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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其文章的短小精悍,语句的幽默诙谐,语法的全面而系统,历来被公认为是适合大多数中学朋友课外学习的资料之一。®文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注®文档大全网!


Sir Martin Sorrell, the Sinophile chief executive of the advertising conglomerate WPP, was at Kensington Wade, Britain’s first primary school to offer full Mandarin immersion for its pupils, on a recent evening, for a reception to celebrate the Chinese mid-autumn festival.

Sir Martin offered assurance to the gaggle of parents that the £17,000-a-year tuition they had shelled out for at the newly opened school was money well spent.

For those parents inclined to start their children early, there is Hatching Dragons, the UK ’s first Mandarin-English nursery. It claims to “foster fluency” in both languages by age five.

“I’ve got enough evidence that if a child joins us at six months and stays until they are five, 50 hours a week, they will be orally fluent,” said Cennydd John, who founded Hatching Dragons in 2015, after the birth of his son. If you doubt him, says Mr John, go check his YouTube videos.

“Chinese is the emerging language because China is emerging as a political and economic power,” said Antonella Sorace, a linguistics professor. “It’s regarded as a good investment.”

Kensington Wade is named after Sir Thomas Wade, a 19th century British diplomat who produced one of the first English-Mandarin textbooks. Its inaugural class of 15 students arrived last month. Three were fluent Mandarin speakers while about half had no Mandarin.

Its two classrooms, in an existing academy, are unremarkable, with toys and early reading books. On closer inspection, it becomes apparent that one is entirely in English and the other in Mandarin. One teacher is British, the other Chinese. The children move between them and their corresponding worlds during the day. The hope is that by age 11, when they graduate, they will be fluent in both.

Kensington Wade also aims to combine two teaching styles. It touts the renowned “Shanghai model” of maths with the creativity and critical thinking prized in a British education.

The benefits of bilingual education are alluring, including greater cultural empathy and cognitive flexibility. Then there is the question of whether children view the language as being useful — the bane of Greek and Latin teachers.

In April, Jo Wallace, Kensington Wade’s headteacher, visited three schools in the San Francisco area that have been offering immersive English-Mandarin instruction, one for more than 30 years.

“I went with the worry that these little kids were going to be confused, that they’d be stressed. And all I saw was children having a lovely time,” she recalled, although she acknowledged that some parents would have to “hold their nerve” in the early days.




对于那些倾向于让孩子早点开始学习普通话的父母来说,英国还有Hatching Dragons(望子成龙)这所学校,这是英国第一所提供中英双语教育的幼儿园。该幼儿园称,孩子们到五岁的时候就可以“流利掌握”两门语言。

“我有足够的证据证明如果一个孩子在六个月大的时候来到我们这里,并且每周在我们这儿待50个小时,直到五岁,他们就可以流利地说中文了,”森内德·约翰说道,他于2015年他儿子出生后创办了Hatching Dragons幼儿园。如果你对此表示怀疑,约翰先生说道,你可以去他的YouTube视频专辑看看。








【篇三】调查显示 今年全国应届毕业生起薪有所上涨

The average pay for college graduates has gone up by 7.4 percent year-on-year, according to a survey published by China International Intellectech Corporation, a State-owned human resources company.

The survey shows the average pay for college graduates this year is 4,854 yuan ($741) for graduates, 6,791 yuan for postgraduates and 9,982 yuan for PhD graduates.

The starting salary in first-tier cities is 5,218 yuan for graduates, 7,612 yuan for postgraduates, and 10,077 yuan for PhD graduates.

It indicates 47 percent of the employers have hired more people this year, while 21 percent cut down on their recruitment numbers.

Sixty two percent of the polled enterprises said hiring desirable employees became more difficult this year, due to excessively high expectations of graduates and low name recognition of employers.

The survey polled more than 2,800 enterprises in sectors including finance, internet and manufacturing.








