

时间:2023-06-22 12:38:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

from all of uto all of you at thanksgiving. 我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。

thanksgiving wishefor you and your family.给你们全家感恩节的祝福。

warm wisheat thanksgiving 。 在感恩节,衷心的祝福你们。

i wish you could be here on thanksgiving. 但愿你能来过感恩节

it will be sad not to see you during the holidawhen familieget together. 家人团聚的日子里,不能看到你,我会感到难过。

our first thanksgiving should be our best.我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们美好的时光。

i wouldn’t want to spend thanksgiving with anyone else.

what a wonderful time to be together. 在一起的时光多么快乐。

thanksgiving just wont be the same without you . 没有你,感恩节,就会不一样。

thiwill be our first thanksgiving apart. 这将是我们 第一次不在一起过感恩节

thanksgiving ia time when i tell you that i love you .感恩节就是我告诉你我爱你的时候。

thanksgiving ia great time to tell you that we love you kids. 孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说,我们都爱你们。

thanksgiving ithe best holidaof the year. 感恩节是一年中的节日。

i love to eat, so i love thanksgiving .我爱吃,所以 我爱感恩节

i hope you are feeling thankful after your supper. 希望你吃过晚饭后有感恩的心情。

i am getting hungrjust thinking about it . 一想到它我就饿了。

i will be home for thanksgiving ,so save a little turkefor me . 我会回家过感恩节的,所以请留点火鸡给我啊。

have a mid-full thanksgiving .感恩节请勿暴饮暴食。

have a full thanksgiving da. 感恩节快乐,好好吃一顿吧。

happthanksgiving da!

for all the daythat i have been lonel,for all the timethat i have felt blue, for all the timei needed …… a shoulder to lean on .thankfor being there aa friend so true. happthanksgiving ! you are the joof mlife.

you are the joof mlife.. from the childhood dayon through adulthood, the sharing continues! happthanksgiving da!

just dig into the roast turkey. wish you a wonderful thanksgiving .

a card can samore than a thousand words. happthankgiving day.!

thankfor being there aa friend so true! happthanksgiving ! you are the joof mlife.



