This is my beautiful campus, spacious campus, and vibrant campus. I cherish the wonderful time spent here, and in such a beautiful campus, I will have a happier childhood!

3.美丽的校园英语作文 篇三

  Our beautiful campus, Hujialou Central Primary School, is a colorful campus.

  As soon as we entered the school gate, two tall and straight pine trees stood upright like soldiers on both sides of the teaching building, guarding it; Walking forward, to the right is a huge yellow wax stone with four prominent characters engraved on it: 'Inheritance of the Flame and Yellow'. On the right side of Yellowwax Stone is a small emerald green bamboo forest, and on the left are two magnolia trees. The flower buds on the trees are in bud, and the fragrance is fragrant, making our campus look very beautiful!

  Entering the teaching building, on the left is "Ancient Rhyme Long", and on the right is "Childlike Heart Flying". In Childlike Heart Flying, there are goal and wish cards for each student in the school for the new semester. Some classes have plants fighting zombies; Some classes fold their wish cards into small boats; Some classes fold into envelopes; Some classes roll it into a roll after writing and tie it with ribbons. Each class has different ideas, and there becomes a unique and colorful scenery. Each wish card is made of colorful paper; When you go upstairs to the second floor, you will pass through a red door, which is inlaid with neatly arranged door studs. It is the door of wisdom, the door of the soul, and the door that teaches you how to be a person. On the second floor, there are integrity supermarkets, broadcasting rooms, offices, and classes; When going upstairs to the third floor, there will be a huge Peking Opera headdress that will emit blue light at night; On the third floor, there are large conference rooms, small conference rooms, offices, and classes.

  Behind the teaching building are the school district and Xiaobai Building; In front of the building is the playground, and behind it is the cultural corridor and equipment room.

  Our campus is colorful!

4.美丽的校园英语作文 篇四

  Our campus is a beautiful place.

  The school is located on Wei San Road, extending from east to west. Approaching the entrance of the school, the glittering characters "Jingwu Road Primary School" appeared very "spirited" under the sunlight, making me proud to be a Jingwu person!

  Stepping into the gate and looking to the left, there is the small garden of the school, where two huge stones stand, one large and the other small. Behind the stones are lush bamboo. Here, spring brings welcome; Autumn has autumn chrysanthemums, which are incredibly beautiful and lively.

  Entering the school gate and turning to the right, you come to the Cultural Corridor, where three stone slabs are covered with China's long history and culture. Some are characters; Some are countries; And... it's a feast for your eyes,

  Go further and turn left to reach the elective building. Every Friday, you can see the figures of your classmates' activities, and this may be your favorite place.

  Standing below the elective building, looking forward, there is the flag raising platform. We hold a flag raising ceremony here every Monday, which conveys many principles of being honest, proactive, and helpful, which have greatly benefited me.

  What are the tall buildings to the west of the school? That's the library. During holidays, students can go there to borrow books during reading classes. This allows us to experience the pleasure of swimming in the ocean of knowledge here.

  In addition to these, the school also has teaching buildings and comprehensive buildings for students to study; You can play on the playground... Anyway, if you stroll around our campus, it will broaden your horizons!

5.美丽的校园英语作文 篇五

  My campus is located under Renmin Bridge on Renmin Road in Suzhou City. It is Suzhou Experimental Primary School, founded in 19XX and has been around for over a hundred years. It is the earliest demonstration experimental primary school in modern China to implement modern education.

  Our campus covers an area of 80 acres, and a row of neat and spacious teaching buildings looks like a castle hall. Entering the campus, the first thing that catches your eye is a variety of trees, including maple, pine, holly

  On the right side of the square, there is a stone engraved with the four prominent typefaces of "Hongyi Square". On the right side of the stone is a wisteria frame, with two rows of wooden benches underneath. Next to the wisteria stand is a fountain that surrounds the library. There are colorful little goldfish in the pool, playing happily or listening to the sound of their classmates reading.

  Walking past Hongyi Square is the cultivation garden, where a few small osmanthus trees sit quietly in the charming fragrance of flowers on campus every autumn. Unconsciously, we arrived at Maoyuan, where there were various trees and the ground was paved with wooden boards. There were also some wooden benches, and Maoyuan was surrounded by green grass. Every time I pass by Maoyuan, I can't help but stop and admire by the bench. Below Maoyuan is Shuoyuan, where several beautiful "butterflies" fly all year round.

  The most beautiful Shuyun Garden on campus is surrounded by a long small river, which is clear to the bottom. The landscape stones on both sides of the river have different shapes. There is a curved wooden bridge on the river, with a pavilion on the opposite side. There are wooden benches below the pavilion, and next to the pavilion are holly and osmanthus trees. Walking in Yunyuan is like walking into the beautiful Jiangnan, sitting in a pavilion watching the peaceful and elegant flowing water of a small bridge.

  This is our campus, not only with beautiful scenery, but also as a palace for us to learn knowledge.

6.美丽的校园英语作文 篇六

  I have a very beautiful school, and I really like my campus because it is very beautiful and warm.

  I planted two weeping willows at the entrance of my school, and when the wind blew, the green waves rippled. Entering, to the south of the campus is the security room, and the duty officer is Grandpa Ma. He is very kind and smiling. The northernmost row is the library, which contains many books. Behind them are the principal's office and the school affairs office.

  Passing through the cement gray road, there is a kindergarten next to it. The children inside are all good at singing and dancing, clever and sensible. Further ahead is the classroom, with two rows of classrooms that are spacious and bright. There is a small square in front of the teaching building, with a five-star red flag in the center. To the east is a parking lot, to the south is a table tennis table, to the north is a playground, and to the west is a pavilion and a large area of grass.

  A few classmates and I go back to the pavilion to play after class every day, it's very beautiful there. There are wisteria trees planted around, and there are also crape myrtle trees and magnolia trees leaning against the flower pond. Ziwei is not very beautiful, Yulan is very beautiful, the flowers are huge and crystal white. We really enjoy lying in the pavilion basking in the sun and blowing the wind.

  Beautiful campus, beautiful home, thank you to teachers and classmates. With you, the campus is more colorful and beautiful. Wishing my alma mater from success to brilliance, from brilliance to brilliance, and wishing my beautiful campus full of peaches and plums.

7.美丽的校园英语作文 篇七

  I love my campus, especially the scenery in spring.

  In spring, the flowers in the flower bed compete with each other in various colors, including purple, pink, red, green, and yellow... On the playground, there are big brothers playing football, big sisters jumping rope, and playing sandbags. Behind the playground are willow trees, each one resembling a girl with long hair, so beautiful and moving. As the spring breeze blew, willow trees danced in the wind, and the flowers swayed along with the willow trees.

  In summer, with the scorching sun, cicadas shout "cicadas, cicadas" on the tree. In the flower bed, only the sunflowers were growing, and the other flowers were sunburned with drooping heads. However, when they saw how strong and unyielding the sunflowers were, they all rushed to cheer themselves up.

  In autumn, the flower beds are filled with withered branches and leaves, and the sunflowers have withered, but the chrysanthemums are in full bloom. There are many bees circling around the chrysanthemums, as if protecting the chrysanthemum fairy.

  In winter, the flowers were dressed in thick white clothes by Snow White, and the snowflakes danced freely like white butterflies.

  There is one thing on campus that I still can't forget. That day, we were running when suddenly I tripped and fell. My classmates helped me to the classroom, and the teacher brought a doctor to bandage my wound.

  I love my school not only for its beauty, but also for the love between teachers and students.

8.美丽的校园英语作文 篇八

  My campus is a beautiful, warm, and harmonious campus.

  Entering the gate, a stone tablet was seen, surrounded by colorful flowers that hid in the soil like shy little girls. Around the stone monument, in front of us are three majestic and sacred teaching buildings. Standing downstairs, we can still hear the sound of teachers teaching and the loud reading of classmates coming from the classroom. Entering the classroom, rows of neat tables and chairs lined up like a group of children, as if welcoming our arrival. When class is over, you can hear the laughter of classmates playing and playing together. There are two study rooms in front of the teaching building, with four tall ginkgo trees planted next to each room. In autumn, leaves fall down like a golden rain. Students who like to read books after class will come to read them. If they don't have time, they will borrow them. When they go to class, they will put them away and go back to their classroom to listen to the teacher carefully.

  Walking through the middle hall, we arrived at the back playground. On Monday, we raised the national flag in the back playground. From Tuesday to Friday, the second class ends every morning and we do exercises on the playground. There are table tennis tables, plastic tracks, bunkers for long jump on the playground

  On both sides of the playground are majestic paulownia trees. Whenever the branches of the paulownia tree are lush and leafy in summer, you can also enjoy the cool under the trees! You can still rest there when you're tired.

  I like this beautiful campus full of knowledge, laughter, warmth, and vitality everywhere!

9.美丽的校园英语作文 篇九

  I live in a poetic and picturesque campus, where some of the beautiful scenery often captivates me. The most beautiful attractions among them are the Wisteria Garden, the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, and the Camphor Avenue.

  Wisteria Garden is located in the southwest corner of the school. As soon as you enter this green palace, it's like entering a green fairyland. Whenever spring comes, the wisteria garden is filled with purple red flowers, like beautiful butterflies. The wisteria flowers emit a faint fragrance that makes one feel intoxicated. The emerald green vines bend down one by one, like a little girl's braid. In summer, the dense branches and leaves are like a big cool hat, blocking out the sunlight and making people feel cool. In autumn, when we walk in the wisteria garden, stepping on the golden leaves will make a rustling sound, as if children are singing happily.

  The eastern and western hemispheres are located on the north side of the school's Zhixing Building, which consists of two semi circular water pools. An open pool takes up almost half of the school. The water in the pool is clear to the bottom. At a glance, several lively and lovely little goldfish are playing and playing in the clear pool. Sometimes when you approach them, they hide like you are playing hide and seek, making it difficult for you to find them.

  Xiangzhang Avenue is located on the north-south axis of the school, and it is about three to four hundred meters long. From a distance, the tall camphor trees are like knights in green robes guarding the campus. From a close perspective, those camphor trees are like big green umbrellas, shielding us from wind and rain, allowing us to play and play under the trees. It is said that these trees have been growing for ten years, what a 'ten year tree, a hundred year tree'!

  Our school has beautiful scenery and is a unique scenic line. If you have time, come and admire the wisteria garden, the eastern and western hemispheres, and the camphor avenue in detail!

10.美丽的校园英语作文 篇十

  Our campus is beautiful, let me introduce it to you!

  As soon as you enter the gate, you will see beautiful flower beds one after another. From a distance, they look like beautiful carpets, while from a closer look, they look like a group of dancers dancing in the wind. The flower bed is as big as a maze, and you can't finish walking. Tall and lush iron trees were planted on both sides, resembling resilient warriors.

  As we walked in, we saw our 'six great kings' - the Mingli Building, the Integrity Building, the Seeking Knowledge Building, the Lexue Building, the Diligence Building, and the True Love Building. Our six buildings are really lively! Every morning as soon as you get close, you can hear the sound of reading; Our sixth floor is really big! I think even if there are thousands of people who cannot be surrounded! Our sixth floor is really clean, its area is spotless.

  Go inside again and you will reach the place where we learn knowledge. On the wall, there are many paintings on the left, and on the right, there are many famous quotes and ancient poems from celebrities. There are also neatly arranged tables and chairs in the middle.

  There are many sturdy and upright pine and cypress trees in the area below on the left. There are many weeping willows on this tree, swayed by a few gentle winds, like a mother's hair falling loose and touching.

  Below the transparent window is the playground. There are many classmates on the playground, some of whom run quickly like leopards; Some jump high like rabbits; Some are chirping and laughing like cheerful birds.

  This is my beautiful campus, and I love it.
