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五年级上册《This dog can help him》同步练习

( )1. This dog can________him.

A. help
B. to help
C. helps
( ) 2. He only wants ________.

A. play
B. to play
C. plays
( ) 3. There ________a fire.

A. are
B. were
C. was
( ) 4. The people were ________.

A. safety
B. safe
C. safely
( ) 5. There’s a TV________about dogs.

A. showing
B. show
C. to show
( ) 6. Fifi________ speak then.

A. couldn’t
B. can’t
C. can
( ) 7. In England, many blind people have a________ dog

A. specials
B. specially
C. special
( ) 8. There ________enough time.

A. are
B. aren’t
C. isn’t
( ) 9. He can’t do it . He only________to play

A. want
B. wants
C. wanted
( ) 10. There ________two desks and a computer before

A. are
B. were
C. is
( ) 11. We used to cook ________a fire

A. in
B. for
C. with
( ) 12. The bird________speak

A. cann’t
B. cans
C. can’t
( ) 13. She couldn’t ________then

A. speaks
B. speak
C. to speak
( ) 14. They________the blind people yesterday’

A. helped
B. help
C. helps
( ) 15. He could do some________

A. things
B. thing
C. a thing
( ) 16. This bag is________

A. her
B. she
C. hers
( ) 17. You can jump________high

A. really
B. real
C. realy
( ) 18. You can________the ball

A. ride
B. catch
C. watch

1. The monkey can help him (变成否定句)

The monkey ________ __________help him

2. She couldn’t speak Chinese then (变成肯定句)

She __________ _______ Chinese then

3. They had a swing here before (变成一般疑问句)

_______ they ________ a swing here before ?

4. I can play basketball (对画线部分提问)

________ can ________ __________?


Can   ride   clever   is

1. There________a TV show about dogs

2. This dog is very________

3. She can________a bike

4. The dog________help the blind people


Fifi is 1____ cute dog. She 2____ to play every day. One day, there 3____ a fire in the house. Amy and Sam 4____ at home. They called “help” , because the fire was big . The fireman 5____ hear them, but they 6____ a special dog, its name was Gogo, Gogo 7____ hear the people. She 8____ Amy, Sam and Feifei . Then the fireman helped them out , “Oh, Fifi, you should 9____ from Gogo! Gogo is cleverer than you !” Ms Smart said. Everybody 10____ at last

( ) 1. A. Amy
B. Amy’s
C. Amys
( ) 2. A love
B. loved
C. loves
( ) 3. A is
B. was
C. were
( ) 4. A. were
B. are
C. was
( ) 5. A. could
B. couldn’t
C. can
( ) 6. A have
B. has
C. had
( ) 7. A. could
B. couldn’t
C. can’t
( ) 8. A. finds
B. found
C. find
( ) 9. A. learn
B. learned
C. learning
( ) 10. A. laughs
B. laughing
C. laughed
五年级上册《It's mine!》同步练习

7.shoe (复数)________
8.short (反义词)________
9.me (主格)________
10.dry (反义词)________

( ) 1. 这是我的

A. It’s me!
B. It’s mine!
( ) 2. 怎么了?

A. What’s the matter?
B. How is it?
( ) 3.艾米的蓝色连衣裙湿了。

A. Amy’s blue skirt is dirty
B. Amy’s blue dress is wet
( ) 4.这个包是她的。

A. This bag is his
B. This bag is hers
( ) 5. 这是谁的包?

A. Who’s it?
B. Whose bag is it?

( ) 1. It’s ________!

A. my
B. mine
C. I
( ) 2. It isn’t ________, Sam. It’s mine.

A. you
B. your
C. yours
( ) 3. What’s ________matter?

A. an
B. the
C. /
( ) 4. But both your red T-shirt ________there.

A. be
B. is
C. are
( ) 5. ________T-shirt is it?

A. Who
B. Who’s
C. Whose
( ) 6. Children________running home.

A. is
B. am
C. are
( ) 7. Sam’s shoes are ________(湿的)and________(脏的)

A. wet dirty
B. dirty wet
C. clean dry
( ) 8. This hat is ________

A. my
B. your
C. his
( ) 9. This bag is________

A. her
B. she
C. hers
( ) 10. This is ________bag

A. you
B. your
C. yours
五年级上册《Are you sad?》同步练习
一、 单项选择

( ) 1. We________in China for two years

A. was
B. were
C. is
( ) 2. There________a pond here before

A. wasn’t
B. aren’t
C. isn’t
( ) 3. There is________a slide

A. too
B. very
C. only
( ) 4.________go to feed the ducks

A. Let’s
B. let
C. Lets
( ) 5. He is________the book on the shelf

A. put
B. putting
C. puts
D. putting
( ) 6. The room is________and tidy

A. nice
B. dirty
C. bad
D. good
( ) 7.________make the room a mess

A. Don’t
B. Do
C. Will
D. Are
( ) 8. There________any swings before

A. was
B. weren’t
C. wasn’t
( ) 9. I fell________the bed

A. come
B. of
C. off
( ) 10. Please tidy________you books

A. in
B. up
C. with
D. of
( ) 11. Lily is a________girl

A. helped
B. help
C. helpful
D. helping
( ) 12. You should be________

A. helpful
B. help
C. helpfull
( ) 13. Thanks________your help

A. to
B. of
C. at
D. for
( ) 14. You shouldn’t ________that

A. do
B. did
C. does
D. doing
( ) 15. You shouldn’t take all the books________the shelf.

A. on
B. off
C. down
D. at
二、 改正下列句子中错误的单词

1. Look on picture on the wall. ( )

2. There are lot of books here. ( )

3. You shouldn’t play and the CDs ( )

4. There are much f ruits ,too.( )


( ) 1. You should talk in the library

( ) 2. You shouldn’t talk in class

( ) 3. You shouldn’t get up early to go to school

( ) 4. You should ride bike fast on the road

( ) 5. You should say “hello” to your teachers in the morning

四、 翻译下列句子

1. Here are some sweets.


2. Let’s go there by bus


3. Today is Halloween


4. Do you know why?



1. You shouldn’t________late

2. We’ll________you

3.________jump on the bed

4. You should________your head

5. You should be________

6. You should________your toys

7. Thanks________your help

8. You should try________


1. He is ten years old (对画线部分提问)


2. There are many trees (改成否定句)


3. He helps his Mum do homework (变成疑问句)


4. I go to school (用yesterday改写)


5. I go to Xinhua school (对画线部分提问)


6. I can go to Beijing (改为否定句)


7. I did my homework yesterday.(对画线部分提问)


