
时间:2023-01-26 21:57:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】电影《长津湖之水门桥》宣布定档2022年2月1日大年初一,据悉,于2021年9月30日全国公映的电影《长津湖》目前票房收获57.75亿元,暂居中国内地影史票房榜首位。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  "Shuimen bridge in Changjin Lake" focuses on the brothers of wuqianli and wuwanli. It truly restores the passionate history of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea more than 70 years ago and protecting our country. It still makes our blood boil today.

  New China has just been established. Just after a family reunion dinner, a military order once again put on military uniforms and went to the battlefield. When Thanksgiving comes and the US military enjoys delicacies in the camp, the Chinese soldiers can only eat potatoes as hard as stone under the cliff; Lei Gong transported the marker bomb for the safety of his comrades in arms, but he sacrificed himself; In order to defend the camp, Yang Gensi picked up the explosive bag and died with the enemy; The unwavering faith of the soldiers of the ice sculpture company made an American officer pay tribute. These soldiers, many of whose names are unknown to us, are heroes.

  What is a hero? This is what Wu Wanli, a 19-year-old recruit, once doubted. He felt a little out of reach when he heard that fighting 20 enemies was a hero. Mao anying's sentence "on the battlefield is a hero" touched me. Countless Chinese volunteers who bravely took the lead on the Korean battlefield fought with the enemy with the light of ideals and faith and the national integrity of protecting the country. They all have such a belief in their hearts: "they don't believe that there are tasks that can't be completed, difficulties that can't be overcome, and enemies that can't be defeated." Every Chinese Volunteer Army in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea showed their heroic qualities with ordinary. Ordinary makes great.

  The final victory of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is inseparable from these ordinary heroes. They traded their lives for this era without gunpowder smoke. The 176 minute long "shuimen bridge of Changjin Lake" is still meaningful after reading.

  The great spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea has been renewed for a long time. The great martyrs of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army will live forever.

  Pay tribute to the volunteers who fought for our happiness to resist US aggression and aid Korea.


  I watched a movie with blood boiling and tears in my eyes, called shuimen bridge of Changjin lake. It tells the heroic story of the volunteer army's bloody battle against Changjin Lake in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, which makes me have a deeper understanding of the spirit of resisting US aggression and aid Korea.

     There are three lines in the film, which makes me particularly unforgettable. The first sentence is Chairman Mao's saying that "if you fight with one punch, you won't get a hundred punches". It tells us a truth: in the face of powerful enemies and difficulties, you can't shrink back, you should dare to fight, and you should have the spirit of revolutionary heroism. The second sentence is Wu Qianli, commander of the 7th company, who said "we fight this war for the sake of the next generation not to fight", which reflects the patriotic dedication of the volunteer army. Without their bloodshed and sacrifice, we would not have a happy life today. The third sentence is what Yang Gensi, a super class combat hero, said: "I don't believe in impossible tasks, insurmountable difficulties and insurmountable enemies", which shows the volunteers' firm belief in victory and the spirit of revolutionary optimism.

  We should learn and inherit the spirit of patriotism, revolutionary heroism and revolutionary optimism in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. We should apply these spirits to our study and be a good primary school student.


  After watching the movie "shuimen bridge in Changjin Lake", tears filled my eyes. Tears kept rolling in my eyes, but they didn't fall down. "Shuimen bridge in Changjin Lake" tells the story of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. Most of the soldiers in it are young people.

  The war was full of difficulties. The young volunteers had to climb high snow mountains. The temperature there was as low as minus 30 or 40 degrees. They wore thin clothes and walked dozens of kilometers every day. They don't have sophisticated weapons and equipment, but they want to fight with American planes, artillery and tanks. They can only eat one potato a day and have a few left for the wounded. However, the American soldiers spend Christmas in their comfortable and warm position and eat roast chicken.

  I was impressed by a scene in the film:

  When the US Army charged with dozens of tanks and more than a dozen aircraft, a Chinese soldier Yang Gensi picked up a burning explosive package and rushed to our enemies, killing some of them. He did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in order to complete the task.

  Finally, our volunteers defeated the US Army. I want to learn from them the spirit of loving the motherland, fearing no sacrifice and moving forward bravely. We should also cherish the happy life now, because it is bought with their sacrifice.


  The war to resist US aggression and aid Korea was a major decision made by China. In this arduous battle, many volunteer soldiers went through fire and water, looked at death as if they were at home, and wrote a heroic song of magnificent mountains and rivers. The film "Changjin Lake" once again tells people this thrilling story.

  "Changjin Lake" made me feel excited and shocked. It tells the story of the tenacious battle between the soldiers of the seventh Steel Company of the ninth corps of the volunteer army and the U.S. Army. An anti American hero is portrayed very vividly in this film. The three brothers of a family named Wu Qianli are all in gangqi company, fighting for the country's country and the people's happy life. They also met many comrades in arms, each of whom is an indomitable people's Hero: Mei Sheng, an instructor with cultural heritage but not weak, Ping He, a sniper who silently solves obstacles for his comrades in arms, Yu Congrong, who is not afraid of life and death and works bravely, It's awesome to fight with the enemy on the battlefield, but it's also awesome to fight with each other.

  The battle of Changjin lake was launched from November to December 1950. It was the coldest weather in North Korea in 50 years. At that time, the temperature was minus 40 degrees. The U.S. military drinks coffee, eats roast chicken and wears fur coats. Our soldiers only have single clothes and one frozen potato a day. The soldiers of a company were frozen to death on the battlefield. The dead soldiers held steel guns and maintained the attack posture. They were called "ice sculpture company" by later generations.

  The most unforgettable thing for me is the heroic feat of veteran Lei Gong. We are not as developed as the United States in science and technology, so we have lost the right to control the air. Let the American reconnaissance aircraft hover over us and watch the fighter planes act recklessly on our territory, but there is nothing we can do. The United States can blow up the railway tracks and blow up the logistics vehicles, but no matter how advanced the weapons are, Can't beat the fighting spirit of the soldiers and our unity. In the struggle against the polar bear regiment, the trump card of the US Army, our army could not compare with their sophisticated equipment or their abundant food and clothing. We fought the enemy bravely with that hot patriotic heart and gained some advantages. However, no matter how strong our body was, it was made of flesh and blood. When our army fought with the US Army to the death, the US Army dropped a marker bomb, The red smoke immediately jumped into the sky and reported to the U.S. military in the air. Suddenly, cold bombs were thrown down. Some soldiers were blurred with flesh and blood, while others fell on the battlefield forever. Lei Gong is a veteran soldier who has experienced many battles, but he has a delicate heart under his rough appearance. He loves singing rural tunes. When he saw the marker bullet, Lei Gong stumbled to it without hesitation, picked it up and drove away from the position. He was so sensitive to the smell of death, and resolutely went to death. When Lei Gong was dying, Opening his mouth to sing "everyone says that Yimeng Mountain is good" makes people cry and respect.

  Only the development of science and technology can improve China's international status, forget history and revitalize China!


  After watching the film "Changjin Lake", my heart can't be calm for a long time. Our ancestors have paid too much for us. Like the live sentence in the movie. "If we don't fight this war, our next generation will fight.". Our ancestors have fought all the battles for us before we have today's happy life. No time is quiet, but someone carries the weight for us.

  We sincerely feel that the current peaceful environment is hard won! "If we don't fight this war, it will be fought by our next generation." "if we fight with one fist, we won't hit a hundred!" If it had not been for the Chinese people's volunteers at that time to resist US aggression and aid Korea, protect their homes and defend their country, go to the battlefield, kill the enemy bravely, serve the motherland and the people, and create conditions for peaceful development for the country, then the next generation or more of the motherland would have to face the cruel environment of imperialist aggression! This is not only a film, but also a history, but also a tribute. We will always remember: pay tribute to the great Chinese people's Volunteer Army! The great volunteer martyrs will live forever!

  From then on to now, more than 70 years of happy life have not come easily. It was forged for us by our ancestors with flesh and blood and iron will. The new era is far from war because there are a group of lovely people guarding us and the country on the border of the motherland. At that time, they did their best to protect the next generation from the devastation of war Shuttle through the hail of bullets at all costs and win peace in the war. Now the most lovely people of the new generation also use their lives to protect people's security and protect the land from infringement! Also maintained world peace! Pay tribute to the most lovely and brave person!


  "Nothing is invincible if we exert ourselves". We should have the spirit of sincere cooperation. During the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, whether in the heavily encircled Shangganling mountains or the Changjin lake at minus 40 degrees, under the situation of great disparity between the enemy and ourselves, the Chinese people's volunteers shared a common hatred of the enemy, remained indomitable, fought until the last person, and still did not give up. It is the spirit of revolutionary heroism forged with blood and life, as well as the concerted efforts of the Chinese people that have written a vigorous epic of using less to win more and using the weak to win the strong. "Rivers and mountains are the people, and the people are rivers and mountains." The reason why the Chinese nation can experience countless disasters but can continue to develop and grow is not because of personal heroism, but because tens of thousands of Chinese people unite to stand up and face difficulties. When we returned to the United Nations, we argued strongly to safeguard our national interests. On the new Silk Road, we worked together to strive for common development. During the COVID-19 period, all the people were thinking, striving, making a sound, making efforts to make voice, and making efforts. This is the spirit of solidarity and family feelings of every Chinese, though deep in heart, they are put into action. Party members and cadres should unite all forces, gather the tide of the times to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, continue to write China's glory with sweat, hold up the Chinese dream with both hands, and let their actions strengthen China's foundation.

  We should have unswerving ideals and beliefs that "if we want to benefit the country's life and death, we should avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings". Why we can defeat the US Army, which has not been defeated in 160 years, and why "less steel and more gas" has won "more steel and less gas", all stem from the ideal and belief that the Chinese people's volunteers are not afraid of sacrifice and forge ahead. "Behind us is the motherland. We have no way out." "We've finished all the battles we should fight, so our younger generation won't have to fight." Holding high the banner of faith and cherish the righteousness of the country, this is the consensus and shouting slogans reached by our fathers 71 years ago. From ancient times to now, the ideals and beliefs of Communists have never been changed, and Huang Jiguang, Yang Gensi and other fighting heroes emerged from the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and then to the heroes of qfb, Chen Xiangrong and other garrison heroes in the qalun Lun, and then to the Chung Nan Shan, which has been retrograde in the COVID-19. Li Lanjuan and other angels in white... It is precisely because of them that our motherland continues to develop and become stronger and stronger. Although we are now in a peaceful era, we should not indulge in pleasure. Party members and cadres must always bear in mind their Original mission, firm ideals and beliefs. Only by always serving the people wholeheartedly, strengthening the foundation of faith, supplementing the calcium of spirit and stabilizing the rudder of thought can we overcome risks and difficulties, forge ahead and live up to the choice of the times and history.


  When the train carrying the volunteer army drove through the Great Wall, the magnificent pictures of mountains and rivers emerged in front of us one after another. This atmosphere well set off why and for whom the volunteer army fought. This is not just to protect the great rivers and mountains of our motherland! If you become famous, you will go all the way, which paves the way for the epic battle.

  In the weather of minus 40 degrees, the volunteer soldiers of the whole company lay in ambush in the snow, like stone carvings. The rifles they held were covered with snow, like branches. When the soldiers came over, they suddenly found that they had been frozen and sacrificed. What kind of will is supporting such a great move, I think no nation in the world can do it, except the Chinese nation. They also have parents and children. They are also ordinary people, but they are willing to sacrifice their own small home for everyone. I can't help but burst into tears. I think no gorgeous language can express my respect for heroes at the moment.

  Lei Suisheng, the eldest brother of the seventh company, rushed to the enemy's battlefield in a car full of identification bombs and sang the Yimeng Mountain minor of "don't leave me here alone". Mei Sheng said with Lei Suisheng, who died, "the reason why we want to fight is that we don't fight for future generations". Tan Zi was called an "immortal hero" for carrying a fire arrow, But he said, "I'm not a hero. Those soldiers who freeze to death in ice and snow are the real heroes, and those who fall in front of the enemy bunker with explosive bags are the real heroes". Yes, you are all great heroes of the Chinese people and good sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. You have shown the fearless heroism of Chinese soldiers.

  As soon as the charge horn of the volunteer army rings, the enemy will be frightened and scurry, which seems to have formed a conditioned reflex. Although the main weapons of the volunteer army are "Wanguo brand", while the United States is equipped with aircraft, artillery, tanks and aircraft carriers. In terms of military weapons alone, China is completely defeated, but the fighting will of the Chinese people is thousands of times that of the United States coalition army. The one who charged in front fell down and the one who came up in the back picked up the gun in front and continued to charge. It was precisely because of this iron will and the wise leadership of the Communist Party of China that we won the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. When Jiang kuitang, a volunteer soldier, was dying, he called his children to his side and said to them, "without the Communist Party, there would be no new China. With the Communist Party, there would be hope for China. There is nothing wrong with following the party."

  The decision of the Communist Party of China to resist US aggression and aid Korea has brought about the peaceful development of new China for more than 70 years. We do not forget to dig wells when drinking water and plant trees when enjoying the cool. Our happy life today is bought with the life and blood of those unknown heroes yesterday. We must protect the precious heritage left by our ancestors, support the Communist Party and defend our country.


  When watching, my eyes were wet imperceptibly in an instant - why did these many fresh lives and souls devote themselves to the disaster of a foreign country without complaint or regret? Where does this noble and great feeling come from? "Yes, China and North Korea are friends! Lips die and teeth freeze - can new China last long without North Korea?" My father smiled and replied, looking at my curious eyes at the age of five. Now I think, it must be the spirit of patriotism that supports the martyrs to fight the enemy bravely. They really love their motherland deeply!

  In 1950, China's ninth Corps first entered North Korea. When these brave soldiers were immersed in the good news of the founding of new China, the news that they needed to step into the smoke filled battlefield again came to their ears. What was the mood of these martyrs who protected us from the wind and rain when they entered a foreign country? I don't understand. However, everyone knows why they fight so bravely and desperately. Not everyone can stand the cold and hold a rifle. In the cold wind, they are willing to turn into ice sculptures and are not willing to shrink back at all. This extremely great and optimistic spirit and this selfless dedication all come from the martyrs' love for new China and their vision and desire for a better life in the future.

  Patriotic. Yes, these two great but very ordinary words have taken root in the hearts of these soldiers. When the many nameless martyrs died with the enemy with explosive bags in their arms, and when the many nameless heroes froze in the snow, it was the moment when these two simple words developed and expanded in the softest place in their hearts. Patriotism supported their dying bodies, defeated the American ace Legion again and again, and won almost unattainable victories again and again.

  We, as the successors of the new generation, should also study hard and work hard, so that we can live up to the lives and blood of the martyrs who died 70 years ago. The rise of the Chinese nation has become our task.

  Youth wisdom is national wisdom; A strong youth makes a strong country. Yes, we must learn eagerly and work hard to make ourselves strong and the future of our motherland strong. As students, we can also be "loyal to the country". As long as you do your part, you are sharing for the motherland. China will be strong in the future!

  The Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been pinned on us. Are you ready to fight for it?


  Before watching this film, I was not very clear about the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea. I was not clear about China's strength and national conditions at that time. But this "shuimen bridge of Changjin Lake" not only tells me the answer, but also gives me a different experience as if I were on the spot.

  The sense of being a mature hero has gradually changed from being a docile one in the army; Lei Gong, who is the most experienced and knows where there is danger, contributed his best to the artillery fire in order to get life for his comrades in arms and carry away the marker bombs; Mao anying, a pseudonym of secretary Liu, who did not seek fame and fortune but only for the country's blood, fought in the forefront and sacrificed together with important strategic materials; The retired instructor Mei Sheng insisted on returning to the team with the photos of his daughter, just for a better life for the next generation.

  "There are no heroes who can't die from cold, let alone those who can't fight, but there are soldiers' glory!" "The children of hundreds of thousands of people went to the battlefield with one order. Why don't I Mao anying go?" "If an egg is knocked from the outside, it is destined to be eaten. If it is pecked from the inside, it may be an eagle!" "I hope the next generation can grow up in an era without gunpowder smoke."

  All kinds of figures constantly stimulate my eyes, and different words impact my heart. Tears can't stop rolling in my eyes. I'm glad and honored to be born in such an era.



  During the holiday, my mother took me to the cinema to see a movie. The name of the movie is shuimen bridge of Changjin lake.

  The film tells a shocking story - resist US aggression and aid Korea. At this time, the cinema was packed with people. My mother and I were directly "squeezed" by the audience to the seat in the corner. It seems that this film is very popular. Now let's compare the American army and the volunteer army. At that time, the steel output of the United States was 140 times that of China. American fighter planes flew in the air like rows of giant geese, which made people frightened. Tanks are very domineering. They run rampant on uneven roads, like huge bulldozers. Such a powerful weapon was eventually lost to the Chinese Volunteer Army, which was only behind with Xiaomi and rifles and dozens of artillery.

  There are many moving pictures in the film. For example, in order to avoid American planes, soldiers lay among the dead and loaded them with dead people. Unexpectedly, American fighter planes couldn't find a living person in the air for several times. They bet more dead people than who shot. At this time, many soldiers were sacrificed. It's really angry and hateful. And the soldiers were frozen into "ice sculptures" and did not move in the snow. Their faces, eyebrows and brims were covered with ice and snow, and they remained in a fighting posture until the end of their lives.

  The film can be described in six words: moving and shocking. The film Changjin lake is really a good film worth watching.

