

时间:2023-07-04 19:00:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

 cancel v. 删去, 取消 (cancel –delete删去 )(cancel – call off取消)
  cancer n. 癌;肿瘤;
  candidate n. 候选人,投考者;
  capable adj. 有能力的,能干的;有可能的(be capable of/[指人]有……的能力或倾向;[指物]易于); (capable -- able)
  capital n. 首都,资本;
  captain n. 船长,舰长,机长, (球队的)队长, 指挥者( 职称英语考试网 www.yingyukaoshi.com )
  capture v. 俘获,捕获, 夺取,夺得(奖品等) (capture -catch捕获)
  car n. 汽车;小汽车; (= motor car);客车,[铁]车厢;
  card n. 纸牌;卡片;
  care n. 注意;照料;照顾;喜爱(care for/喜欢;照顾; take care/当心; take care of/照料;关怀;处理; with care/小心; care about/关心;担心; care nothing about/对……漠不关心;对……毫不介意); (care for – like – love –enjoy – be fond of喜欢)
  career n.事业;(career woman/职业妇女); (career – profession 职业)
  careful adj. 小心的,仔细的(be careful about/注意);
  careless adj. 粗心的;疏忽的;
  carry v. 携带,运送(carry on/继续; carry out/实现;完成;实行; carry through/帮(某人)渡过难关);
  case n. 事;病例;案例;情形;场合(in case/以防;可能;in case of/如果;万一; in any case/无论如何; in most cases/大多数情况下);
  cash n. 现金 v. 兑现( to pay (in) cash/现金支付; short of cash/缺钱)

